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NATION SEPTEMBER 06, 2024 | The Indian Eye 8
Mandi MP puts BJP in a spot as she faces
pushback on her comments on farmers’ strike
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi accused Kangana of “insulting the farmers” with
her remarks, further fueling outrage against the Bharatiya Janata Party leader
OUR BUREAU the farmers, is continuously engaged
in insulting them. The BJP MP’s re-
Chandigarh/New Delhi
marks, calling farmers who sacrificed
angana Ranaut, the MP from 700 comrades during the 378-day
Himachal Pradesh’s Man- marathon struggle ‘rapists’ and ‘rep-
Kdi, stoked a controversy this resentatives of foreign forces,’ is fur-
week by suggesting that the farmers’ ther evidence of the BJP’s anti-farm-
protests could have led to a Bangla- er policies and intentions,” Rahul
desh-like crisis in the country if the Gandhi wrote in a post on X.
leadership was not strong enough. Later, Himachal Pradesh Chief
After Ranaut’s statement, the Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on
Bharatiya Janata Party has distanced Tuesday lashed out at BJP MP Kan-
itself from Mandi MP Kangana gana Ranaut for her recent remarks
Ranaut’s statement about the farm- on the farmers. He noted that the
ers’ agitation and also asked the ac- BJP has also distanced itself from
tor-turned-politician to refrain from Ranaut’s comments, and the Con-
giving such statements in the future. gress Party strongly opposes them
“The statement made by BJP as well. “Farmers and gardeners are
MP Kangana Ranaut in the context the food providers of this country. It
of the farmers’ movement is not the is not good to make any kind of com-
opinion of the party. Bharatiya Ja- ment on them. No one has the right
nata Party expresses disagreement to insult them by making such state-
with the statement made by Kangana ments. BJP has also distanced itself
Ranaut. On behalf of the party, Kan- from the statement and the Congress
gana Ranaut is neither permitted nor Party opposes this”
authorized to make statements on Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant
party policy issues,” the party said in Mann, responding to the recent re-
a release. marks of actor-turned-politician and
“On behalf of the Bharatiya Ja- MP Kangana Ranaut on farmers’ ag-
nata Party, Kangana Ranaut has itation, said people elected Kangana
been directed not to make any such to resolve the issues of her parliamen-
statements in future. Bharatiya Ja- tary constituency, Mandi, and not to
nata Party is committed to following make “absurd” and “baseless” state-
the principles of ‘Sabka Saath, Sab- ments.
ka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas and Sabka “...People elected her as an MP to
Prayas’ and social harmony,” it added. resolve the issues of Mandi constit-
Earlier Congress MP Randeep Bharatiya Janata Party MP Kangana Ranaut arrives at the Parliament House during the Mon- uency, and not to make absurd and
Singh Surjewala attacked the BJP soon Session (ANI Photo/Rahul Singh) baseless statements that would cre-
over Kangana’s remarks on farmers ate unrest in society. It is an incorrect
and said that the BJP has always lied, report in his post. According to gress leader Rahul Gandhi accused statement; an MP should not make
deceived, conspired and oppressed the media report, Kangana stirred Kangana of “insulting the farmers” such statements that would hurt
the farmers. “Get well soon Kan- controversy by suggesting that the with her remarks, further fueling out- someone...,” said Bhagwant Mann.
gana! After all, why do BJP people farmers’ protests could have led to rage against the Bharatiya Janata Par- “BJP should not just say that it is
hate the country’s food providers so a Bangladesh-like situation if strong ty (BJP) leader. a statement made in a personal ca-
much? BJP has always lied, deceived, measures had not been taken by the The Congress MP criticized Kan- pacity, they should also control this...
conspired and oppressed our farmers. government. gana for comparing the struggles of If you make such absurd statements,
And once again a BJP MP has made Also, Leader of the Opposition farmers and labelling them as “rapists then naturally there will be anger. So,
baseless allegations against our food in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, has and representatives” of foreign forces. I would like to tell the BJP Govern-
providers…” the Congress leader intensified criticism against Kangana “The propaganda machinery of ment to control its MPs...All kinds
posted on X. Ranaut, condemning her recent com- the Modi government, which has of statements are made for farmers’
Surjewala also attached a news ments on the farmers’ protest. Con- failed to fulfil the promises made to protest, this is intolerable,” he added.