Page 18 - The Indian EYE 081823
P. 18

North                       The Indian Eye


         18                                                                                                               AUGUST 18, 2023


                     Connecticut General Assembly

             Honors India on Independence Day

        OUR BUREAU                                                       CT State Legislators presenting citation honoring India
        Stamford, CT
              elebrations have already start-  and other Americans gathered in   the state  of  Connecticut  and New   GOPIO-CT. The citation was initi-
              ed in the US cities to honor   large numbers to celebrate India’s   York’s Westchester County.  ated by State Rep. Mat Blumenthal,
        CIndia for its 76 Anniversary     76th Independence Day with an an-     The day-long celebrations be-  who could not  be present  due to  a
        of Independence, being organized by   nual  India  Day  Festival.  A  floating   gan with the hoisting of the Ameri-  previously scheduled program. The
        the  4.5  million  strong  Indian  Amer-  crowd of over 3,000 people attended   can and Indian flags at the Stamford   citation was introduced by Rep. Blu-
        ican community. The Connecticut   flag  hoisting  followed  by  the  India   Government Center  by  Stamford   menthal (147th Dist.), State Senator
        Chapter of the Global Organization   Festival  and  Kite  flying  at  the  Mill   Mayor Caroline Simmons and Chief   Patricia  Billie  Miller  (27th  Dist.),
        (GOPIO-CT) had a highly successful   River Park from 12 Noon to 4.00 pm.  Guest India’s Deputy Consul Gener-  Rep. Tom O’ Dea (125th Dist.), Rep.
        celebration  on  August  6th  with  flag   Dressed in colorful traditional Indi-  al Dr. Varun Jeph. GOPIO CT Pres-  Corey  P  Paris  (145th  Dist.),  Rep.
        hoisting at the Stamford Govt Center,  an attire, with melodious music from   ident Dr. Jaya Daptardar hoisted the   Anabel  D.  Figueroa  (148th  Dist.),
        a ceremony with elected Connecticut   the popular Bollywood world, danc-  Connecticut  State  flag.    American   Senator Ceci Maher (26th Dist.),
        officials  and  dignitaries  and  a  huge   es depicting the wide variety of In-  and Indian national anthems were   Senator Ryan Fazio ((36th Dist.),
        festival with dances and music of In-  dian culture, kite flying, spicy Indian   sung students of Stamford’s Hindi   Rep. Hubert D. Delany (144th Dist.),
        dia at the Mill River Park in Stamford.  cuisine, and booths decorated with   School.                 Rep. David Michel (46th Dist.), Rep.
            The Mill River Park in Stamford,  Indian symbols and face art, the fes-  Connecticut General Assembly   Corey P. Paris (145th Dist.) and Rep.
        CT on Sunday, August 6th wore a   tivities were a treat to the fast-grow-  issued a citation honoring the India   Rachael Khanna (149th Dist.)
        festive  look  as  Indian  Americans   ing Indian American community in   Day Celebration and presented it to   Continued on next page... >>

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