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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 26, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 30

            Jenifer Rajkumar brings together citywide & national

                        leaders at site of vandalized Gandhi statue

        OUR BUREAU                        with a sledgehammer and graffitied it                               spoken with government leaders
                                          with obscene names. They also graf-                                 across the country. All are commit-
        South Queens, NY
                                          fitied the temple grounds and 111th                                 ted to re-doubling our efforts to com-
               n August 24, Assemblywom-  Street asphalt.                                                     bat anti-Hindu hate. We always knew
               an Jenifer Rajkumar, the first   The  event  continues  Assem-                                 that defeating hate would not be ac-
        OHindu-American elected to        blywoman  Rajkumar’s  work  to  ad-                                 complished in one day, one week, or
        New  York  State  Office,  brought  to-  dress hate crimes. She previously                            even one year.  We are committed to
        gether citywide and national leaders   convened the community on August                               this fight for the long term, and will
        at the  Shri  Tulsi  Mandir,  a  Hindu   9  to  denounce  the  first  vandalism                       use the Hindu principles of ahimsa
        temple located at 103-24 111th Street   incident, and educate the public on                           (non-violence) and satyagraha (soul
        in South Richmond Hill. At the event,   Hinduism’s Gandhian belief in ac-                             force) that guided Gandhi himself
        they addressed hate crimes against   tively loving people from different                              and later the great American civil
        the Hindu community after the     backgrounds like they’re from your                                  rights hero Martin Luther King, Jr.”
        mandir’s statue of Mahatma Gandhi   own. The Assemblywoman also de-                                       She  added,  “Gandhi  said,  ‘Ha-
        was vandalized twice this month.   nounced the assault of a white MTA   “Since the targeting of the   tred can be overcome only by love.’
            The first vandalism was on Au-  bus passenger by women professing   Gandhi statue and the Hindu Tem-  With the support we have received all
        gust 3, when a group of people top-  a hatred for white people, multiple   ple, I have received an outpouring of   around Queens, the City, the Coun-
        pled the statue. Less than two weeks   hate crimes against the Sikh commu-  support not just in Queens, but from   try, and the world, I am more opti-
        later, what appeared to be a different   nity, and hate crimes against Mus-  people all around the world,” said   mistic than ever that we will succeed
        group totally destroyed the statue   lims in South Queens.          Assemblywoman Rajkumar. “I have   in defeating these forces of hate.”

                  Towards Better Living

                   Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj

                                                            Throughout 2022, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha
                                                            presents a bi-monthly article series to help us

                                                            navigate our existence towards better living.

                  When:               Every  second  &  fourth
                                      Friday of the month

                  This series is dedicated to Pramukh Swami Maharaj,

                  whose centennial in 2022 gives an occasion to celebrate
                  the life of a person who will inspire generations towards
                  goodness, happiness and harmony.

   25   26   27   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35