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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                               AUGUST 19, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 60


             11 Reasons Why Paul DeGroot’s

                                         Win was an Upset

                                                                                                              Primary victory. It is the confidence,
                                                                                                              not overconfidence which would lead
                                                                                                              a candidate to victory.
                                                                                                                7 MULTIPLICITY OF OTHER
                                                                                                                  Several other parallel races and
                                                                                                              media’s stereotypical bias marred the
                                                                                                              undercurrent of the CD-11 primary,
                                                                                                              ultimately resulting in a surprise.
                                                                                                                       8 OUTSIDER:
                By ARUN AYAYGARI
                                                                                                                  Paul DeGroot is a political
                                                                                                              outsider with no prior political ex-
           n what could be termed as ‘the’                                                                    perience. This could have led his
           major upset of the evening (wee
        Ihours  for  CD-11),  political  un-                                                                  opponents to adopt a more lackadai-
                                                                                                              sical approach towards the elections,
        known Paul DeGroot pulled an up-                                                                      which ultimately benefited DeGroot.
        set victory in the impending political
        slugfest of the New Jersey’s Republi-                                                                          9 NEW FACE:
        can Primary elections in the eleventh                                                                     With DeGroot being a new and
        Congressional district. The emotion                                                                   unfamiliar face, media and the tradi-
        and drama created on election night                                                                   tional party infrastructure engaged
        was not short of any general election,                                                                themselves in other races, ignoring
        with AP not declaring until the next                                                                  the potential tightness of the contest-
        day. Unconventional  victories  like                                                                  ed primary in CD-11.
        these cannot be used as a fig leaf to                                                                    10 THE MORRIS COUNTY
        undermine the growing hackneyed                                                                                   FIASCO:
        evocation of automated county-line        Here are 11 reasons       vention and their traditional theat-  Without getting into much de-
        triumphs.                               why CD-11 was an upset.     rics, the chutzpah with which Paul   tail,  it  would  suffice  to  say  that  the
            Ever since the New Jersey Re-    1 MEDIA’S IGNORANCE:           DeGroot silently, diligently, and con-
        districting Commission redrew the     Media seemed to have complete-  fidently  worked  in  the  background   manner in which the Morris County
                                                                                                              convention was conducted in March
        state’s Congressional district lines,   ly ignored the underpinning compet-  coupled with his “no looking back”   2022 left a bad precedent for other
        focus has traditionally been on CD-7.   itiveness  in  CD-11  primary,  partly   attitude, proved triumphant.  conventions. This  eroded  voters’
        What these elections have disproved   due to stereotypical focus because of   4 THE PASSAIC FACTOR:   faith in the result of the convention.
        is the perceived myth of the county   redistricting and reapportionment.   Despite Paul DeGroot winning   A good primary starts with a good
        line being omnipotent. The slim mar-  Not once has the media focused on   the Passaic County line, the size of   convention, or at least, it ‘should’.
        gin between the winning percentage   CD-11  leading  to  illusionary  emas-  Passaic County in the grand scheme
        and the runner up is indicative of the   culation of candidates who did not   of CD-11 created an optical illusion   11 ABSENCE OF ESSEX
        growing trend of voters who do not   win  the  county  line.  Paul  DeGroot   that Passaic was not as strong a fac-  COUNTY CONVENTION:
        necessarily toe the party line. While   has not only taken the derogation in   tor. However, with Morris coming   Despite Essex backing Tayfun
        this  comment  might be  interpreted   stride but clearly turned non-focus   close, Passaic proved to be a vital fac-  Selen, the very fact that the conven-
        as an offhand remark, candidates   into a political plus.           tor in the overall victory.       tion was not conducted deprived Sel-
        like Paul DeGroot offer indications                                                                   en of solidifying his Morris victory
        that the electorate is seriously con-  2 UNPOPULARITY OF THE           5 ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT           thereby  proving  to  be  a  blessing  in
        sidering non-traditional ways. This            PICK:                            SPLITS:               disguise for Paul DeGroot.
        truth doesn’t have to be whispered    It is not enough to just win the   The anti-establishment split was   DeGroot’s victory, inter alia,
        sotto voce anymore.               line. Working towards the victory is   vivid  not  just  in  CD-11,  but  in  rac-  highlights the unconventional think-
            This in no way makes the can-  equally important. Only then would   es like CD-7, where the percentage   ing of the conventional base.
        didates who win the line any less   the voters take a candidate to the fin-  difference between second and third   Arun Ayaygari is an editor, strategist,
        eligible, however, other eligible can-  ish line. Winning the county-line is   place was a mere 8.3.   pilot, talk show host, and an avid read-
        didates should not be subject to over-  no silver bullet.                     6 POSSIBLE              er. His interests include American poli-
        sight and should  not  be  accorded   3 SILENT BACKGROUND                 OVERCONFIDENCE:             tics, geopolitics, international relations,
        traditional disadvantage. The CD-11           WORK:                     County column and prior expe-  history, rocket science, and aerospace
        GOP Primary was an upset in more      Regardless of the county con-  rience do not lead to an automatic   engineering. Views are personal
        ways than one.

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