Page 55 - The Indian EYE 081922
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The Indian Eye
         OPINION                                                                   AUGUST 19, 2022                                      55

                Defense Budgetary Reforms in India:

          The Forgotten Agenda of the Government

                    Reforms are required as the budget can be an effective device to ensure optimum utilization

             of the allocated resources for executing financially viable plans. Conceptually, achieving that objective
                                       calls for reforms at the intertwined levels: micro and macro

        AMIT COWSHISH                     not reforms, can produce that result.  Presently, the defense budget is   mismatch between the goals and the
                                              But reforms are required as the   divided  into  four  DGs:  Ministry  of   achievement, and remedial or cor-
              ack of money is the root of all   budget can be an effective device to   Defense (Civil), Defense Services   rective action required to be taken.
              evil”,  said  Mark  Twain.  This   ensure optimum utilization of the   (Revenue), Capital Outlay on De-  This needs to change.
        Lis certainly true of India’s de-  allocated resources for executing fi-  fense Services, and Defense Pen-  A half-hearted effort was made
        fense budget and, if one may contex-  nancially viable plans. Conceptually,   sions. The Minor and Detailed Bud-  in the Union Budget for the Finan-
        tualise it, perennial lack of money for   achieving that objective calls for re-  get Heads within each of these DGs,   cial  Year  (FY)  2016–17  when  the
        defense is also what often triggers the   forms at the intertwined levels: micro   especially the first three, are far too   number of MoD’s DGs were reduced
        debate on budgetary reforms. For   and macro.                       many to be captured here. Broadly   from eight to four, as enumerated
        many analysts, these reforms are a                                  speaking, the funds are earmarked   above. It was claimed at the time that
        means of addressing the Twainian   At the micro level, the struc-   for salaries, stores, transportation,   “With a view to provide [sic] a holis-
        evil. Somewhere in a corner of their                                maintenance works, miscellaneous   tic picture of budgetary allocations
        hearts they nurture the hope that  ture of the Demands for Grant    expenditure, and various categories   and effective expenditure monitor-
        appropriate reforms will make more   (DG) of the Ministry of Defense   of capital expenditure that include   ing, some Demands for Grants in a
        money available for  spending.  This                                acquisition of land and assorted de-  Ministry have been merged into oth-
        seems quite unlikely, though.     (MoD) merits a review, primarily   fense equipment, and development   er Demand for Grants of the Minis-
            Looking at the extent of mis-  to give an outcome-orientation   of civil infrastructure.          try/Department”.
        match between the requirement pro-                                      Thanks to this archaic structure,   It was also claimed that, “For ef-
        jected by the Services and the funds  to the defense budget. The term   it is well-nigh impossible to evaluate   fective outcome-oriented monitoring
        allocated every year, the defense out-  ‘structure’ refers to the way the   the outcomes of the budgetary allo-  of implementation  of  programmes
        lay will have to be doubled—a virtu-                                cation. Consequently, the efficacy of   and schemes/projects and to ensure
        al impossibility, to meet the armed  overall defense budget is divided   defense outlay is generally evaluated   optimum utilization of resources, a
        forces’ expectations. As the Ameri-  into four DGs and how the funds   through the prism of allocation and   comprehensive exercise to rational-
        can cartoonist, humourist, and jour-                                utilization of funds, with very little in-  ize Plan and Non-Plan schemes of
        nalist, Frank McKinney Hubbard,  are then sub-divided into sever-   stitutionalized focus on the outcomes   all  Ministries and Departments has
        better known as Kin Hubbard, fa-  al ‘Major’, ‘Minor’, ‘Sub’ or ‘De-  intended to be achieved from the   been undertaken. The existing pro-
        mously said, “The safe way to double                                annual budgetary outlay, the actual   grammes and schemes have been
        your money is to fold it once and put  tailed’ Budget Heads.        achievement at the end of the year,   reorganized into outcome-based
        it in your pocket”. Only magic, and                                 identification of the reasons for the    Continued at next page... >>

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