Page 11 - The Indian EYE 090624
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         OPINION                                                          SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye 11

        Working Group on Counter-Terror-      It has also been highlighted that
        ism  and  the  first  Joint  Service  Staff   India and Japan have agreed to re-
        Talks. It was emphasized that the two   vise and update the 2008 Joint Dec-
        countries will be looking into areas,   laration on Security Cooperation.   ‹ËΉÌfl ¿S›ÎHÎ ±fiı ω¿ÎÁ ÀˇVÀ ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiÌ Áı‰Î ¿Î›˝fl÷ »ı. ±Î T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ fiÎ÷-Ω÷, µE«-
        such as space, maritime affairs, Africa,   The objective is to have the up-  fiÌ« ‘‹˝ ¿ı ¤ıÿ¤Î‰ ÏÁ‰Î› ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. µ’fl ±Î¿Î ˢ› fiÌ«ı ‘fl÷Ì‹Î÷ÎfiÎ ÁËÎflı ∞‰fi
        economic security and strategic trade   dated  joint  declaration  reflect  the   √Ωfl÷Πˢ› ÷ı‰Î ÏfiflΑÎfl …ı‹fiÌ ¿˘≥ ÁÎflÁ_¤Î‚ flάfiÎfl fi ˢ›, ÏfiflΑÎfl ω‘‰Î ⁄Ëıfi˘, ±_‘-±’_√,
        as potential fields for future dialogues.   growing convergence on priority   ⁄ËıflÎ-‹_√α˘fiı ’˛‰ı ±Î’‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı »ı. ±Î Á_V◊Î Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷α˘fiÎ ÁË›˘√◊Ì «Î·ı »ı. ¿˘fl˘fiο΂‹Î_
            Defense  cooperation  has  been   strategic issues and be more respon-  ±‹ÎflÎ CÎHÎÎ-⁄‘Î ÿÎ÷Îḻ˘ V‰√˝‰ÎÁ ◊›Î ±ı‹fiÌ ±ÎI‹Îfiı ’fl‹¿Ú’΂ ’fl‹ÎI‹Î ¬Ò⁄ ¬Ò⁄ ÂÎ_Ï÷ ±Î’ı ÷ı‰Ì
        an important pillar of the India-Ja-  sive to contemporary geopolitical   ’˛¤ ’˛Î◊˝fiÎ. ±Î Á_V◊Îfiı Ïÿ·ıfl ÿÎ÷ÎfiÌ ÷Î÷Ì …wfl »ı. e· fiËŸ ÷˘ e·fiÌ ’Î_¬ÕÌ w’ı ¤ıÀ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿˘ »˘.
        pan Special Strategic  and Global   challenges. As per reports, the re-  T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÿkο ›˘…fiÎ Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ¿˘≥ ’HÎ Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î ÿkο ›˘…fiÎfi˘ ·Î¤ ·≥
                                                                             ¿ı »ı. ±ı¿ ‰Ê˝ ‹ÎÀı w. 20000, » ‹ÏËfiÎ ‹ÎÀı w. 10000 Á_V◊Îfiı FCRAfiÌ ‹_…^flÌ ‹‚ı· »ı. ÿÎ÷ÎlÌfiı flÁÌÿ
        Partnership, and it can be stated that   vised joint declaration would most   ¥-‹ı¥· ‹ÎflŒ÷ı ‹˘¿·‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰Âı. ¿˘fl˘fiÎ ¿Î‚‹Î_ V‰…fi˘ Q≤I› ’΋ı·Î ˢ› ÷ı‹fiÎ fi΋fiÌ fi΋Ή·Ì ÷¿÷Ì
        the two sides have been on a forward   likely be issued during the next In-  ‹¿‰Îfi_ ±Î›˘…fi Âw ¿fl‰Î‹Î_ ±Î‰ı· »ı. ±Î_√‚Ì Ï«_K›Îfi_’ÒH› V‰ˆ„E»¿ Á_V◊α˘, Ï·Ï‹ÀıÕ ¿o’fi̱˘,
        trajectory in this context. The first air   dia-Japan Annual Summit, which is   Áı‰Î¤Î‰Ì ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘, Á_√Ãfi˘, ‹ÏË·Î ‹_Õ‚ ›◊΄@÷ ŒÎ‚˘ ‹˘¿·Î‰Ì ¿ı »ı. ¤Ï‰W›fi_ ¤Î◊ …L‹Ïÿfi,
        visit by Japanese fighters to partici-  expected to be held before the end of   lÌ‹_÷, ‰ÎV÷, ’ÒH›◊ÌÏ÷ fi˘¿flÌ ‹‚‰‰ÎfiÌ ¬ÂÌ T≤©Îl‹‹Î_ ÷ÌÏ◊ ¤˘…fi ±Î’Ì Â¿Â˘. ωÿı‹Î_ flËı÷Î ‹ÎflÎ
        pate in Tarang Shakti, the first multi-  2024 in Japan.              ¤Î¥-⁄Ëıfi˘ ±Î’÷˘ ÿÎfi-’ÒH› …wfl ¿fl÷Î_ Ë¢. ‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹fiı ·Î_⁄˘ ËÎ◊ ¿flÌ ‹Îfi‰÷ÎfiÌ F›˘÷
        lateral exercise hosted by the Indian                                ’˛√ÀΉ˘. ±Î F›˘÷ «Î·_ »ı, Œ@÷ F›˘÷‹Î_ CÎÌ ¥…‰ÎfiÌ …wfl »ı. ¤Ò·˘ ¤·ı ⁄Ì…\ ⁄‘ _‹Î-⁄Î’fiı ¤·Â˘ fiÏË.
        Air Force (IAF), is evidence of the         Conclusion                ‰‘ ‹ÎÏË÷Ì ‹ÎÀı Á_’¿Û— ’˛‹¬ lÌ ‹Î‘‰·Î· ’fl˘ÏË÷ (‹ËΉÌfl T≤©Îl‹, ωl΋B≤Ë ±Î√‚, ⁄Ì·Ì‹˘flÎ
        resolve to grow and diversify the de-                                                (Ô‰ıVÀ) 396321, ÷Î. √HÎÿı‰Ì, Ï…. fi‰ÁÎflÌ, √…flÎ÷
        fense exchanges.                        he  third  edition  of  the  In-  Mobile +91 99256 73021 (Office) +91 2634 285121 Email : [email protected]
            Previously, the inaugural Veer      dia-Japan 2+2 Dialogue is a
        Guardian 2023 bilateral fighter exer- Tby-product of decades of deep-
        cise between the IAF and the Japan   ened engagements between the two   lenges to peace, stability and adher-  challenges as it provides a reliable
        Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF),   countries. India and Japan are two   ence to the international rule of law.   platform for enhanced trust building,
        along with the conduct of bilateral   vital players in the global partnership   India and Japan need such   understanding and dialogue.
        exercises between all three services   for peace and security in the Indo-Pa-  platforms to further explore securi-
        of both countries was held for the   cific and the world. The two countries   ty cooperation and developmental   Dr. Tunchinmang Langel is a Research
        first time in 2023. Furthermore, India   are also paramount in the advocacy   assistance on areas of mutual con-  Fellow at the Indian Council of World
        and Japan have been continuing their   for reforms in the United Nations Se-  vergence for a free, open and rules-  Affairs, New Delhi. Views expressed are
        commitment towards other bilateral   curity Council (UNSC) to strength-  based  Indo-Pacific.  At  a  bilateral   personal.
        and multilateral exercises, such as   en  the multilateral institution.  This   level, it seeks to build cooperation
        the Dharma Guardian, JIMEX and    meeting goes a long way to continue   in areas like strategic trade and tech-  This article first appeared in the View-
        Malabar.  These  increasing  defense   building the special strategic and glob-  nology sharing, which have hither-  point section of the website (www.icwa.
        exercises between India and Japan   al partnership, which is immensely   to remained challenges. The 2+2   in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
        enhance the scope and complexity of   significant in the age of growing chal-  meetings assist in overcoming these   New Delhi, in August 27, 2024
        their defense cooperation and mili-
        tary to military exchanges in the In-
        do-Pacific region.
            Looking at the future of tech-
        nology  specifically  in  defense  coop-
        eration, it has been noted that the
        India-Japan  partnership  has  had  a
        successful completion of the Un-
        manned Ground Vehicle (UGV)/
        Robotics project. Similarly, the co-
        operation for Unified Complex Ra-
        dio Antenna or UNICORN-related
        technology for Indian  warships  is
        also stated to be showcasing positive
        signs of progress. Once the transfer
        plans for the UNICORN is finalized,
        it will be the first such case under the
        India-Japan agreement on defense
        equipment and technology transfer
        signed in 2015.
            It is also pertinent to understand
        that to accelerate future cooperation
        in defense equipment and technolo-
        gy, there remain certain hurdles, of
        which India has requested Japan to
        look at the regulatory bottlenecks
        that exist in the sharing of critical
        technologies. India and Japan are
        also looking forward to exploring fu-
        ture cooperation in the maintenance
        of ships in India, as well as coordina-    Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar with Japan Defence Minister Minoru Kihara,
        tion in the defense and security assis-  Foreign Minister Kamikawa Yoko and others during the third India-Japan 2+2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial meeting, at the Hyderabad
        tance to third countries pertaining to                                House in New Delhi on August 21 (ANI)
        the Indo-Pacific region.

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