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Business Strategy with Hirav Shah SEPTEMBER 08, 2023 | The Indian Eye 36
Leadership: How to become
a role model in Business
To become a role model in business, it’s important to lead with integrity and ethical behavior
By demonstrating a commitment to growth and development, you can inspire others to do the same and create a culture of innovation and
eadership is not just about giv- excellence in your organization (Representative/File photo)
ing orders and making deci-
• It’s also about being a role model Communicate effectively and shortcuts, even if it means sacrific- inspire others to do the same and
for your team and setting a positive listen actively. ing short-term gains for long-term create a culture of innovation and
• By leading with integrity, empathy, • Effective communication is key to • Treat others with respect and fair- excellence in your organization.
becoming a role model in business.
and a strong work ethic, you can • This means not only communicat- ness, and hold yourself to the same Empower and support your
inspire your team to do their best ing clearly and concisely, but also high standards you expect from
work and create a culture of success actively listening to others. your team. team.
in your organization. • As a role model in business, it’s im-
• Learn how to lead by example and • Take the time to understand your • By leading with integrity and ethical portant to empower and support
team members’ perspectives and
behavior, you can inspire others to do
create a positive impact on your concerns, and address them in a re- the same and create a culture of trust your team.
team and organization. • This means giving them the tools, re-
spectful and empathetic manner. and respect in your organization. sources, and autonomy they need to
Set clear goals and • Encourage open and honest com- Continuously improve and succeed, while also providing guid-
munication, and be willing to re-
expectations. ceive feedback and make changes learn. ance and feedback when necessary.
when necessary. • Encourage open communication
• As a role model in business, it’s im- • By communicating effectively and • To become a role model in business, and collaboration, and create a cul-
portant to set clear goals and expec- listening actively, you can build trust it’s important to continuously im- ture of trust and respect.
tations for yourself and your team. prove and learn. • By empowering and supporting
• This helps everyone stay focused and respect with your team and cre- • This means staying up-to-date with your team, you can help them reach
ate a positive and productive work
and motivated, and ensures that ev- environment. industry trends and best practices, their full potential and achieve their
eryone is working towards the same seeking out new knowledge and goals, while also creating a positive
objectives. Lead with integrity and ethical skills, and being open to feedback and productive work environment.
• Make sure your goals are specific, and constructive criticism. • Remember, a successful business
measurable, achievable, relevant, behavior. • Attend conferences, read industry is built on the strength of its team,
and time-bound (SMART), and • To become a role model in business, publications, and take courses to ex- so invest in your people and watch
communicate them clearly to your it’s important to lead with integrity pand your knowledge and skills. your organization thrive.
team. and ethical behavior. • Encourage your team to do the
• Encourage feedback and collabo- • This means being honest, transpar- same and create a culture of contin-
ration to ensure everyone is on the ent, and accountable in all your ac- uous learning and improvement. The writer is a well-known
same page and working towards the tions and decisions. • By demonstrating a commitment to Astro Strategist and Business Astrologer
same goals. • Avoid cutting corners or taking growth and development, you can Email: [email protected]