Page 26 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      26

                 Ashish Chauhan honored by Indo-American International Chamber of    Ashish Chauhan with Appen P. Menon, President of Indo-American International
                                Commerce (IAICC) in USA                                           Chamber of Commerce (IAICC)

        You joined the largest business corporate   this place which has carved its special   pore and India and giftings basically   Fortunately, things have been going
        House of India, the Reliance group and   place in history to an even better place   a attach free zone outside of Indian   on smoothly because of the push from
        worked  with Mukesh Ambani. Tell us   of significance in future.    normal jurisdiction know income tax   the  Prime  Minister  office  of  India’s
        about your experience.                                              applies  for  companies  outside  even   office even cooperation from all the
            My brother and sister were in the   You are still in your early 50s and already   companies within the city, don’t have   regulators in  India and the Govern-
        US. They were telling me to migrate   have this huge accomplishment of setting   to pay taxes. There is no GST, no com-  ment of Singapore.
        there so I applied for assignments.   up GIFT Nifty in Gujarat, which has   modity subtraction taxes, stamp duty
        However, I started my own company   been done very successfully. Tell us how   is also not there.  Since last 1 year, we   Before we call it a day, I would like to
        called Exchange which was   this was made possible.        have ensured that whenever you are in   know from you about your contribution
        basically a B2B e-commerce for every   Singapore is a trading hub. An   the world, when you place an order on   in making India the 3rd largest economy,
        type of industry in India providing   ecosystem has been created where   Singapore Nifty index that order will   which is the vision of Prime Minister of
        matching engines financing, logistics,   people from across the world are   come to the GIFT exchange.  People   India. How do you see it happening?
        and other things. It was a 100 people   trading on Singapore exchange plat-  were very apprehensive because first   Destiny has been designed for In-
        company but when the e-commerce   form. Around 2007-08, Mr Modi who   time in the world, between two coun-  dia to rise now with all the parameters
        bubble busted, the funding dried up.   was the then chief minister of Gujarat   tries, such a set up was done. People   in place. Since last 1,000 years, India
        It was at that time, Reliance told me   visualised similar centre as Singapore   thought this may not work but it has   has been at the receiving end. For the
        that we are setting up a new telecom   international financial services centre   been a very positive experience till   first time now, we are a very techno
        company and you can work with us as   in Gandhinagar. He had given it the   now with smooth operations.  In the   savvy  country.  We have leapfrogged
        an employee along with your entire   name of GIFT and that’s how it has   last week of July, we started having   many technology cycles, being a fully
        team. Mr  Ambani told me to clean   been known as the gift city. In 2013, we   $12 billion trading.   on mobile hi-tech country. The amaz-
        up their billing process. I could do   met at the Bombay Stock Exchange   So now international traders are   ing miracle of technology is being ad-
        that since I had done lot of business   and requested to set up an exchange.   connecting to the GIFT city via Singa-  opted by India in the fastest possible
        processes before. Later on, when the   We had a meeting for the launch   pore exchange.  It’s a unique system   way. The second thing which works is
        group split and I was made the chief   of SGX Nifty and GIFT Connect.   created between the two countries,   our demographics and which creates
        information officer (CIO) of the Re-  GIFT index is a touch free zone.   wherein a unique system is created   wealth is that we have huge young
        liance Industries group. They also   It’s a Special Economic Zone created   and you can trade either on GIFT   population of around 30 years.
        told me to handle the public relations   by India where basically way to work   exchange or Singapore exchange and   In the next 50 years more wealth
        of the group.  I was also leading the   in a system work create a system be-  its completely  transparent. Risk man-  will be created that has been done in
        Mumbai Indians as its CEO.        tween 2 different countries Singa-  agement also happens seamlessly.   the  last  10,000  years.  Next  50  years
                                                                                                              are going to be tremendously import-
        You are also the honorary chancellor                                                                  ant for the world in terms of wealth
        of the prestigious Allahabad University.                                                              creation using cloud adoption, AI, big
        Please tell us about that.                                                                            data, robotics as well as defence and
            I have been associated with many                                                                  genetic  modification.  Every  Indian
        education policies of the government.                                                                 is thinking in their own unique way.
        Allahabad University has been called                                                                  Today to create wealth, we need little
        the Oxford of the East. It has been                                                                   wealth (capital) and loads of brains.
        the producer of many top minds of                                                                         Every day thousands of com-
        the country including leaders, bureau-                                                                panies are being born.  There are
        crats and entrepreneurs. However,                                                                     angel investors and funding plat-
        due to increased political atmosphere                                                                 forms. However, money can be raised
        in the University, there was a down-                                                                  through markets as well. Today we
        fall. Now, we are upgrading it again.                                                                 are  the  4th  largest  stock  exchange
        We are trying to get funding from the                                                                 in the world with $3.6 trillion wealth
        alumni to improve the infrastructure                                                                  created. We are the services capital
        and appoint more faculty.                                                                             of the world. Every year we need to
            The number of students is rising.    Ashish Chauhan presenting to Sunil Hali Ashish Chauhan STHITAPRAGYA,    create 15 million jobs. We are getting
        We have also created Centres of Ex-                  The Process of Maintaining Equilibrium           to manufacturing as well in a big way.
        cellence. The idea is to turn around                                                                  The future lies ahead.

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