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BETWEEN THE COVERS                                               SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 17

                       The lamp-lighting ceremony at the launch of the book              Prof Prateek Sharma honors the author at DTU auditorium

        cadets, Maj Gen Bakshi (retd.) deliv-  of Hinduism, which “many of the   renowned author, said, “The history   hats, including being the editor of
        ered a power-packed lecture on Hin-  younger generation would not even   of any civilizations should give us an   the prestigious journal Indian Mil-
        duism, its origin, how it got impacted   know”. He beautifully described the   opportunity to know its weaknesses   itary Review. He was born in Ja-
        due to foreign invasion and its revi-  idea of consciousness within human   and  strengths.  India  was  the  pio-  balpur, Madhya Pradesh.  After his
        talization.                       beings, which is the same as in any   neer in the fields of science, health,  schooling, he went to the  National
           “Hinduism is the oldest religion   other particles or matter. He re-  arts but now we are the importers   Defense Academy at Khadakwasla,
        on this planet. It is the third most   ceived a thunderous applause from   of know-how. We can call ourselves   Pune, and was later commissioned
        practised religion in the world. It has   the audience which included young   Vishwaguru only when we pioneer   into the Army after passing out of
        survived  and  remained  intact  and   students from the University and   many fields.”               IMA, Dehradun in November 1971.
        rejuvenated  itself  time  and  again.”  NCC cadets.                    Talking about the book, Dr Vivek   During his illustrious career, Maj
        Maj Gen Bakshi further said, “What    The writer said that through ra-  Kaul, an imminent surgeon, said,  Gen Bakshi (retd,) commanded the 6
        is the way to experience the truth in   dioactive carbon dating technique,  “This book is written in the most logi-  Jammu and Kashmir Rifles. He was
        our beings? It is via Yoga and med-  samples as old as 9,500-year-old have   cal manner which can be understood   awarded the Vishisht Seva Medal for
        itation, the two most quintessential   been found and women in our coun-  by any person.”             commanding a battalion in Kaksar,
        practices of Hinduism. Indian term   try used to put Bindi on their fore-  The  auditorium  erupted  into   under Drass, Kargil sector during
        for Hinduism is Santana Dharma,  heads, bangles and even vermillion, a   many NCC claps. The young students   the  1987  border  conflict.  Later,  he
        the  eternal  faith  or  eternal  truth,”  practice which continues till date.  were visibly engrossed in the speech   was awarded the Sena Medal for dis-
        the author said.                      Speaking at the occasion, Rajiv   given by Maj Gen Bakshi (retd.).  tinguished service in commanding a
            Maj Gen Bakshi (retd.) said that   Malhotra, the chief guest and the   The combat veteran who has au-  battalion during counter-insurgency
        the Vedas are the original source   India-born American ideologue and   thored  some  45  books  wears  many   operations.

                                                         The panel at the launch of book of Hinduism (Below)

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