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OPINION                                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 10

                                  The Importance of the

               Recent India-Japan 2+2 Foreign

              and Defense Ministerial Meeting

             The recent India-Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defense Ministerial Meeting held on 20 August 2024
             reaffirmed the growing strategic partnership between the two countries. The meeting contributed

           to further enhance and strengthen collaboration on security and defense dimensions to address the
                                      contemporary geopolitical challenges in the Indo-Pacific


              he  third  edition  of  the In-
              dia-Japan 2+2 Foreign and
        TDefense Ministerial Meeting
        was held in New Delhi on 20 August
        2024. The Indian side was represent-
        ed by External Affairs Minister, Dr
        S Jaishankar, and Defense Minister,
        Shri Rajnath Singh. For the Japa-
        nese side, the Minister for Foreign
        Affairs of Japan, Ms Kamikawa
        Yoko and Minister of Defense of
        Japan, Mr Kihara Minoru, attended
        the meeting.
            The second edition of the meet-
        ing was held in Tokyo on 8 Septem-
        ber 2022, while the first was held on
        30 November 2019.
            The third meeting has been
        held at an opportune time to mark
        the  significant  milestone  in  reach-
        ing 10 years of the “Special Stra-
        tegic  and  Global  Partnership”  de-
        clared between the two countries in
            To mark this special occasion, the
        two countries underlined supporting
        efforts to foster people-to-people ex-
        changes that complement the strate-
        gic partnership.                   Defence Minister Rajnath Singh addresses a press statement in the presence of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar, Japan Defence Minister
            The establishment of a new     Minoru Kihara and Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko during the third India-Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial meeting, at the Hyder-
        Consulate in Fukuoka and the pro-                                    abad House in New Delhi on August 21 (ANI)
        posed  celebrations  of India  Month
        in Japan and Japan Month in India
        in September were acknowledged    in ties and expand on the substantial   tion of commitment, such as for a   issued in December 2022, in specific.
        and appreciated within this frame-  convergences.  Taking  this  into  con-  free and open Indo-Pacific, full sup-  In terms of progress made to pro-
        work.                             sideration, the joint statement issued   port for ASEAN unity and centrality,   mote cooperation through multi-lay-
                 Key Takeaways            at the third meeting reiterated their   as well as the ASEAN Outlook on the   ered dialogues between the two
                                          commitment to the rules-based in-  Indo-Pacific (AOIP), and to advance   countries, there was much apprecia-
              midst the backdrop of unpre-  ternational order and peaceful settle-  cooperation within the Quad. The   tion for the Defense Policy Dialogue,
              dictable geopolitical develop-  ment of disputes and underscored the   Indo-Pacific  remained  a  substantive   Foreign Office Consultations (FOC),
        Aments in the last decade, and    need for all countries to refrain from   area of common focus, and the min-  Vice Minister/Foreign Secretary lev-
        especially within the two years since   any attempt to unilaterally change   isters expressed their desire to fur-  el Dialogue, the Disarmament and
        the last edition, the third meeting of   the status quo.            ther deepen bilateral security and de-  Non-Proliferation Dialogue, the Cy-
        the 2+2 came at an opportune mo-      Per the joint statement, both   fense cooperation, in light of Japan’s   ber Dialogue, the India-Japan Joint
        ment to take stock of the evolution   countries reiterated their reaffirma-  revised National Security Strategy   Continued on next page... >>

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