Page 5 - The Indian EYE 081823
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BIG STORY The Indian Eye 5
AUGUST 18, 2023
to Prime Minister Modi, this is to be fer and Aadhar authentication in wel-
achieved by encouraging sustainable fare schemes has growing relevance to
and environment-friendly lifestyles, the developing world. The use of the
depoliticizing the global supply of CoWIN platform has enhanced vac-
food, fertilizers, and medical products cine accessibility and equity. Digital
to avoid humanitarian crises, and en- India could provide a technological
couraging an honest conversation on model for global solutions of develop-
mitigating risks posed by weapons of ment and welfare at a low cost, which
mass destruction which will contrib- in turn will facilitate growth.
ute to global security. The principle of “data for devel-
But most importantly, according opment” will therefore be an integral
to External Affairs Minister S Jais- part of the overall theme of India’s
hankar, India is emphasizing the role tenure.
of technology in deciding India’s geo- Under its presidency, India is de-
political positioning as it would play termined to create mechanisms that
a key role in striking technological strengthen the capacity of developing
and strategic alliances in a multipo- countries to tackle health crises such
lar world. as the Covid 19 pandemic.
As Prime Minister Modi has India will work with the develop-
said, all living beings and inanimate ing world to create a holistic, global
objects are composed of the five ba- Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman with Gita Gopinath, US Secretary of health architecture that can respond
sic elements of earth, water, fire, air the Treasury Janet Yellen and others at the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors better to future health crises. Accord-
and space. meeting in Gandhinagar (ANI) ing to Shringla, India’s G20 Chief
India’s G20 presidency will pro- Coordinator, “new approaches are
mote this universal sense of oneness, needed to intellectual property, inno-
which is embodied in the theme – building awareness of risks of acute ciety’s prerogative. vation and co-development of health
“One Earth, One Family, One Fu- supply chain disruptions is another The Global South has proved technology to ensure a more inclu-
ture” and the Vedantic doctrine of priority. by example the usefulness of digi- sive response to health crises”. “The
“Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – the India has a critical role in ensur- tal advancement by distributing free focus”, he says, must be on “the ben-
world is one family. ing global health security and the pro- foodgrains to 800 million poor and efits that technological progress and
India has identified some prior- duction and distribution of vaccines direct benefit transfer to 450 million evidence-based policy can provide us
ity issues – growth and prosperity, and can act as a credible voice of the beneficiaries. Citizens of most devel- when it comes to expanding access to
resilient global supply chains, small developing world on the issue of food oping countries do not have any kind health”.
and medium enterprises, logistics, security, Sustainable Development of digital identity. Almost 2 billion India will hope to emerge from
reforms in multilateral institutions Goals and climate finance. It has tak- people do not have bank accounts and its G20 presidency as a global agen-
like WTO, IMF and World Bank and en the lead in WTO with South Africa around 130 countries do not have fast da setter, a driver of inclusive global
women–led development under its G for a waiver from intellectual property payment mechanisms. As G20 Chief growth for global good, and a con-
20 presidency. protections of Covid-19-related med- coordinator Harsh Vardhan Shringla structive consensus maker.
India is expected to take the lead ical technologies as well as related notes “India’s experience has shown The well-developed and efficient-
in setting up new initiatives on disas- equipment. that if digital architecture is made ly functional Development Promo-
ter risk and resilience and Start Up 20. widely accessible, it can bring about tion Programmes of India in Africa
India is likely to propose a com- SOUTH-SOUTH AGENDA socioeconomic tr1nsformation. The and Asia, the Pacific as well as Latin
mon digital platform for ease of In Africa and Latin America, and use of America, including ITEC which en-
cross-border trade, a legal aid system more widely in the global South, there digital technologies, if used judi- hances education, skilling and spe-
for developing countries for dispute has been a lot of interest in the digi- ciously, can become a force multiplier cialization, can be used to promote
settlement in WTO, ways to eliminate tally enabled delivery platforms devel- in the fight against poverty”. India’s a South-South Agenda and create
distortionary non-tariff measures for oped by India, which has shown that success with the Unified Payments In- constituencies for India in these coun-
developing countries and LDCs, and social security is not just a wealthy so- terface (UPI), Direct Benefits Trans- tries. The Lines of Credit can be fo-
a framework to address crucial issues cused to advance the G20 agenda for
at the WTO in clearly defined circum- common development.
stances like the Covid 19 pandemic. But for all this to come together
Establishing an online digital and succeed, India will need to en-
portal that offers integrated trade and sure that the government, business,
business information for market re- academia, educational institutions,
search by MSMEs is another propos- opinion makers, media and the public
al under consideration. It is also pro- at large work in unison. India’s G20
posed to evolve common principles presidency will represent the most
to facilitate decentralized trading, vulnerable in the world and will aim
and inclusive trade action plan that to enhance inclusivity and intra-South
defines clear objectives for driving economic integration.
inclusion in goods and services trade,
and evolving principles to ensure food Anil Wadhwa was Secretary (East)
security through remunerative prices in the Ministry of External Affairs,
of farm goods. and has served as Ambassador to
Geospatial mapping of global Poland, Oman, Thailand and Italy.
value chains for critical and essential Union Minister of Women and Child Development Smriti Irani addresses the media after the Currently, he is a Distinguished Fellow
sectors, network restructuring, sup- inauguration of G20 Ministerial Conference on Women’s Empowerment (ANI) with the New Delhi-based Vivekananda
ply chain management solutions and International Foundation.