Page 12 - The Indian EYE 081823
P. 12

The Indian Eye
         OPINION                                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      12

        have been polarizing, with some even
        equating AI with the atom bomb and
        terming the current phase of growth
        in AI as the ‘Oppenheimer moment’,
        after the scientist-philosopher J.
        Robert Oppenheimer, under whom
        the Manhattan Project was brought
        to a fruitful conclusion with the test-
        ing of the first atomic bomb. This was
        the moment that signaled the start of
        the first nuclear age—an era of living
        under the nuclear shadow that per-
        sists to this day. The Oppenheimer
        moment, therefore, is a dividing line
        between the conventional past and
        the new present and presumably the
        unknown future.
            Some academics, activists and
        even members of the Big Tech com-
        munity, referred to as ‘AI doomers’
        have coined a term, P(doom), in
        an attempt to quantify the risk of a
        doomsday scenario where a ‘run-
        away superintelligence’ causes severe
        harm to humanity or leads to human
        extinction. Others refer to variations          The military use of AI is an offshoot of the developments ripping through the Silicon Valleys (File photo)
        of the ‘Paperclip Maximiser’, where
        the AI is given a particular task to op-  and generating adequately realistic   one of the very few companies whose   data scientists, which may lead to in-
        timize by the humans, understands it   videos,  among  others.  This is  now   products are designed for significant   advertent killing of civilians. Similar-
        in the form of maximizing the num-  available at a price—disinformation   military use.               ly, spoofing of the senior command-
        ber of paperclips in the universe and   as a service (DaaS)—at the fingertips   Richard Moore, the head of   ers’ voice and text messages may
        proceeds to expend all resources of   of an individual, making the creation   United Kingdom’s (UK) MI6, on   lead to passing of spurious and fatal
        the planet in order to manufacture   and dissemination of disinformation   19 July 2023 stated that his staff   orders for formations. On the other
        only paperclips.                  at scale, very easy. This is why the   was  using  AI  and  big  data  analysis   hand, the UK-led Future Combat Air
            This thought experiment was   voluntary commitments by the US   to  identify  and  disrupt  the  flow  of   System (FCAS) Tempest envisages a
        used to signify the dangers of two   Big Tech companies are just the be-  weapons to Russia. Russia is testing   wholly  autonomous  fighter  with  AI
        issues with AI: the ‘orthogonality   ginning of a regulatory process that   its unmanned ground vehicle (UGV)   integrated both during the design
        thesis’, which refers to a highly intel-  needs  to  be  made  enforceable,  in   Marker with an inbuilt AI which will   and development phase (D&D) as
        ligent AI that could interpret human   line with legally binding safeguards   seek out Leopard and Abrams tanks   well as the identification and target-
        goals in its own way and proceed to   agreed  to  by  UN  members  for  re-  on  the  battlefield  and  target  them.   ing phase during operations. The hu-
        accomplish tasks which have no val-  spective countries.            However, despite being tested in a   man, at best, will be on the loop.
        ue to the humans; and ‘instrumental   Slowly and steadily, the use of AI   number  of  terrains  such  as  forests,   The military use of AI is an off-
        convergence’ which implies AI tak-  in military has been gaining ground.   the Marker hasn’t been rolled out   shoot of the developments ripping
        ing control of all matter and energy   The Russia-Ukraine war has seen   for combat action in ongoing conflict   through the Silicon Valley. As a re-
        on the planet in addition to ensuring   deployment  of  increasingly  efficient   against Ukraine.    sult, the suggestions being offered to
        that no one can shut it down or alter   AI systems on both sides. Palantir,   Ukraine  has  fitted  its  drones   rein in the advancements in AI need
        its goals.                        a company which specializes in AI-  with rudimentary AI that can per-  to move beyond self-censorship and
            Apart from these alleged existen-  based data fusion and surveillance   form the most basic edge process-  into the domain of regulation. This
        tial dangers, the new wave of genera-  services, has created a new prod-  ing  to  identify platforms  like tanks   will be needed to ensure that the un-
        tive AI, which has the potential of low-  uct  called  the  Palantir  AI  Platform   and pass on only the relevant infor-  warranted effects of these technolo-
        ering and in certain cases, decimating   (AIP). This uses  large language   mation (coordinates and nature of   gies do not spill over into the modern
        entry barriers to content creation in   models (LLMs) and algorithms to   platform) amounting to kilobytes of   battlefield,  already  saturated  with
        text, image, audio and video format,   designate, analyses and serve up sug-  data to a vast shooter network. There   lethal and precision-based weapons.
        can adversely affect societies in the   gestions for neutralizing adversary   are obviously challenges in misiden-
        short to medium term. Generative AI   targets, in a chatbot mode.   tifying objects and the task becomes   Lt Col Akshat Upadhyay is Research
        has the potential to birth the era of   Though Palantir’s website clari-  exceedingly  difficult  when  identify-  Fellow, Strategic Technologies Centre at
        the ‘superhuman’, the lone wolf who   fies that the system will only be de-  ing and singling out individuals from   Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense
        can target state institutions through   ployed across classified systems and   the opposing side. Facial recognition   Studies and Analyses, New Delhi
        the  click  of  his  keyboard  at  will.  use  both  classified  and  unclassified   software’s have been used by the   Views expressed are of the author and
            The use of generative AI in the   data to create operating pictures,   Ukrainians to identify the bodies of
                                                                                                               do not necessarily reflect the views of
        hands of motivated individuals, non-  there is no further information on the   Russian soldiers killed in action for   the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        state and  state  actors, has  the  po-  subject available in the open domain.   propaganda uses.            Government of India.
        tential to generate disinformation   The company has also assured on its   It is not a far shot to imagine the
        at scale. Most inimical actors and   site that it will use “industry-lead-  same being used for targeted killings   This article first appeared in the
        institutions have so far struggled to   ing guardrails” to safeguard against   using drones. The challenge here of   Comments section of the website (www.
        achieve  this  due  to  the  difficulties   unauthorized actions. The absence   course is systemic bias and discrimi- of Manohar Parrikar Institute
        of  homing  onto  specific  faultlines   of Palantir from the White House   nation in the AI model which creeps   for Defense Studies and Analyses, New
        within countries, using local dialects   declaration  is  significant  since  it  is   in despite the best intentions of the   Delhi on August 4, 2023

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