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BOLLYWOOD SPEACIAL                                                    AUGUST 26, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 36

                      NAMASTE VIETNAM FESTIVAL:

          Rahul Mittra and Raima Sen open special festival

                      to mark 75 years of Indian independence

           Rahul Rawail, Komal Nahta, Rumy Jafry, Sree Narayan Singh, Umesh Shukla, Kumar Mangat,
                                        Nitin Tej Ahuja and Kiran Koneru attend the festival

        OUR BUREAU

        Ho Chi Minh City
              ssamese actor and producer
              Sulakhyana  Baruah,  leading
        AManipuri actress Soma Laish-
        ram, award-winning filmmaker-actor
        Rahul Mittra, popular actress Raima
        Sen, well known Assamese actress
        Himakshi Kalita opened the Na-
        maste India Festival at the iconic In-
        dependence Palace in Ho Chi Minh
        City on August 12.
            Rahul  Mittra  led  a  film  del-
        egation  to  this  first  ever  festival
        commemorating  75  years  of  Indian
        independence and 50 years of In-
        dia-Vietnam relations. Comprising of
        Rahul Rawail, Komal Nahta, Rumy
        Jafry, Sree Narayan Singh, Umesh
        Shukla,  Kumar  Mangat,  Nitin  Tej
        Ahuja, Kiran Koneru, amongst oth-
        ers, the delegation represented the
        best of Indian cinema.

        The festival saw both Indians

        and Vietnamese turn out in
        large number for the inaugu-                                                                          after the festival, more programmes
        ration ceremony which also                                                                            will be rolled out to consolidate the
                                                                                                              bilateral strategic partnership
        had spectacular Indian classi-                                                                            Curated by Captain Rahul Bali

        cal and Vietnamese folk dance                                                                         who has been successfully curating
                                                                                                              Festivals of India across the globe,
        performances, hosted by the                                                                           the festival was organized by the In-
        Indian Ambassador to Vietnam                                                                          dian Embassy, Consulate General
                                                                                                              of India in Ho Chi Minh City & In-
        Pranay Verma, Consul General                                                                          novations India.
                                                                                                                  The festival also included other
        Madan Mohan Sethi and cura-                                                                           activities ranging from events, work-
        tor Captain Rahul Bali.                                                                               shops and meets pertaining to cul-
                                                                                                              ture, trade, investment, education,
            Soon after the festival inaugura-                                                                 healthcare and tourism.
        tion, Rahul Mittra @rahulmittra13                                                                         Apart from reconnecting the en-
        tweeted: “It was heartening to re-                                                                    trepreneurs of both sides post Covid
        ceive the warm reception of Viet-                                                                     to explore business opportunities in
        namese people in large numbers at                                                                     different sectors, the festival also cre-
        the grand opening of the Namaste      Speaking at the Namaste Viet-     At another related event, Viet-  ated an awareness on India’s diverse
        Vietnam  Festival  at  the  iconic  In-  nam festival, Ambassador Pranay   namese Permanent Deputy Minister   culture and also became a great net-
        dependence Palace, Ho Chi Minh    Verma said apart from tourism, the   of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Minh Vu   working platform to foster dialogue
        City,  commemorating  75  years  of   festival is also intended to boost   highlighted cultural exchange be-  for bilateral relations between both
        Indian independence and 50 years   economic and trade ties between   tween  Vietnam  and  India  over  the   the countries to boost tourism, trade,
        of India Vietnam relations!”      the two sides.                    past time, and noted his belief that   art, culture, music and films.

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