Page 8 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
NATION AUGUST 18, 2023 8
The song’s video features actor Arjun said that we are feeling proud.
“We are feeling proud that we
were part of the ‘Tiranga Rally’ to-
Sung by Vishal Mishra, the mu- day. This year’s rally was bigger than
sic has been composed by Arko, last year’s...We want to work together
for the peace of the nation. All the
and the lyrics have been penned necessary security arrangements are
by Manoj Muntashir. With the being done for Independence Day,”
said J-K DGP.
song, the whole team aims to
pay a moving tribute to the sol- INST ALLED IN DELHI
diers out there risking their lives s the country gets ready to
for the country. immerse in the 77th Indepen-
Adence Day celebrations this
The song also pays respect to the August 15th, the government has al-
mothers of the bravehearts. ready set sights on realising the de-
Talking more about ‘Vande velopment goals for the ‘Amrit Kaal’,
Bharatam’, Vishal said, “I am very which started with the completion of
happy to be able to work on a song 75 years of freedom last year.
like Vande Bharatam. This song is As part of the Independence Day
my small effort to thank the soldiers celebrations, selfie points have come
and their mothers for the big sacrifice up across the national capital high-
they make for the country.” lighting different schemes and initia-
Manoj Muntashir also shared his tives of the central government.
“Being a patriot by heart, I per- Such selfie points have been
sonally love writing something that is
about the country or even the soldier. installed in 12 locations — Na-
And Vande Bharatam was tapping tional War Memorial, India Gate,
one of the purest bonds in the setting
of an army home, so I couldn’t have Vijay Chowk, New Delhi Railway
asked for anything better,” he said. Station, Pragati Maidan, Raj
Lovesh Nagar has directed the
video. Ghat, Jama Masjid Metro Sta-
KASHMIR’S POTTER PREP ARES tion, Rajiv Chowk Metro Sta-
10,000 OIL LAMPS
10,000 OIL LAMPS tion, Delhi Gate Metro Station,
n a quaint corner of Jammu and People take part in a Tiranga Yatra in Surat, Gujarat, on Sunday (ANI) ITO Metro Gate, Naubat Khana,
Kashmir, where the rich heritage and Sheesh Ganj Gurudwara,
Iof pottery has been passed down officials in the Defence ministry
through generations, a ray of unex- magnitude of this order has brought tional Conference Centre (SKICC)
pected opportunity has dawned on immense joy and prosperity to our to Botanical Garden on the banks of stated in a release.
Mohammad Umar. family,” he confides, his eyes glinting Dal lake to celebrate ‘Azadi Ka Am-
This year, Diwali seems to have with satisfaction. rit Mahotsav’ ahead of Independence The schemes and initiatives
arrived early for Umar, as his skilled The journey from a modest order Day. that are to be showcased at the sel-
hands meticulously shape clay into of 5,000 oil lamps to an astounding “Today the sky of Jammu and fie points include Global Hope:
10,000 oil lamps commissioned by the 10,000 has been nothing short of a Kashmir shines with the tricolour. I Vaccine and Yoga, Ujjwala Yojana,
administration for the upcoming In- whirlwind for Umar and his dedicat- am thankful to Prime Minister Nar- Space Power, Digital India, Skill In-
dependence Day celebrations. ed team. endra Modi who has filled the hearts dia, Start-up India, Swachh Bharat,
Umar, a skilled potter, beams “We have diligently crafted over of the people of Kashmir with enthu- Sashakt Bharat, Naya Bharat, Power-
with pride as he talks about his fam- 8,000 lamps already, and with unwav- siasm and united them. Today the ing India, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yo-
ily’s deep-rooted connection with the ering determination, we are on track youth are raising the tricolour in their jana, and Jal Jeevan Mission.
art of pottery. to complete the entire order within hands,” the Lieutenant Governor An online selfie contest will also
“My family has been molding the next few days,” Umar proudly de- said. be conducted by the Ministry of De-
clay into art for generations, and I clares, his workshop resonating with “The spirit of ‘Meri Mati Mera fence on ‘MyGov’ portal from August
have been a part of this tradition since the rhythmic symphony of creativity Desh’ and ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ must 15-20, officials said.
childhood,” he shares with a hint of and diligence. unite us as we embark on this noble Citizens are also being encour-
nostalgia. With the enthusiasm of an endeavour,” remarked the Lieu- aged to take selfies at one or more of
artisan dedicated to his craft, Umar MANOJ SINHA FLAGS OFF tenant Governor, radiating confi- the 12 installations and upload them
describes the surge of delight he ex- ‘TIRANGA RALL Y’ IN SRINAGAR dence in the unwavering dedication on the portal to take part in the con-
perienced upon receiving the monu- of the people to be part of this monu- test. Twelve winners, one from each
mental order. ammu and Kashmir Lieutenant mental celebration. installation, will be selected on the
“Ahead of Independence Day, Governor Manoj Sinha on Sun- The Director General of Police, basis of the online selfie contest and
we were entrusted with a substantial Jday flagged off the ‘Tiranga Jammu and Kashmir, Dilbagh Singh they would be awarded a prize money
order for earthen lamps. The sheer Rally’ from Sher-i-Kashmir Interna- also took part in the Tiranga rally and of Rs 10,000 each.