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The Indian Eye
         BIG STORY                                                                 AUGUST 18, 2023                                       4


                 INDIA LEADS


           India has a unique opportunity to redefine and refocus the G20 agenda to reflect

          interests and priorities of the Global South. India is looking to create mechanisms
                   that strengthen the capacity of developing countries, says Anil Wadhwa

                  ANIL WADHWA
                                          Delegates listening to the virtual address of Prime Minister Narendra Modi at G20 Anti-Corruption Ministerial meeting in Kolkata on Saturday (ANI)
              he baton of the G20 presiden-
              cy has been passed on to India.
        TCollectively, the G20 nations    the world are facing a debt crisis. 200   sus maker.                the LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment)
        have delivered important results in   million people in the world have gone   Prime Minister Modi has stated   movement in India, making the adop-
        relieving debt burdens, rationalizing   below the poverty line while 75 mil-  on the eve of India taking over the   tion of successful lifestyles a mass
        international taxation, capital and   lion people have lost their jobs.  Presidency that India has some nota-  movement These will be useful tem-
        liquidity requirements for banks, re-                               ble achievements to its credit, includ-  plates, as India’s G20 priorities will be
        capitalization of the IMF, stabilizing   INCLUSIVE DIPLOMACY        ing the scalability of digital technolo-  shaped in consultation with not only
        the financial situation during the 2008   The UN  Security Council  has   gies, collective decision-making and   the G20 partners but also its fellow
        global financial crisis, creating a Debt   seen gridlocks due to geopolitics. Chi-  democracy, a governance model of   travellers in the global South, whose
        Service Suspension Initiative, ensur-  na dominates as many as 15 of the   taking care of the marginalized while   voice often goes unheard.
        ing overall macroeconomic stabili-  world’s multilateral institutions in a   nurturing the creative genius of youth,   India plans to host the most inclu-
        ty. Over the years, the G20 has also   strategic and calculated takeover; the   and making national  development  a   sive G20 meetings with delegates from
        worked to widen its agenda to include   UN System badly needs reforms, and   citizen-led “people’s movement.” In-  19 countries and the European Union
        issues like corruption, terror financing,   the G7 is perceived as an elitist, rich   dia is successfully leveraging technol-  plus  over  800special  invitees  from
        jobs and social security, drug traffick-  country grouping. Against this back-  ogy to create digital public goods that   Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, Oman,
        ing, migration, agriculture and food   drop, the G-20 is seen as a promising   are open, inclusive, and interoperable   Singapore, Mauritius, the Nether-
        security, health and climate change.   forum with the right mix of industri-  which has delivered revolutionary   lands, Spain and the UAE, many
            Building on these achievements,   alized and developing economies and   progress in social protection, health   international bodies, and business
        India is geared up to deliver an inclu-  more  representative  of  the  current   insurance, vaccination and tracking;   leaders who will attend the 200 meet-
        sive, ambitious and action-oriented   global  balance  of  power  and  influ-  financial  inclusion,  and  electronic   ings in 55 cities over the coming year.
        presidency. The world faces a geo-  ence. As the world’s largest democra-  payments.
        political  crisis  due  to  the  conflict  in   cy, the fifth largest economy, and the   It is the only country in G20   NEW INITIATIVES
        Ukraine. There is the challenge of   most populous nation in the world,   which is well on track to achieve its   India has already outlined a vi-
        global breakdowns in supply chains,   India has pursued a policy of strategic   Nationally Determined Contributions   sion of shaping a new paradigm of hu-
        the  crisis  of  climate  finance  and  cli-  autonomy in recent times and has the   for climate mitigation under the Paris   mancentric globalization. According
        mate action, and seventy countries in   heft and credibility to act as a consen-  Agreement. PM Modi has launched   Continued on next page... >>

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