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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 26, 2022 | The Indian Eye 31
Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar launched
Illinois Cricket Association in Chicago
Chicago IL:
ricket Legend Sunil Gavas-
kar inaugurated the Illinois
CCricket Association [ICA]
amidst ceremonious fanfare and un-
hinged excitement from the cricket-
ing fraternity at Wyndham Hotel in
Schaumburg, Illinois. This ceremo-
nial launching of Illinois Cricket As-
sociation unveiled inspiring stories
of triumph, spirit of charity, robust
pursuit and enthusiastic stewardship
to advance cricket in Illinois; while
lending formidable partnership to
Gavaskar’s Heart2Heart Foundation.
The launching ceremony attracted Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar with hosts Dr. Sreenivas Reddy, Ajeet Singh, Dr. Suresh Reddy, Keerthi Ravoori, Vinesh Virani, Sunil Shah,
Chicago community’s prominent Nick Verma, Abir Maru & Satish Dadepogu
business, civic and community leaders
who joined in the inaugural ceremo-
ny hosted in partnership with Indian
American Business Council.
The greatest cricketer of all times
Sunil Gavaskar shared the remark-
able episodes of his cricketing journey
that was replete with his magnificent
record-breaking performances on
the pitch particularly against some
of the world’s hostile fast bowlers.
Inaugurating Illinois Cricket Associa-
tion, Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar
congratulated the leadership of Illi-
nois Cricket Association and praised
them for their vision in launching an
ambitious cricket tournament en-
listing youth in Midwest America.
Sunil Gavaskar in his heart-to-heart Cricket Legend Sunil Gavaskar with Illinois Cricket Association team Subbu Iyer, Naresh Chauhan, Shrenik, Palak, Swapnil, Nick, Vinod & Nirav
conversation recalled the glorious in-
nings he played and added now he has team & One dream’. saving the lives of children by provid- Reddy, Ajeet Singh, Subbu Iyer, Dr.
embarked on a new altruistic journey Ajeet Singh, President of Indi- ing free access to life-saving surgeries Suresh Reddy, Vinesh Virani, Na-
batting for the children with congeni- an American Business Council in his to the poor parents. resh Sunil Shah, Neil Khot, Asha
tal heart ailments and to provide them remarks heaped admiration on the Keerthi Kumar Ravoori, Chair, & Anil Oraskar, Mafat Patel, Dr.
with free corrective surgeries. enthusiastic cricket teams, captains Indian American Business Council Nilesh Patel, Dr. & Mrs. Bhupinder
Nagasubramaniam ‘Subbu’ Iyer, and the cricket fraternity and said the served as the moderator in Heart- Beri, Murugesh Kasilingam, Vinita
President of Illinois Cricket Associa- palpable excitement augurs well for to-Heart conversation with Cricket Gulabani,,Hitesh Gandhi,Vibha Ra-
tion in his welcome address reveren- an exciting drive of youngsters taking Superstar described Gavaskar as a jput, Abir Maru, Satish Dadepogu
tially thanked Cricket Legend Sunil up cricket passionately. Ajeet Singh Global Cricket Superstar, towering – while Naresh Chauhan Vice Pres-
Gavaskar for his legendary presence said with the ceremonial launch of Il- humanitarian and a man with a gold- ident of Illinois Cricket Association
and praised Sunil Gavaskar as a man linois Cricket Association by Cricket en heart. along with his team honored Sunil
with a genuine heart for Cricket and Legend Sunil Gavaskar sets in motion Dr. Suresh Reddy, Trustee of Gavaskar with shawl and flower bou-
Humanity. Laying out the overview of a significant trajectory of growth of Oakbrook Village introduced Sunil quet. Mr. Arvind Thiagarajan pre-
Illinois Cricket Association, President cricket in the Midwest. Gavaskar and presented a special sented an overview of Heart2Heart
Nagasubramaniam Iyer said our long- Dr. Sreenivas Reddy, Chair of the proclamation from the village of Oak- Foundation and how it actively saves
term objective is to acquire crick- Illinois Medical Board in his remarks brook extolling the cricket hero and the lives of children afflicted with
et-designated land and build the nec- hailed Sunil Gavaskar as one of the his distinguished cricketing career. congenital heart conditions.
essary infrastructure. He introduced greatest cricketer of all times and a Earlier, the inaugural ceremony Prachi Jaitly conducted the event
the ICA core Team including Naresh cricketer with a heart of compassion began with the lamp lighting cere- as an Emcee; while Nick Verma, Di-
Chauhan, Palak, Nick, Swapnil, Vi- and added, he is a true champion for mony joined by Cook County Com- rector, ICA proposed a vote of thanks
nod, Shernik & Nirav – the team he the children afflicted with congenital mission Kevin Morrison, State Rep that was followed by a private dinner.
said is vigorously committed to “One heart conditions and praised him for Michelle Mussman, Dr. Sreenivas --Asian Media USA