Page 10 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         OPINION                                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      10

         US Voluntary Code of Conduct on AI

               and Implications for Military Use

        AKSHAT UPADHYAY                    Lawmakers in the US have been attempting to rein in the exponential developments in the AI field for some time now, since not much is known
                                                                  about the real impact of the technology on a longer-term basis (File photo)
             even technology companies
             including Microsoft, OpenAI,
        SAnthropic and Meta, with ma-       public use. Bio, chemical and ra-  • Publicly report model or system   2026 banning the use of AI in auto-
                                                                              capabilities  including discussions
                                                                                                              mated weapons of war.
                                            diological risks and ways in which
        jor  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  prod-  barriers to entry can be lowered for   of societal risks;     The discussion at the UNSC can
        ucts made voluntary commitments     weapons development and design   • Accord priority to research on soci-  be seen as elevating the focus from
        regarding the regulation of AI at an   are some of the top priorities. The   etal risks posed by AI systems; and  shorter term AI threat of disinfor-
        event held in the White House on 21   effect on systems which have inter-  • Develop and deploy frontier AI   mation and propaganda in a bilateral
        July 2023. These eight commitments   actions and the ability to control   systems to help address society’s   context  between governments and
        are based on three guiding principles   physical systems needs to be evalu-  greatest challenges.     Big Tech companies to a larger, glob-
        of safety, security and trust. Areas   ated apart from societal risks such   The eight commitments of US’s   al focus on advancements in AI and
        and domains which are presumably    as bias and discrimination;     Big Tech companies come a few days   the need to follow certain common
        impacted by AI have been covered by   • Information sharing amongst com-  after the United Nations Security   standards, which are transparent,
        the code of conduct. While these are   panies  and governments.  This  is   Council  (UNSC)  for  the  first  time   respect privacy of individuals whose
        non-binding, unenforceable and vol-  going to be challenging since the   convened  a  session  on  the  threat   data is ‘scraped’ on a massive scale,
        untary, they may form the basis for a   entire model is based on secrecy   posed by AI to global peace and se-  and ensure robust cybersecurity.
        future Executive Order on AI, which   and competition;              curity.  The UN Secretary  General    Lawmakers in the US have been
        will become critical given the increas-  • Invest in cybersecurity and safe-  (UNSG) proposed the setting up   attempting to rein in the exponential
        ing military use of AI.             guards to protect unreleased and   of a global AI watchdog comprising   developments in the AI field for some
              THE VOLUNTARY AI              proprietary model weights;      experts in the field who would share   time now, since not much is known
           COMMITMENTS ARE THE            • Incentivize third party discovery   their expertise with governments and   about the real impact of the technol-
                 FOLLOWING:                 and reporting of issues and vulner-  administrative agencies. The UNSG   ogy on a longer-term basis. The re-
        • Red-teaming  (internal  and  exter-  abilities;                   also added that UN must come up   actions to the so-called danger of AI
          nal) products to be released for   • Watermarking AI generated content;  with a legally binding agreement by   Continued on next page... >>

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