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NATION                                                            SEPTEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye                     8

                Economy, climate and Ukraine

            on agenda as Biden and Yellen go

                            to India for G20 meeting

           President Biden will also commend PM Modi’s leadership of the G20 and reaffirm the US

                         commitment to the G20 as the premier forum of economic cooperation

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC/New Delhi
               S  President  Joe  Biden  will
               travel to India on a four-day
        Uvisit to attend the G20 Lead-
        ers’ Summit in September in New
        Delhi during which he will discuss
        joint efforts to tackle global issues
        like climate change, including the
        Ukraine war with member nations,
        White  House  confirmed  in  a  state-
        ment on August 22.
            It said Biden and G20 partners
        will also discuss clean energy transi-
        tion and combating climate change
        increasing the capacity of multilateral
        development banks.
            India is set to host G20 Summit
        on September 9 and 10.
            US President Joe Biden will “re-
        affirm  US  commitment  to  the  G20”
        as the premier forum of economic
        cooperation globally and will also    Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman with US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen addresses the media before the commencement
        speak about a range of issues, includ-
        ing the social effects of Russia’s war            of 3rd G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors (FMCBG) in Gandhinagar recently (ANI)
        in Ukraine, the White House said on
        Tuesday. White House press secretary,   opment banks to better fight poverty   ing the global economy and support-  part of this process – with the poten-
        Karine Jean Pierre made the remarks   and  take  on  the  significant  transna-  ing low and middle-income countries   tial for even more if MDBs undertake
        during a media briefing.          tional  challenges  that  are  afflicting   by advancing the Multilateral Devel-  some of the longer-term and more
            Announcing   the  President’s  countries across the world.”     opment Bank (MDB) evolution, debt   complex recommendations in the
        schedule, Pierre said that Biden “will   Prime Minister Narendra Modi   restructuring, and the IMF’s Poverty   G20 Capital Adequacy Framework
        travel to Hanoi, Vietnam, on Septem-  visited the US in June, where Biden   Reduction and Growth Trust (PRGT).  report, including on callable capital,
        ber 10 following his participation in   had said he was looking forward to   “Secretary Yellen will continue to   according to the official release.
        the G20 Summit in New Delhi.”     the G20 summit in September in New   build momentum for the collective   While in New Delhi, Secretary
            Responding to  a  question  on   Delhi. While in New Delhi, President   effort that she helped launched last  Yellen will continue to rally “Ameri-
        topline goals President Biden hopes to   Biden will also commend Prime Min-  October to evolve the multilateral de-  ca’s partners to maintain our collec-
        accomplish at G20, the White House   ister Modi’s leadership of the G20   velopment banks so the MDBs have   tive economic support for Ukraine,
        press secretary said, “President Biden   and  reaffirm  the  US  commitment   the right vision, incentives, operation-  including through contributions from
        will reaffirm the US commitment to   to the G20 as the premier forum of   al  models  and  financing  capacity  to   across our coalition.” She will also
        the G20 as the premier forum of eco-  economic cooperation, including by   address critical global priorities like   highlight the importance of imposing
        nomic cooperation globally.”      hosting it in 2026, the White House   combatting climate change, address-  severe costs on Russia and mitigating
            She also said that President   announced earlier on August 22.  ing pandemics and global health secu-  global spillovers, the release said.
        Biden will “discuss a range of joint   US Secretary of the Treasury   rity, and tackling fragility and conflict,”   Secretary Yellen will also partici-
        efforts to tackle global issues, from   Janet L Yellen will participate in the   the WH said in a release on Thursday.  pate in engagements on the margins of
        the clean energy transition and com-  G20 Leaders’ Summit from Septem-  Treasury estimates that the   the G20 and will hold bilateral meet-
        bating climate change to mitigating   ber 7 to September 10 in New Delhi,  MDBs as a system could unlock USD   ings with counterparts. “Additionally,
        the economic and social impacts of   the White House (WH) said. On her   200 billion over the next decade just   she will join the President for several
        Russia’s war in Ukraine, to increasing   fourth visit to India in 10 months, Sec-  from the measures already being im-  of his engagements on the margins
        the capacity of the multilateral devel-  retary Yellen will focus on strengthen-  plemented or under deliberation as   of the meetings,” the release added.

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