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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                   SEPTEMBER 08, 2023  |      The Indian Eye 16

                                               TOWARDS BETTER LIVING

                                 MANDIRS INSPIRE:

                   A SENSE OF COMMUNITY

           Role of Community                                                                                  sity of Illinois, the nearest mandir

             within a Mandir                                                                                  was the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan
                                                                                                              Mandir in Bloomington — a 45-min-
                                                                                                              ute drive. I did not have a car of my
              ommunity is an essential as-                                                                    own, but the volunteers that lived
              pect for any human being. It                                                                    near the university campus would al-
        Cis  a basic need to feel con-                                                                        ways somehow manage to give me a
        nected to others and to feel a part                                                                   ride to the mandir. I slowly began to
        of something larger than oneself. It                                                                  regularly visit the mandir and offer
        brings a sense of identity and belong-                                                                my services there.
        ing. There are many different ways in                                                                     As more students came to cam-
        which communities can form, such as                                                                   pus, we would hitch a ride with
        based on shared location, language,                                                                   someone who would have a car. Ev-
        faith, traditions, and ideologies. In                                                                 ery Sunday, we would let the mandir
        one way, mandirs — or Hindu houses                                                                    know how many students were com-
        of worship— have played an essential                                                                  ing and every week, they would make
        role in bringing a sense of community                                                                 additional food for us to take back to
        and bringing people together.                                                                         our apartments. It felt like my home
            For centuries, the mandir has                                                                     away from home at the time. They
        remained a hub for building commu-                                                                    not only did this for me, but for any
        nity. The art and architecture styles                                                                 student that would visit regularly. So
        of a traditional Hindu mandir beget                                                                   much so, they went to the extent to
        the sense of community. Most com-  ies the spirit of community creation.  haraj started this discussion through   provide us with additional food to
        monly seen in the architectural style   It serves as a center of cultural and  meeting with one of the primary con-  bring back to any students who did
        of Dravida, mandirs such as the Ran-  spiritual enrichment, drawing peo-  tractors named Wilson Li, who is of   not come that Sunday.
        ganthaswamy Mandir, Chidambaram   ple from diverse backgrounds. The  Korean descent. Pramukh Swamiji      There even came a moment
        Mandir, and Meenakshi Mandir      intricate carvings, exhibitions, and  asked him several questions on the   where no one on campus had a car
        house communities within the walls   performances within Akshardham  architecture of the mandir, and in-  to fit all the students to come to the
        of the mandir. For example, the Sri   inspire dialogue and understanding  stantly connected with him.  mandir. One devotee heard about
        Ranganthaswamy Mandir in Sriran-  among visitors, nurturing a sense of   In 2007, Wilson was tasked to   this and he wanted to help the stu-
        gam, Tamil Nadu, contains 7 concen-  unity among all who enter its prem-  lead the building of the extension   dents come to mandir.
        tric enclosures — of which the outer   ises.  In addition to the Akshardham  for the mandir. During the process,   On one Sunday before leaving
        2 enclosures house the community —   complexes in Delhi and Gadhinagar,  youths would come after school or   the mandir, he came up to me and
        from shopping to living. The heart of   India, a new Akshardham is sched-  on weekends to help Wilson in any   said, “Here are the keys to my old
        Srirangam is the main mandir.     uled to open later this year in Rob-  way they could. They would converse   van. I got it repaired and I don’t need
            Many traditional  mandirs also   binsville, New Jersey, bringing the  with him and make him feel at home.   it right now so use it to take all the
        house other aspects of a community.   richness of its community to the west-  Elders would assist him in any small   students to the mandir. Take good
        To enhance literacy, libraries of sa-  ern hemisphere.              tasks, bring food and talk with him to   care of the van and feel free to use it
        cred Hindu scriptures are built and                                 pass the time.                    if you need to go shopping as well.”
        gurukuls (traditional scriptural edu-  Personal Care within a           Reminiscing on this memory,       Because of this, we did not have
        cation for youth) also function to sus-                             Wilson said, “They give love because   to worry any more about having
        tain Hindu literature and philosophy.     Community                 love is reciprocated.”            transportation to go to mandir or for
        Community kitchens allow pilgrims                                       The community opened their    that face, anywhere. This is simply
        to be fed during large-scale festivals.   uch greater than all of this  hearts because their guru — Pra-  out of care and selfless service.
        Community halls would be built as a       is the personal care found  mukh Swami Maharaj- had an open     Mandirs are a center to bring
        part of the mandir, such as the man- Min the people and commu-      heart. During Pramukh Swami Ma-   the community together. The val-
        dapam, or adjacent to the mandir for   nities in the mandir.        haraj’s final visit to Flushing, he gave   ues of selfless service, positivity, and
        regular gatherings, weddings, and     It was May of 2004, when after  Wilson many fond memories, to   compassionate care are the pillars
        other auspicious meetings.        four years, Pramukh Swami Maharaj  which Wilson remembers to this day.   which guide those who build and sus-
            A  significant  example  of  a   had arrived in Flushing, New York,  Even today, Wilson offers his selfless   tain such communities. Although the
        mandir fostering community can be   for the opening of the new mandir.  services because he feels connected   physical structure is one part of the
        seen in the magnificence of Akshard-  Upon arrival, Pramukh Swami Ma-  to the community.              mandir, it is the community within its
        ham, a Hindu mandir complex in    haraj was eager to understand the     I  too  was  a  beneficiary  of  the   walls that brings life to the mandir.
        Delhi, India. Akshardham not only   structure of the mandir and called a  care provided by the community at
        stands as a symbol of breathtaking   meeting with all those involved in its  mandir.                            Mauktik Dave
        architectural beauty but also embod-  construction. Pramukh Swami Ma-   When I attended the Univer-       BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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