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NATION                                                           SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    6

                                                CRIME IN KOLKATA

         Mamata Banerjee on the defensive as TMC, BJP

          and Congress lock horns over the doctor’s case

           Congress leader Adhir Ranjan said that West Bengal Chief Minister is not in favor of

                     the investigation of rape and murder case as it may reveal many secrets

        OUR BUREAU
        Kolkata/New Delhi

             acing a barrage of criticism, West Ben-
             gal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on
        FWednesday condemned BJP’s 12-hour ‘Ben-
        gal Bandh’ and called it an attempt to “defame”
        Bengal. Mamata Banerjee’s scathing  attack on
        BJP comes after the latter held a 12-hour ‘Bengal
        Bandh’ protest, following the ‘Nabanna Abhijan’
        violence. Mamata Banerjee claimed that TMC gov-
        ernment wants justice for the victims of R G Kar
        Hospital and College incident.
            Earlier, the Trinamool Congress party work-
        ers staged a protest against BJP’s 12-hour ‘Bengal
        Bandh’ call against the alleged police crackdown
        on “peaceful” protest during ‘Nabanna Abhijan’.
        “We have dedicated this day to the RG Kar doctor.
        We want justice but BJP today called for a bandh.
        They don’t want justice, they are only trying to de-
        fame Bengal,” Mamata Banerjee said. She further
        criticized the ‘Bandh’ and supported the police ac-
        tions on the protestors of Nabanna Abhijan rally.
            “We don’t support this bandh. BJP never de-
        manded the resignations of the CMs of UP, MP
        and even Manipur. We saw pictures from yesterday
        (Nabanna Abhiyan rally), I salute the police for   West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee being felicitated during the 27th foundation day of Trinamool Chhatra Parishad
        handling the situation well.” she said. She further
        said that the rapist will be rightfully punished.                     (TMCP), at Mayor Road, in Kolkata on Wednesday (ANI)
            “For this, there is only one punishment- to
        hang till death,” she said.                  6-7 rounds of firing were done.               happened in 2012, the whole nation was shak-
            But Union Minister Lalan Singh held West     “There are two people who are severely in-  en. After that, during the Congress govt in 2013,
        Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee respon-  jured among the other seven,” he added.     criminal laws were amended...10 years after the
        sible for police action on the protesters that took   Speaking on the incident, former BJP MP, Ar-  new govt, crimes are still increasing
        place on August 27, over the murder-rape case at  jun Singh said that there was a plan to kill Priyangu   track court was also introduced at that time, but
        RG Kar Medical College, Kolkata.             Pandey. “When the leaders of our party were com-  how many cases were solved and how many were
            “In West Bengal, there is no government in the  ing, the road was blocked using a jetting machine   convicted? How many were punished? This itself
        place. There is a climate of anarchy. The CM of  and  a  bomb  was  thrown.  Seven  rounds  of  firing   shows the condition of our country. This is not just
        the state is a woman. But when there is a demon-  took place and all this was done in the presence of   the issue of Bengal...”
        stration against the violence against women, Ma-  the ACP. There was a plan to kill Priyangu Pandey.   But Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowd-
        mata Banerjee as the Chief Minister, orders a lathi  Today the situation is such that those who threw   hury said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata
        charge and tear gas on the protesters, “ he said,  the bomb play gambling outside the ACP office,”   Banerjee is not in favor of the investigation of Kol-
        referring to August 27 clashes between police and  he said.                                kata rape and murder case as it may reveal many
        protesters.                                      However, taking a dig at the Centre over the   secrets.
            “The work done by CPIM earlier is now being  rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar   Chowdhury also alleged that Banerjee fears
        done by her (Mamata Banerjee),” he alleged.  Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, Con-  the investigation might reveal sensitive secrets and
            BJP leader Priyangu Pandey on Wednesday  gress leader Sofia Firdous said that even after 10   is attempting to divert attention by making inflam-
        claimed that people belonging to TMC attacked  years of BJP’s rule crimes are still increasing daily   matory statements and intimidating the public.
        and fired on his car in the Bharpara area of North  which reflects the present condition of the country   However, Chowdhury claimed that such tac-
        24 Parganas district of West Bengal. He also al-  and not just Bengal.                     tics are failing as the case has ignited widespread
        leged that bombs were thrown on his car and then   Sofia Firdous said, “ When the Nirbhaya case   protests and become a mass movement.

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