Page 22 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      22


          FIA-Chicago hosts India Day Parade with

              colorful floats and rich cultural display

        OUR BUREAU

        Chicago, IL
              he  Federation  of  Indian  As-
              sociations (FIA-Chicago), an
        Testeemed organization with a
        rich heritage dating back to its estab-
        lishment in 1980, proudly hosted an
        awe-inspiring India Independence
        Day parade on the vibrant streets of
        Devon Avenue on August 5th, 2023.                                                                     ticipate in this year’s Federation of
        This grand event marked the joyous                                                                    Indian Associations (FIA) parade
        commemoration of India’s 77th Inde-                                                                   on Devon Avenue, celebrating the
        pendence Day anniversary, drawing a                                                                   Indian Independence Day. We are
        diverse multitude of thousands, each                                                                  spreading the Holy Names of Krish-
        hailing from different corners of the                                                                 na to the thousands of Indian fami-
        Indian subcontinent, who converged                                                                    lies and local Chicagoans present
        along the parade route to bask in the                                                                 during the parade.” Many people re-
        resounding waves of patriotism.                                                                       sponded with waving the Indian flag,
            The event was graced by Kanish-  other colorful floats with the colors   versary and prides itself on being the   waving their hands and with smiles.
        ka Soni, an Indian actress and model   of  India  flag  -  white,  orange  and   first Krishna temple in the Midwest.   The  float  also  had  a  Deity  of
        from Mumbai. Joining in the celebra-  green were the members of The In-  The founder of the society, Srila   Lord Jagannatha. It’s customary in
        tions  was esteemed  guests,  includ-  ternational society for Krishna con-  Prabhupada believed in seeing ev-  Indian temples to bring the Deity
        ing Consul General Mr. Somnath    sciousness,  popularly  known  as the   eryone  as  the  children  of  God  and   of  Krishna  on  a  cart  or  palanquin.
        Ghose, Chicago Mayor Mr. Brandon   Hare Krishnas. The society brings a   looking beyond the barriers of color,   Gajendra Moksha Das said, “Jagan-
        Johnson, Mayor of Lincolnwood Mr.   5000-year-old tradition of worship.   nationality and language. There were   natha means the Lord of the Uni-
        Jesal Patel, and Parade Chair Ms.   These followers of Lord Krishna   devotees from different nationalities   verse. Jagannatha is another name
        Smita  Shah.  These  illustrious  fig-  were often seen chanting and danc-  like Venezuela, South Africa, Ameri-  for Krishna. Lord Jagannatha is very
        ures joined their voices to wish one   ing for their mantra - Hare Krishna   ca and India who all happily chanted   kind. He comes for a tour on the
        and all a jubilant Independence Day.   Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare   the names of God and promoted uni-  street to meet His children who can-
        President Dr. Rashmi Patel extended   Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama   versal peace and brotherhood.   not come to see Him at the temple.
        her  warmest welcome and  heartfelt   Rama Hare Hare during the 70s and   As the parade moved on Devon   The devotees perform Kirtan for the
        gratitude to these  distinguished in-  80s. They are still around and their   Street from Western to Washtenaw,   pleasure of Lord Jagannatha.”
        dividuals, underscoring the profound   temple is located at 1716 W Lunt   many shoppers came and out of the   The parade ended on Washten-
        importance of their presence.     Avenue and has a representation of   stores to witness the beautiful floats.   aw with a big round of applause by
            India is celebrating its 77th In-  more  than  40  nations.  The  temple   The temple council member, Subala   the FIA for all the floats.
        dependence Day and among the      also recently celebrated its 50th anni-  das said, “We are honored to par-  -- Asian Media USA

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