Page 20 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      20

                                                      Flag Hoisting with Children, Dignitaries and GOPIO Officials

                Mayor Caroline Simmons presenting Proclamation to DCG Dr. Varun Jeph               Models of Kashi Collections

            Following  the  flag  hoisting,  ev-  viduals must respect, diversity while   organizations said, “The India Festi-  cates and  gift  cards  and  was  coor-
        eryone moved to the adjacent Mill   working together for the communi-  val in Stamford, CT is a tribute to a   dinated by GOPIO-CT Exec. Vice
        River Park for the inaugural cere-  ty’s progress for a bright future and   strong and vibrant Indian-American   President Mahesh Jhangiani. Sec-
        mony at the Carousel Hall attended   this encourages citizens to actively   community that has excelled in al-  retary  Sushanth  Krishnamurthy  ex-
        by Mayor Simmons, Deputy Consul   participate in efforts to overcome   most all areas of life in this adopted   pressed the vote of thanks.
        General Dr. Jeph, several elected   social challenges and contribute to   nation of ours.”                After 1 pm a 3-hour program
        officials  from  Connecticut  General   making a bigger society.”       Deputy Consul General Dr. Jeph   of Indian cultural performances
        Assembly, heads of many non-profits   In regards to social activism in   complimented the Indian American   chaired by Mrs. Yashasvi Jhangiani,
        and Dr. Thomas Abraham, Chair-    high school graduates, Dr. Jaya Dap-  community for its great contribution   started with patriotic songs sung by
        man of GOPIO International. There   tardar indicated, “the role of youth is   in the USA. He also said that Indi-  singer Sreenivas Gunupuru.
        were vendors who served delicious   the driving force behind the commu-  an Prime Minister Narendra Modi   There were a variety of dances
        Indian food, Indian arts and crafts,  nity’s progress and development so   was received at the White House in   from all over India. MC for the cul-
        Indian clothing and other items were   the high school graduates are being   June  by  8,000  Indian  Americans  at   tural program was Sushmi Narayan.
        displayed at the Park giving a glimpse   awarded certificates and gift cards.”  the Welcome Ceremony. Dr. Jeph   Other activities included kite
        of India’s rich and diverse culture.  In his remarks, GOPIO-CT      further said that US-India relations   flying  and  free  carousel  rides  spon-
            MC Sonali Zullerwar started   Trustee/Advisor and Chairman of   are on the rise since both countries   sored by GOPIO CT Trustee Shelly
        the program with a rendition of   GOPIO International Dr. Thomas    are the two largest democracies in   Nichani. Indian delicacies were avail-
        Vande Mataram and introduced      Abraham, a veteran community lead-  the world.                      able from Tawa Indian Restaurant
        GOPIO-CT President Dr. Jaya Dap-  er who was instrumental starting nu-  High School graduates for area   while vibrant sources of clothing and
        tardar who in her speech said “indi-  merous community and professional   schools  were  honored  with  certifi-  artifacts were available for sale.

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