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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                  SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 14

                           Raksha by the Divine

               n Shravan Sud Punam, typically in mid-Au-
               gust, Hindus celebrate Raksha Bandhan, a
        Ofestival that honors the sacred bond of love
        and duty between siblings. On this day, sisters tie a
        rakhi—a symbolic protective thread—around their
        brothers’ wrists, offering prayers for their prosper-
        ity, health, and well-being. In return, brothers vow
        to protect and support their sisters throughout their
            The origin of this festival can be traced back to
        the time when Bhagwan Vishnu, pleased with King
        Bali’s devotion, agreed to remain in his kingdom
        in Sutal. When Bhagwan Vishnu did not return to
        Vaikunth, Lakshmiji became worried. She visited
        Sutal on Shravan Purnima, accepted King Bali as
        her brother, and tied a raksha on him. Bali Raja
        granted her a boon, and she asked for Bhagwan
        Vishnu’s return to Vaikunth. However, Bhagwan
        Vishnu could not leave because of his prior prom-
        ise to protect King Bali. As a solution, Brahmaji
        and Shivji agreed to guard Bali’s kingdom for four
        months each, allowing Bhagwan Vishnu to return
        to Vaikunth. The four months when Bhagwan Vish-
        nu is in King Bali’s service came to be known as
        Chaturmaas. The Raksha Bandhan festival began
        when Lakshmiji tied a rakhi on King Bali. Since
        that day, this celebration has also been known as
        Bali-eva or Baleva.
            His Holiness Pramukh Swami Maharaj once
        emphasized during a Raksha Bandhan discourse
        that just as Bhagwan Vishnu promised to protect                                            worship Govardhan Hill instead of performing
        King Bali, God always protects those who seek His                                          the traditional rituals for Indra. Angered, Indra
        refuge, offer Him devotion, and live according to                                          unleashed torrential rains upon the village. Shri
        His teachings. Gunatitanand Swami, in the Swami-                                           Krishna then lifted the massive Govardhan Hill
        ni Vato, mentions this divine protection by saying,                                        with  his  little  finger,  sheltering  the  villagers  and
        “God is ever ready to protect his devotees. How?                                           their cattle for seven days, protecting them from
        Just as eyelids protect the eyes, hands protect the                                        Indra’s wrath. This act not only safeguarded the
        neck, a mother protects her child, and a king pro-                                         villagers but also established Shri Krishna as a di-
        tects his subjects, God protects us.”                                                      vine protector.
            Swamishri further explained, “When children                                               Shri Krishna’s role as a protector also extend-
        are afraid, they cling to the necks of their parents;                                      ed to his own family. His uncle, King Kansa, was a
        similarly, in difficult times, we must cling to God                                        tyrant who had imprisoned Shri Krishna’s parents
        and His Sadhu, so they will protect us. How should                                         and terrorized the kingdom of Mathura. A proph-
        one cling to the neck? By remembering God. One                                             ecy had foretold that Kansa would be killed by the
        who has the company of God and His Sadhu has                                               eighth son of his sister, Devaki, which led Kansa
        no obstacles on his head, as God protects him.”                                            to commit heinous acts in an attempt to prevent
            Recently, we also celebrated the Janmashtami                                           his demise. However, Shri Krishna, destined to ful-
        festival, marking Bhagwan Shri Krishna’s earthly                                           fill the prophecy, eventually confronted and killed
        arrival. Shri Krishna is widely known for his divine                                       Kansa, liberating the people of Mathura from his
        interventions that protected his devotees and up-                                          oppressive rule.
        held righteousness (Dharma). Throughout ancient                                               Throughout the Mahabharata, Krishna consis-
        texts, his acts of protection, love, and compassion                                        tently protected the Pandavas and Arjuna, offer-
        are celebrated, showcasing his divine presence in                                          ing strategic counsel and miraculous interventions
        times of turmoil. Let’s look at a few well-known in-                                       during the war. His divine presence ensured that
        cidents highlighting how Krishna safeguarded his                                           justice prevailed and that those who upheld righ-
        devotees from various adversities.           help. He responded by miraculously providing an  teousness were protected.
            One of the most famous incidents where Shri   endless stream of cloth, protecting her honor and   These incidents portray Shri Krishna as a di-
        Krishna demonstrated his protective nature oc-  dignity in a situation where no human intervention  vine protector who stands by his devotees in their
        curred during the disrobing of Draupadi in the   seemed possible.                          darkest hours, offering guidance, strength, and un-
        Mahabharata. Draupadi, the wife of the Pandavas,   Another remarkable instance of Shri Krish-  wavering protection to those who seek His refuge
        was humiliated in the court of the Kauravas after   na’s protection is the lifting of Govardhan Hill. To  and live according to His teachings.
        a deceitful game of dice. As Dushasana attempted   teach Indra, the god of rain, a lesson in humility,     Lenin Joshi
        to disrobe her, Draupadi called upon Krishna for   Shri Krishna advised the people of Vrindavan to   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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