Page 18 - The Indian EYE 081922
P. 18

The Indian Eye
         OPINION - INDEPENDENCE DAY SPECIAL                                        AUGUST 19, 2022                                      18

        SpaceX and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin,
        a flourishing private space industry
        has arisen, offering a range of space
            India’s share in the global space
        market is miniscule, despite rising
        demand.  The reason is that ISRO
        has had  a  near-monopoly over  the
        supply of these services, and its pri-
        mary focus has been developmental
        and  scientific  applications  for  the
        use of the government and its agen-
            The demand for dedicated
        communication (Satcom) capacity,
        as well as Earth Observation (EO)
        applications is rising rapidly. Large
        corporates are willing to invest in
        their own satellite, thereby ensur-
        ing captive capacity for their future
        needs.   New applications like in-
        flight and maritime broadband con-
        nectivity, and government initiatives
        like Digital India and Bharatnet of-
        fer new opportunities for companies
        in the Indian Satcom market. With
        growth in EO technology, mining
        companies  can  replace  their  field
        equipment with satellite-based ana-
        lytical and monitoring tools.
            As  of  now,  Satcom  services’
        demand in India is estimated at
        around  $11  billion.  This  does  not
        reflect true demand, because of the
        supply-driven framework.
            ISRO’s in-house capacity pro-  Students dressed up in traditional attires as they take part in a Tiranga rally from Governor House to Morabadi ground, marking Har Ghar
        vides communication mainly to                   Tiranga campaign under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, in Ranchi on Saturday. (ANI Photo)
        remote geographical areas and is-
        lands, which terrestrial cables can-  pacity is almost fully utilized for the   with foreign companies willing to in-  cy involved in defence applications
        not access economically. Imported   requirements of the government and   vest in bringing satellite technology   means that these products have to
        satcom services are considerably   its agencies. To meet  the demand   to India.                      be indigenously manufactured, ser-
        more costly, thereby depressing   from other users, it imports and re-                                viced and upgraded. There may be
        demand. When the private sector   sells data, making it more expensive.                               opportunities for reputed Indian
        manufactures and launches satel-  The new policy will permit privately   ISRO has equipped IN-SPACe   companies in this area.
        lites, the market will move to a truly   owned  and  operated  space-based  with a technical lab with state-  There has already been a rapid
        demand-driven situation. INSPACe   remote sensing systems for activities                              growth in space start-ups and com-
        will oversee the rollout of policies to   within and outside India.   of-the-art equipment for de-    panies upgrading manufacturing
        enable privately-owned communica-     The demand for geospatial  sign, fabrication, integration  capability in the space sector. An in-
        tion  satellites  and  ground  stations,   data in India is projected to grow to                      dustry body, the Indian Space Asso-
        with allotment of suitable orbital   nearly  $12  billion  by  2029-30.  The   and testing of satellites, which   ciation, has been formed to promote
        slots to them.                    government has recently taken mea-  will be available to Indian com-  the interests of this nascent industry
            The first important step in com-
        mercializing launch vehicle produc-  sures to nurture and develop the   panies. More modern facilities   and for policy advocacy  with  the
                                          geospatial ecosystem of the coun-
                                                                                                              government and its agencies. This is
        tion was taken with the award of   try. It has lifted the requirement  and  infrastructure are to be  an important role at this stage, when
        a  contract  for  manufacturing  five   of licence or prior approval for the                          the government, ISRO and the pri-
        Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles   collection, generation, dissemina-  made available to the space in-  vate space industry are all seeking
        (PSLVs) to a consortium of the pub-  tion,  storage  and/or  digitisation  of  dustry.                to evolve an optimal public-private
        lic  sector  undertaking  Hindustan   geospatial data and maps. This will                             partnership.
        Aeronautics Limited and the private   spur growth in  downstream  appli-  The use of space-based tech-    If the reforms progress as pro-
        sector  company  Larsen  &  Toubro,   cations by significantly reducing the   nologies in warfare, intelligence   jected, the Indian space sector
        for $103 million.                 price of high-resolution data and its   and defence has been highlighted   should generate – in domestic sales
            Earth observation data for satel-
        lite imagery is also an under-provid-  applications.                by recent conflicts in West Asia and   and exports – at least USD 50 billion
                                                                            Ukraine. Space-based systems for
                                                                                                              of revenues by 2025.
                                              As the repository of space tech-
        ed market, since regulations hither-  nologies, ISRO has a crucial role to   defence communications, high-res-
        to mandated that data requirement   play in sharing them with Indian in-  olution imagery for target detection   The author, Distinguished Fellow
        of customers should be sourced only   dustry. Indian entrepreneurs could   and other real-time information are   of the Vivekananda International Foun-
        through ISRO. Again, ISRO’s ca-                                                                            dation, is a former diplomat
                                          also build technology partnerships   important defence needs. The secre-

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