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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline AUGUST 19, 2022 | The Indian Eye 59
Dr V. Balachandran Dr Asif Mahmood
Doctor leads mRNA vax trial for Pakistani-American wins
pancreatic cancer California primary
orld’s first trial, led by an In- akistani-American Democrat
dian-American doctor, on Dr. Asif Mahmood is expected
Wa mRNA-based vaccine for Kash Patel Dr Gagan Pawar Pto challenge Republican incum-
pancreatic cancer has shown promise bent Rep. Young Kim in the race for
for remission. The new shot is devel- Trump Endorses Children’s Book Medico becomes CEO of US California’s newly drawn 40th Con-
oped by BioNTech based on the same by former aide healthcare agency gressional District in the November 8
technology used by the German bio- general election.
tech company along with its US part- ormer US President Donald 41-year-old medico Dr Ga- Mahmood and Kim, who flipped
gan Pawar has become the
ner Pfizer to develop vaccines against Fbook written by his former A the seat in 2020, becoming one of the
Trump praised a children’s
Covid-19. Chief Executive Officer of a first Korean American women in Con-
The groundbreaking trial led by aide, Kash Patel, titled The Plot US-based healthcare agency. Her fa- gress, held the No. 1 and No. 2 spots,
Dr Vinod Balachandran at the Me- Against The King which features a ther Major-Gen Sarabjit Singh Pawar respectively, as primary votes were
morial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center conflict between characters “Hillary (retd), who hails from Mithapur vil- counted Tuesday night.
(MSK) in New York, showed that half Queenton” and “King Donald”. lage here, shared the information with Mahmood led the field with 40.1%
of the patients remained cancer-free Trump hopes that the book is Jalandhar Tribune. votes followed by three Republicans,
18 months after having their tumours discussed in every school across the A renowned ex-serviceman, he Kim with 34.4% Greg Raths with
removed and receiving the jabs. country. The storyline presented by said it was celebration time in the 24.2% and Nicholas Taurus with 1.3%.
The key to these vaccines appears Trump’s Indian American associate family as his daughter would now be In California, all candidates for
to be proteins in the pancreatic tu- is based on an allegedly false claim heading Clinicas del Camino Real congressional or state offices run on
mours, called neoantigens, which alert that the Steele dossier prompted an Inc., a company of 900 employees, the same ballot and the top two can-
the immune system to keep the cancer FBI investigation into the role of including 70 doctors of all special- didates, regardless of party, advance to
at bay, according to MSK. The prom- Russia in the results of 2016 election, ties, running 16 clinics in Southern the general election.
ising results were also presented at the according to a news report by The In- California. Vote counts released late Tues-
American Society of Clinical Oncology dependent. Dr Gagan Pawar had done MBBS day in Orange, San Bernardino and
conference in Chicago. On his social media platform from Government Medical College Riverside counties — all of which are
In 8 of 16 patients studied, the vac- Truth Social, Trump called the book in Amritsar after which she did MD touched by CA-40 — suggest that
cines activated T cells that recognise “a true story about the Russia Col- from the University of Pennsylvania. Mahmood and Kim will face off in No-
the patient’s own pancreatic cancers. lusion Hoax, written for children.” She joined the company as a vember, according to Orange County
These patients also showed delayed Trump went on to say: physician in 2011, became the Chief Register.
recurrence of their pancreatic cancers, “Live the tale thru the eyes of Medical Officer in 2014 and is now And, if those results hold, Kim will
suggesting the T cells activated by the great characters like the handsome the CEO with the same company. have staved off a push from Raths, a
vaccines may be having the desired ef- King Donald and Kash the Wizard. During the course of her job, she conservative Republican councilman
fect to keep pancreatic cancers in check. This story showcases how Hillary even did MBA-Physician. She has from Mission Viejo who has been hop-
According to Balachandran, Queenton and a Shifty Knight tried been a member of the Ventura Coun- ing to edge out Kim and get into the
mRNA vaccines could stimulate the to destroy our democracy, but truth ty Medical Association and her work November runoff, it said. “I became a
immune system to recognise and at- and the MAGA King prevailed (sic).” during Covid times has been much doctor because my parents taught me
tack pancreatic cancer cells. The 35-page book gives a re- appreciated. that helping others is our highest call-
“Unlike some of the other immu- vised account of the investigation “Besides working for her compa- ing,” said Mahmood, who hails from
notherapies, these mRNA vaccines do that marked the first two years of the ny, my daughter has been rendering Kharian, in Pakistan’s Punjab province.
appear to have the ability to stimulate Trump presidency, by using children’s her services for the community in gen- “I am running for Congress be-
immune responses in pancreatic can- fictional characters as tools. Patel de- eral ever since the pandemic started. cause CA-40 needs leaders who wake up
cer patients, “ Balachandran said of picts himself as a wizard who appar- Before leaving for work, she has been every day to solve problems and actual-
the promising preliminary results. ently uncovers how “King” Trump doing radio talks. She does these talks ly help families in our district,” he said.
“So we’re very excited about that, was wrongly accused of “cheating” in even till today sharing the latest sta- Mahmood attended the Demo-
and the early results suggest that if you order to take the throne – read, pres- tistics, medical evidences and changes cratic Party of Orange County’s results
have an immune response, you may idency, according to a news report by in action plan”, said the proud father. watch party in Orange, as vote counts
have a better outcome.” The Guardian. Dr Pawar, who is settled in the came in Tuesday evening.
Balachandran added the results The wizard Patel in the book US with her husband and two sons, Mahmood, a pulmonologist and
should be welcome news for other then lets the “kingdom” know that credits her family for the support that doctor of internal medicine, has an
cancer patients too, as pancreatic can- “the king, King Donald, is innocent” they offered. “I have always enjoyed MBBS degree from Jinnah Postgradu-
cer has been very difficult to treat with and “did not work with the Russo- being a physician and I still practice, ate Medical Center (JPMC), Pakistan.
traditional chemotherapies and immu- nians” which is a term that the book even though it is now just 10% of my He and his family have lived in South-
notherapies. allegedly uses to refer to Russia. work,” she said. ern California since 1999.