Page 16 - The Indian EYE 081823
P. 16
The Indian Eye
Time Travel Really Does Exist!
imeless. It’s a term we use to of-
ten give our stamp of approval
Tto something that’s been creat-
ed. Whether it’s an article of clothing
or a work of art, we aim to create a
product that will have a lasting impact
on generations to come. When we
start to examine traditions and rituals
that have been passed down for cen-
turies, one of the first examples that
comes to mind is religion. Hinduism
is believed to be one of the oldest re-
ligions in the entire world. But how
does an ancient religion continue to
thrive so consistently and expansive-
ly for over thousands of years? How
has it become timeless? I invite you
to travel back in time with me, to the
years 600 CE to 1,000 CE, and visit a
place called the Ellora caves.
Ellora caves is a site in Maha-
rashtra, India where over 100
caves have been carved as an-
cient temples. For four hundred
years, a multitude of Hindu,
Jain, and Buddhist deities and Cave 14, Mahishasuramaridmi Cave 16, Kailasha Temple
monuments sprung from the countless detailed carvings of flowers, line the perimeter, signifying a strong constant for all those following this
basalt cliffs of the Charanan- animals, and groupings of unidenti- foundation. spiritual path by creating opportu-
dri Hills to serve as vessels for fied individuals. Symmetrical floral patterns adorn nities for people to connect to God.
The subsequent millennium fol- the sides of the mandir’s ceilings. De- Although a mandir serves as a place
countless of devotees’ worship lowing the construction of the El- ities encircle the diameter of the shi- of worship, its unique aesthetic has
and offerings. lora caves manifested many Hindu kar. When I stand inside, I see myself grown to capture an even broader
mandirs. Despite the numerous styles standing in the epitome of Hinduism, audience. As Hinduism continues to
stemming from the geographical re- the footprint of God. It is the same spread away from its cultural epicen-
As an Art History major, I have
always had an appreciation for the et- gions of the country, there were a few feeling I have felt when standing in ter of India, it will thrive because of
any modern shikarbaddh mandirs
key elements that remained consis-
what mandirs have to offer. Even for
ymology of the art and architecture I tent, such as the ancient stone carving across the world. But as I visit each of those who may not identify with Hin-
view around me. I take notice of the techniques originally documented in these mandirs to do darshan (viewing duism, many still demonstrate an ap-
nods to ancient Roman architecture Hindu shastras, a dedicated central of deities with devotion) and study the preciation for the serenity and divine
in the neoclassical buildings in our shrine to the deities, an ode to na- sculptures and carvings, it’s one of the beauty mandirs evoke. I am one of
nation’s capital. I wonder about Anish ture and devotion through intricately only times I do not wonder about the the countless individuals, across gen-
Kapoor’s inspiration for Chicago’s all carved motifs, and a presentation of etymology behind these works of art. erations, who have felt the inspiration
too famous Cloud Gate. shikars, or domes, that would put any I find myself transported across the flowing from the mandir. How can I
So, in 2017, when I found myself
standing in the nearly perfectly pre- modern sky scraper to shame. Despite world and throughout the last two mil- not find myself even more drawn to-
the advances of modern technology, lennia. As I take in the majesty of this
wards God?
served ruins of the Ellora caves, I was Hindu mandirs, grounded in millennia mandir, my mind flashes with countless A mandir has the power to make
transported back over 1,000 years to a of Vedic teachings symbolize a univer- images of other sculptures and motifs anyone feel like they are at the cen-
place from which countless places of sal purpose for paramount peace. I have seen at other Hindu mandirs. ter of peace, sparking moments of
worship have drawn inspiration. As I Even a mandir as new as the The art and architecture of these authentic inward reflections and con-
spent the day wandering through the BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir in mandirs, serve as a symbolic expres- nections with what truly matters in
caves of Hindu monuments, I saw the Robbinsville, New Jersey, which has sion of faith, devotion, and philoso- life. To me, that is what makes Hindu-
remnants of the sculptures of deities stood erect for less than 10 years, en- phy. It is the edifices themselves that ism timeless.
Shiva, Parvati, Ganga, and many oth- capsulates thousands of years of time- have continued to propel this ancient Dhira Patel, Detroit, Michigan
ers echo what was once a likely vivid less traditions. Its white Carrara mar- religion into the modern 21st centu- Neuropsychology Postdoctoral Fellow
life-like depiction, surrounded by
ble is the canvas upon which elephants ry. They have remained a resounding Volunteer, BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha