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SPECIAL FEATURE                                                       AUGUST 19, 2022  |     The Indian Eye 58

                                               TOWARDS BETTER LIVING

                      Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj

                  Thoughtful Leader

               enry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of                                            said, “Haresh’s family was originally from Ugame-
               State, aptly asserts that the world needs                                           di. Shastriji Maharaj relocated them to Shrijipura
        Hthoughtful leaders. Critical to being such                                                to look after the organization’s property. His fa-
        a  leader  is  self-awareness:  understanding  your-                                       ther’s name is Ramji, and his uncle’s name is Day-
        self  –  your behaviors, your motivations, your                                            al. They are the two sons of Chhaganbhai.” Every-
        morals, and your values. Equally important is                                              one was astonished as Pramukh Swami Maharaj
        understanding others - their behaviors, their mo-                                          continued, “Chhagan had three other brothers –
        tivations, their morals, and their values. Thought-                                        Trikam, Narayan and Talshi. Haresh’s brother is a
        ful leaders make other people feel important and                                           swami (renunciate) in Sarangpur. They are related
        valuable.                                                                                  to Manilal from Surat.” Haresh stood still with the
            One late afternoon, His Holiness Pramukh                                               microphone in his hand. He was lost for words.
        Swami Maharaj was traveling by car in the town                                             Pramukh Swami Maharaj knew more about his
        of Nadiad, Gujarat. As the vehicle slowed down                                             family than he did!
        on taking a turn, Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s eyes                                                Thoughtful leaders know what makes people
        fell on a shepherd strolling along the road. He had                                        happy or sad because they have love for human-
        a cigarette in his mouth. Pramukh Swami Maharaj                                            kind. They sacrifice their own needs for the needs
        recognized him, “That’s Popat Bharvad of Manji-                                            of others. In 1980, Pramukh Swami Maharaj was
        pura.” He then told the driver to stop and called                                          on a tour of the United States and Canada. After
        out to the man. Popat looked around in surprise                                            a house visit in Baltimore, Maryland, he was trying
        and thought to himself, “Who could be calling me                                           to put his slippers on, but he kept missing them.
        at this time of the day?” He ran towards the car                                           One of the swamis noticed the peculiar behavior,
        and saw Pramukh Swami Maharaj who put his                                                  so he asked about it.
        hand  on  Popat’s  shoulder  and  said,  “Popat,  you                                         Pramukh Swami Maharaj quietly explained
        need to stop smoking. Save the money you spend                                             that he couldn’t see. His eyes were evaluated, and
        on addictions and take care of your family.”                                               it was found he had cataracts. Quickly, he was tak-
            Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s soothing tone                                                  en to Boston Eye Hospital for further checks, re-
        touched Popat’s heart, and he instantly vowed                                              sulting in the need for surgery in both eyes. Med-
        never to smoke again.                                                                      ical experts said that if Pramukh Swami Maharaj
                                                                                                   had been a couple of weeks late, he might have
            THOUGHTFUL LEADERS PATIENTLY                                                           lost his eyesight. The swamis and devotees asked
                  LISTEN AND OBSERVE.                                                              him why he did not notify them earlier about the
            In 1984, Pramukh Swami Maharaj was in Nai-                                             situation, to which he replied, “If I had told you
        robi, Kenya. He was having a meal along with some                                          earlier, the entire U.S. program would have been
        devotees who were seated across the hall. One of                                           canceled, and the devotees’ plans would have been
        the devotees, Natubhai Choksi, was also having                                             disturbed. Many had taken vacations and days off
        his meal. Pramukh Swami Maharaj told Nirgun-  he had requested for ‘khakhara’ instead. Pramukh  from work just to be a part of the festivities. They
        das Swami to give Natubhai some ‘khakhara’ (thin  Swami Maharaj astonishingly recalled that four  would have been disappointed, and that would
        cracker made from wheat flour) in his plate. Nir-  years later. He remembered such minor details  have become unbearable for me.” Pramukh Swa-
        gundas Swami wondered why he was instructed  about thousands of devotees. It reflected the deep  mi Maharaj was willing to forsake his own eyesight
        to serve just ‘khakhara’ and nothing else. He did  bonds of affection and care that he had for devo-  for the happiness of others.
        as he was told, but he also served a sweet dish of  tees of all ages and backgrounds.         Thoughtful leaders put themselves in some-
        ‘jalebi’ in Natubhai’s plate. Pramukh Swami Ma-  On one of his overseas spiritual tours in 2004,  body else’s shoes and try to understand how they
        haraj saw that and said, “Natubhai has diabetes.  Pramukh Swami Maharaj was in London, and a  feel. As we celebrate the centennial of Pramukh
        He cannot eat any sweet dishes, so just give him  few youths were introducing themselves. One said,  Swami Maharaj this year, let us also choose to be
        khakhara.” Natubhai was astounded to hear that  “My name is Haresh, and I am from Shrijipura,  more empathetic towards others, thereby bringing
        because the last time Pramukh Swami Maharaj  Gujarat.” Swamishri asked him his father’s name.  peace and happiness to those around us.
        had met him was four years ago in 1980. Yet, he  He replied, “Ramji Chhagan.” Swamishri had vis-
        still remembered his diabetic condition. On that  ited every single home in Shrijipura many times.     Gnanpurushdas Swami
        occasion, Natubhai could not eat any sweets, so  He knew all the devotees and their families, so he   BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha

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