Page 20 - The Indian EYE 081922
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The Indian Eye
         OP-ED                                                                     AUGUST 19, 2022                                      20

               CREATING PLEASANT


               SADHNA SHANKER

              ecently, the United Nations
              Environment Program’s An-
        Rnual Frontier Report 2022
        identified  Moradabad  in  UP  as  the
        second most noise polluted city in the
        world. Out of 61 most noise polluted
        cities of the world, 5 are in India. The
        other four are Kolkatta, Asansol, Jai-
        pur and Delhi. While the quietest city
        in the world is Ibrid in Jordan, fol-
        lowed by Lyon in France.
            Simply explained, noise pollu-
        tion is as  regular exposure to ele-
        vated sound levels that may lead to
        adverse effects  in  humans  or  other
        living  organisms.  As  per  its  1999
        guidelines, WHO has laid down that   plays a part in adding to the public   and dolphins are particularly impact-  and promoting use of electric vehi-
        sounds above 70 decibels are harmful   health burden.               ed by noise pollution.            cles are  important in the easing of
        for health.                           In many animal species, acoustic   On the other hand, the sounds   noise pollution.
            There is no such thing as ‘silence’   communication holds an important   in nature bring immense benefits to   Many cities are carving out quiet
        on the planet, sounds occur continu-  place in their survival. Reports find   health and well being. The sound of   public spaces like gardens, parks and
        ously and everywhere. When sound   that many species have altered their   a river, rain, breeze and chirping of   natural reserves, where people can
        is persistent and too loud it becomes   pitches, timings and frequencies to   birds offers immense peace and re-  enjoy natural sounds. The emphasis
        noise pollution, which is now identi-  beat the onslaught of city noises.     laxation. In a broader sense, tackling   on switching to bicycles around the
        fied  as  a  major  environmental  haz-  For instance, in European cities,   noise pollution is not about eliminat-  world is also a measure to reduce
        ard. As our cities grow the traditional   robins seem to sing more at night   ing noise or sounds, but creating an   noise pollution.
        sources of noise pollution are road,   to avoid high acoustic interference   acoustic environment where all spe-  Apart from the larger efforts, we
        rail,  air  traffic  and  industry,  as  also   during the day. While some frogs   cies thrive and grow.   an contribute at individual level too.
        from domestic, entertainment and   exhibit gap-calling behavior as they   Globally, many efforts are un-  Simple steps like turning off appli-
        leisure activities. High levels of noise   time their calls to breaks in noise.     derway to tackle urban noise pollu-  ances, lowering volumes in private
        pollution have been documented to   These changes in the long run can al-  tion. Tree belts around highways and   spaces, regularly maintaining our
        impact human health and well-being,   ter abilities to reproduce and lead to   airports are reported to reduce noise   vehicles and other appliances, and
        as also other living beings that inhab-  extinction of species from habitats.   by nearly 2 decibels. Planned green-  wearing ear plugs if needed can be
        it a landscape.                       Increasing noise is not only af-  ery and vegetation in cities, includ-  made a part of life. Above all, plant-
            Apart from causing mere annoy-  fecting animals on land, it is also a   ing on rooftops also mitigates noise   ing trees and increasing the vegeta-
        ance, persistent exposure to noise   growing problem for those that live   pollution. Measures such as sound   tion around our living and work spac-
        pollution leads to distress, sleepless-  in the ocean. Ships, oil drills,  so-  barriers around railway tracks and   es can create pleasant soundscapes.
        ness, impacts cardiac health, causes   nar  devices, and  seismic  tests have   highways, quieter vehicle engines
        other metabolic disorders and hear-  made the once tranquil marine en-  and low-noise asphalt road surfaces,   Sadhna Shanker is a writer based in
        ing  impairment.  Noise  pollution   vironment loud and chaotic. Whales   using quiet tires in public transport   New Delhi ([email protected])

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