Page 14 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         COMMUNITY OP-ED                                                           AUGUST 18, 2023                                      14

                                  HOW WE MAKE

              NEW YORK CITY SAFER

           How can we stop the violence before it happens on our streets? With the help of community members, our task force

         landed on seven key strategies. These include: trauma-informed care, housing, employment, benefits access, improving
         the relationship between the police and the community, community vitality, and early interventions to protect our youth

                   ERIC ADAMS

              s mayor, it is my sacred duty to
              keep New Yorkers safe. I cam-
        Apaigned on making New York
        City a safer place to live, work, and
        raise a family, and now, after a little
        over  a  year  and  a  half  in  office,  we
        continue to see the results. Shootings
        are down an incredible 27% through
        the first 7-months of this year, and, so   Bringing down crime and gun violence doesn’t happen overnight. It takes precision policing combined with prevention-based strategies that look
        far this year, we have removed almost
        4,000  illegal  guns  from  our  streets.                at the different causes of violence and take steps to address them (File photo)
        Murder, robberies, and burglaries are
        all down, it is safer to ride on the sub-  communities,  supporting  our  young   ventions to protect our youth.   It takes precision policing combined
        way, and hate crimes have declined.  people, and mobilizing every level   Those investments are  going to-  with prevention-based strategies that
            This is the result of intervention–  of city government to make preven-  wards programs with a proven-success
        targeted, precision policing, but also a   tion-based approaches to public safe-  rate, such as $22.5 million towards the   look at the different causes of vio-
                                                                                                              lence and take steps to address them.
        prevention-based approach to tackle   ty their top priority.        “Work, Learn, Grow” program that
                                                                                                                  Our men and women in uniform
        the root causes of crime. The loss of   Ending gun violence requires   offers year-round employment  op-  are tireless in their efforts to make
        even a single life due to violence is a   more than enforcement. It requires   portunities, and $6.6 million for job   New York City a better place to live
        tragedy. So, while we can all acknowl-  attention and investment, and the   training for out of school and out of   and work. Our many agencies, social
        edge the progress made, we must also   blueprint is built on a community de-  work youth.             workers, and violence interrupters
        keep working proactively in order to   velopment approach that focuses on   We are also addressing the need   help defuse tensions and create op-
        remain the safest big city in America.  preventive measures and long-term   for quality affordable housing, career   portunities for New Yorkers to live
            That is where our recently re-  strategies.                     training, and are involving violence
        leased Blueprint for Community        We sought to answer a key ques-  interrupters, who can defuse violence   meaningful lives outside the web of
                                                                                                              violence. The numbers confirm that
        Safety comes in. The blueprint — de-  tion: How can we stop the violence be-  before it starts.       we are making great progress. But the
        veloped by our Gun Violence Preven-  fore it happens on our streets? With   We are starting our efforts by   work  of  public  safety  never  finishes,
        tion Task Force with support from   the help of community members, our   targeting six police precincts in the   and we must dam up every river that
        Governor Kathy Hochul — is a $485   task force landed on seven key strate-  Bronx and Brooklyn, neighborhoods   leads to the sea of violence. With this
        million-dollar plan that will double   gies. These include: trauma-informed   where we have seen the highest rates   plan, we can create a stronger, safer,
        down on our public safety efforts. It   care,  housing,  employment,  benefits   of gun violence, and we will expand to   more livable city for all.
        will take a 360-degree, holistic ap-  access, improving the relationship be-  other neighborhoods over time.
        proach to further reduce gun violence   tween the police and the community,   Bringing down crime and gun       Eric Adams is
        by investing in our most impacted   community vitality, and early inter-  violence doesn’t happen overnight.   the Mayor of New York City, NY

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