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BIG STORY                                                        SEPTEMBER 06, 2024        |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                          NUCLEAR SUBMARINE

                A MESSAGE TO


         India has taken its nuclear deterrence to the next level. India and US are also enhancing their

                   defense cooperation. What does it mean for security in the Indo-Pacific region?

        OUR BUREAU
        Vishakhapatnam/New Delhi/
        Washington, DC
           n a major strategic development
           on Thursday, a second Indian
        Isubmarine capable of launching
        nuclear missiles was commissioned by
        India. INS Arighaat, the second ship
        of the Arihant-class nuclear-powered
        ballistic missile submarine, was com-
        missioned into India’s navy at the city
        of Visakhapatnam.
            This class of submarine, with the
        first boat INS Arihant commissioned
        in 2016, is equipped with four large-di-
        ameter missile silos. Each of them has
        three tubes for K-15 ballistic missiles,
        which have a range of 400 nautical
        miles, according to Naval News’ mar-
        itime security analyst H.I. Sutton.
        “Each missile tube should be able to
        fit a single K-4 missile,” Sutton noted.
        In comparison with the K-15, the K-4   The commissioning of the Second Arihant-Class submarine ‘INS Arighaat’ took place in Visakhapatnam on Thursday (Agency photo)
        is a full-size submarine-launched bal-
        listic missile, which has an estimated   wielding such power”. As long as they   ity while providing a robust deterrence   In this light, US Secretary of De-
        range of 1,900 nautical miles. The Ar-  exist, nuclear weapons should be used   against its nuclear armed neighbors   fense, Lloyd Austin lauded the Indian
        ihant-class is also armed with torpe-  in safeguarding peace and stability, not   Pakistan and China,” said Venkatesh.  Navy during his meeting with Defense
        does for attacking submarines.    muscle  flexing  or  nuclear  blackmail-  One key reason on the need for   Minister Rajnath Singh last Friday for
            Nuclear triad refers to a three-  ing, the expert told the Chinese outlet.  India to be able to develop and sustain   its “robust contributions” in uphold-
        pronged delivery structure that is    It was a clear sign that China is   its own SSBN capabilities concern the   ing freedom of navigation and region-
        composed of land-based ballistic mis-  deeply worried about this development.   ambitions of China, which, far from   al security. Welcoming Rajnath Singh
        siles, submarine-launched ballistic   The commissioning of the INS   maintaining its claims as an Asia-Pa-  to the Pentagon on August 23, Lloyd
        missiles, and aircraft capable of carry-  Arighat will serve to boost the coun-  cific-centric  power,  is  looking  to  ex-  Austin discussed ongoing efforts to
        ing nuclear bombs.                try’s deterrence capabilities against   tend its diplomatic, territorial, and   deepen the Major Defense Partner-
            The move is being seen as an ef-  growing Chinese influence in the In-  military claims far beyond its borders.  ship between the United States and
        fort by New Delhi to strengthen its   dian Ocean. Commissioned into ser-  This includes patrols by purport-  India in support of a free and open In-
        deterrents to deal with nuke-capable   vice on 29 August, the INS Arighat   edly nuclear armed Type 094 SSBNs   do-Pacific region, the US Department
        neighbors China and Pakistan.     marked  “a  significant  advancement”   into the Indian Ocean, augmenting   of Defense said in a statement.
            Immediately after the launch of   in India’s strategic submarine man-  the regular deployments of the Peo-  Secretary Austin and Minister
        the submarine, a Beijing-based mili-  ufacturing capabilities, according to   ple’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN)   Singh celebrated progress across sev-
        tary expert who requested anonymity   Kandlikar Venkatesh, defense analyst   into the region.         eral bilateral defense initiatives, in-
        told the Global Times on Thursday   at Global Data.                     China’s  growing  influence  –and   cluding efforts to increase supply chain
        that with more nuclear-powered bal-   “Armed with twelve K-15 Sagarika   power  –  in  the  region  is  a  cause  of   security, enhance maritime security in
        listic missile submarines, “India’s nu-  or four K-4 submarine-launched ballis-  concern not only for India but also   the Indian Ocean Region, and lever-
        clear deterrence force has increased,   tic missiles, INS Arighat substantially   for the US which is worried about the   age a new agreement to strengthen
        but along comes its responsibility in   enhances India’s second-strike capabil-  navigation in Asian waters.   Continued on next page... >>

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