Page 16 - The Indian EYE 081922
P. 16
The Indian Eye
Harnessing India’s Space
Technology Potential
Chief of the Army Staff, General Manoj Pande recently reviewed the security situation along
the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China (ANI)
AMBASSADOR P. S. RAGHAVAN Students holding the National flags take part in Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations commemorating 75 years of India’s Independence,
at Shivaji Shikshan Sanstha - Multi Purpose Technical High School, in Mumbai on Saturday. (ANI Photo)
n June 11 this year, India’s
Prime Minister Narendra
OModi inaugurated the head- at no cost or at reasonable prices, to corded remarkable successes over ahead of that of some of the more
advanced space-faring nations.
avoid reinventing the wheel. I
the past decades, in the face of a
quarters of the Indian National Space The global space industry today
Promotion and Authorization Centre hostile external environment (sanc-
(IN-SPACe). It was a significant step SRO’s capital-intensive, high tions, export controls, technology generates revenues of nearly $400
in the operationalization of reforms denials) for much of the period of its billion. This figure is projected to
grow to over $1 trillion by 2040 and
launched by the Government of India technology facilities will be development. ISRO has developed $2.7 trillion by 2050. This growth
to promote private sector participa- made available for use by pri- end-to-end technologies for space- will be driven by increasing de-
tion in India’s space sector, providing based services and applications in mand for new automation technol-
access to space assets, data and facili- vate enterprises. In short, various sectors. It has indigenously ogies and miniaturisation, resulting
ties, which were hitherto entirely with the Indian government will, developed sophisticated technolo- in cost, time and quality benefits.
the government entity, Indian Space gies of strategic importance. It de- Space technology is already widely
Research Organization (ISRO). through IN-SPACe, ensure a signs, builds and launches satellites accessible, and more sophisticated
IN-SPACe is an independent level playing field for private for high throughput communica-
single-window agency, which will tions, geo-imaging and high-resolu- versions will further widen its reach,
permit and oversee activities of industry, with enabling policies tion earth observation, and operates as new generation networks and en-
private enterprises in building and and a friendly regulatory envi- an independent Indian stand-alone hanced satellite navigation services
upgrade connectivity with faster
launching satellites, and providing navigation satellite system (Nav-
space-based services. It will evolve ronment. IC). In scientific and developmen- communication and high-resolution
suitable mechanisms for sharing of tal applications, the Indian space images. In addition to Elon Musk’s
ISRO’s technologies and expertise India’s space industry has re- programme is, in some respects, Continued at next page... >>