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P. 34
South The Indian Eye
34 AUGUST 26, 2022
Dr. S Jaishankar urges Indian community to act as a
bridge to shrink the distance between two countries
Indian Consul General in Sao Paulo,
Dr. S Jaishankar addresses the gathering organized by IASP as India’s ambassador to Brazil, Suresh Reddy, looks on Ms Manisha Swami, delivering the Vote of
Thanks at the reception.
OUR BUREAU and hear Dr Jaishankar. Earlier, welcoming the minister
On his maiden visit to Brazil, Dr to Brazil, Ambassador Suresh Red- tact and, hopefully, some changes in
Sao Paulo
Jaishankar spent quite some time dy said he could not ask for a “better the visa policy that can make the flow
ndia’s External Affairs Minister meeting the members of Indian com- community than we have in Brazil”. of people and goods much easier be-
(EAM) Dr. S. Jaishankar has munity personally and taking photos Ambassador Reddy also emphasized tween our two countries,” the IASP
Iurged the Indian community in with them after his speech. In his ad- on how Brazil is an important partner president said, thanking the minister
Brazil to act as a bridge in developing dress, the minister focused on what for India. “We are certain that your for attending the reception.
close contact between India and the the Indian government was doing to visit will be a big boost to bilateral After a thought-provoking speech
South American country. “The Indi- make life better for Indians at home relations between the two countries,” by Dr Jaishankar, a large number of
an community has a very important and how the Indian community can Ambassador Reddy said. people wanted to ask him questions
role to play in shrinking the gap be- contribute in making the India-Brazil The evening began with the mem- about Indian politics and foreign pol-
tween India and Brazil,” Dr Jaishan- relations stronger. bers of Indian community meeting and icy. Despite his tight schedule, the
kar said on Saturday, August 20. greeting the visiting dignitary. Then minister stayed on the stage and an-
The External Affairs Minister “Our immediate goal should be the venue moved to a more formal swered six questions about different
was speaking at a community recep- setting in a brightly-lit hall where the aspects of Indian policy.
tion hosted by the Indian Association to raise the bilateral trade to minister addressed the community. After the interactive session, the
of Sao Paulo (IASP). The minister $15 billion from the current $12 In his welcome address, IASP Indian Consul General in Sao Paulo,
landed in the city just a couple of billion. We would also like to in- president Shobhan Saxena shared Ms Manisha Swami, delivered her
hours before attending the reception crease our trade with the region some ideas and thoughts of the Indian vote of thanks address. Thanking the
at Hotel Transamerica here. An im- community in Brazil with Dr Jaishan- minister, the ambassador, the Indian
pressive crowd comprising CEOs of to $50 billion,” Dr Jaishankar kar. “We hope your visit will open a Association and all the guests, Ms
Indian firms, business people, trad- said, urging the Indian firms to new chapter in India-Brazil relations. Swami said the visit would open a new
ers, academics, artists and community take lead in achieving the goal. We hope it will lead to more exchange chapter in India-Brazil relations.
leaders turned up at the event to meet of ideas, trade, people to people con-
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