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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 22

                 ITServe Alliance’s Capitol Hill Day

                             Planned For September 18

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC

           TServe Alliance’s next in-person
           Capitol Hill Day in Washing-
        Iton, DC has been planned to be
        held on September 18th, 2024,” said
        Nayan Joshi, Director of ITServe
        Alliance Policy Advocacy Commit-
        tee (PAC). “At ITServe Alliance
        Policy Advocacy Committee (PAC),
        our objective is to make ITServe
        more known, visible, and effective in
        both the Senate and Houses of Con-
        gress. Through Capitol Hill Day,
        we continue to advocate for policies
        that  support  ITServe’s  objectives.”
            The PAC and CONNECT PAC
        members actively worked hard and
        participated in the first-ever in-person
        Capitol Hill Day organized by ITServe
        Alliance in Washington, DC in 2023.
        Their efforts resulted in overwhelming
        support from the nearly 180 key US
        Representatives and Senators, includ-
        ing  influential  committee  chairs  and
        members  from  both the Democrat  member companies of ITServe,” said    Despite current rhetoric, research   ers on the issues that are important to
        and Republican Parties whom ITServe  Gopi Kandukuri, CPAC – Board Di-  shows that H-1B workers complement   its members.
        members met, eliciting support for the  rector.  “To achieve our goals that ben-  U.S. workers, fill employment gaps in   Anju  Vallabhaneni,  Presi-
        causes put forth by ITServe. In 2024,  efit the IT Sector companies, the labor  many technology occupations, and ex-  dent-Elect of ITServe, while sum-
        organizers of  ITServe’s  Capitol  Hill  force, and the larger US economy, our  pand job opportunities for all.  marizing  the  importance  of  Capitol
        Day are hoping to have maximum par-  process hinges on our 3 fundamental   Studies have shown that skilled   Hill Day said, “ITServe Alliance is
        ticipation and impact from the event.  pillars of the ITServe PAC: educate,  immigrants’ contributions to the   consistently working to protect its

            “ITServe Alliance has been con-  lobby, and litigate.”          U.S. economy help create new jobs   members’ needs. In addition to ad-
        sistently working to safeguard the    “A major objective for ITServe  and new opportunities for economic   dressing key concerns faced by small
        interests of its members,” said Amar  Alliance has been to protect its mem-  expansion. It is estimated that an in-  businesses, including high-skilled im-
        Varada, ITServe’s Chair of the Gov-  bers’ needs. To that end, ITServe Alli-  crease in H-1B visas could create an   migration reforms, a major objective
        erning Board. “To that end, ITServe  ance, through its PAC team advocates  additional 1.3 million new jobs and   of Capitol Hill Day is to showcase to
        Alliance has been lobbying with the  on Capitol Hill and with the US Ad-  add close to $158 billion to the gross   the Lawmakers some of the significant
        Lawmakers on behalf of its members  ministration. Capitol Hill Day serves  domestic product in the United States   contributions of the ITServe member
        on Capitol Hill and with the US Ad-  as a perfect platform to communicate  by 2045.                   companies to the country’s economy
        ministration.  And our ultimate mis-  our collective voice with key policy-  ITServe supports the HIRE ACT   through Technology & Innovation,
        sion is to keep the innovation and jobs  makers on important issues to our  Bill (High Skilled Immigration Re-  local employment, CSR activities, and
        within the country.”              members,” added Kris Gadde, CPAC  form for Employment), introduced in   STEM education.”
            Stressing the importance of  – Board Director.                  Congress recently. Innovation, STEM   Urging ITServe members to be
        ITServe and the Legislative Day,      Foreign (nonimmigrant) workers  education, and avoiding brain drain   active and work collaboratively in
        Jagadeesh Mosali, President of IT-  fill  a  critical  need  in  the  U.S.  labor  are the highlights of the Bill. Anoth-  making this important event success-
        Serve said, “ITServe Alliance’s Capi-  market, particularly in the technolo-  er  area,  where  ITServe  has  focused   ful,    Hima  Kolanagireddy,  CPAC  –
        tol Hill Day has effectively served as a  gy  field.  Every  year,  U.S.  employers  is the STEM Program to promote   Managing Director said, “It’s our col-
        powerful platform in educating policy-  seeking highly skilled foreign profes-  the  “American  Ingenuity  Account”   lective voice. I call upon every member
        makers on the issues that are import-  sionals submit their petitions for the  to fund State-administered grants for   to  be part  of this important event,
        ant to our members and the business  pool of H-1B visa numbers for which  STEM education and worker training.     advocate for ITServe, and make our
        community, ensuring that our needs  U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Ser-  Enhancing the current H1B CAP lim-  voices heard in the corridors of power.
        and views are reflected in policy de-  vices (USCIS) controls the allocation.  its – from   65,000 to 130,000 per year   Also, if you have a relationship with
        bates and outcomes on Capitol Hill.  With a low statutory limit of visa num-  has been a major area where ITServe   a member of the Congress or their
        The U.S. needs to maintain its lead-  bers available, demand for H-1B visa  has placed its efforts in recent years.    staff, please urge them to be part of
        ership in technology and innovation.”   numbers has outstripped the supply   Capitol Day is the perfect way for   this milestone event.  With your help,
            “ITServe was born out of the ne-  in recent years, and the cap has been  ITServe Alliance to use its collective   we can accomplish our goals through
        cessity to protect the interests of the  reached quickly.           voice to communicate with policymak-  grassroots and advocacy.”

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