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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      28

            Keeping New Yorkers safe: NYC Mayor

                Adams unveils a Blueprint in Action

                  More than $485 Million in investments to create a city where no one ever

                                             decides that they need to pick up a gun

        OUR BUREAU
        New York City, NY
               ew York City Mayor Eric Adams, First Dep-
               uty Mayor Sheena Wright, and the New York
        NCity Gun Violence Prevention Task Force
        have embarked on a much safer New York City call-
        ing for action with “A Blueprint for Community Safe-
        ty.” As per Mayor Adams, “Public safety is not only a
        prerequisite, but the pathway to prosperity. Overall,
        crime is down across the city year to date, and our
        numbers continue to trend in the right direction.”
            This $485 million blueprint captures the Adams
        administration’s vision for a city free of gun violence,
        with double digits (27%) reduction in gun violence
        over the last 18 months. The aim of this blueprint is
        simple: how to stop gun violence before it even hap-
        pens on the street. As budget reflects values, the larg-
        est investment in city history towards gun violence   First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright with A. T. Mitchell Founder Man Up with Ethnic Community Media round table conference
        prevention is a step in the right direction with tar-                             in City Hall, New York
        geted, intentional investments to create a city where
        no one ever decides that they need to pick up a gun.
            As per the Co-chair, First Deputy Mayor Shee-
        na Wright and Man Up! Inc. Founder A.T. Mitchell,
        this major initiative is a multi-agency, cross-sector
        effort to promote long-term safety across all com-
        munities and make New York City much safer. The
        motive of the city government is that an all-hands-
        on-deck effort is needed to face the challenge of
        gun violence.
            The idea behind this report is to interact with
        community  and  address  neighborhoods’  specific
        challenges, needs and priorities through data anal-
        ysis. The blueprint envisages 7 strategies once ap-
        plied into the first 6 precincts (most impacted) and
        eventually into the other top 30, to make this great
        city rise above the ashes of senseless gun violence.
            The Gun Violence Prevention Task Force was
        formed in June 2022, with underlying Vision being
        ‘All New Yorkers live in safe communities and are   New York city First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright    Jose Bayona and First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright
        free from gun violence,’ and Mission as, ‘Address   with Jose Bayona New York city Ethnic & Community Media,   with A. T. Mitchell with Ethnic & Community Media round
        the upstream causes of violence in impacted com-
        munities to reduce shooting incidents and ensure            Executive Director                     table conference in City Hall, New York
        that children and their families, young adults, and
        formerly incarcerated New Yorkers have full access   also nearly doubling over the same period.  olence in NYC is concentrated within the 30 pre-
        to the opportunities that help them thrive.’     The  City  needs  interventions  that  start  ear-  cincts with the highest number of shooting incidents.
            Though New York City is one of the safest big   lier and focus on positive youth development as   Further, In 2022, one-in-four shootings (25%)
        cities in the United States, but since the onset of the   the youth unemployment rate in New York City   and 39% of confirmed shots fired citywide occurred
        COVID-19 pandemic, gun violence has spiked to   is more than double that of the United States as a   in just 6 precincts. These neighborhoods, mostly
        an unseen level. The shooting rates touched a new   whole (17.9% vs. 8.3%, respectively in 2022) along   Black and Brown communities, reflect the historic
        high and increased roughly 3X in the summer of   with 28.9% decrease in CUNY community college   disinvestment and quality of life challenges that the
        2020, with 21% increase in index crimes over the   enrolments since 2018. Hence, Mayor Adams has   Task Force seeks to address. The pandemic aggravat-
        last year. Gun violence is increasingly impacting   identified public safety as critical to New York City’s   ed generations of systemic racial discrimination and
        New York City’s youth with number of children   post-pandemic revival and prosperity.      inequities in health care, housing, education, there-
        under 18 being shot doubling since 2019 and  the   The focus of this blueprint is on the most im-  by, increasing the risks of gun violence and making to
        number  of  known  offenders  under  the  age  of  18   pacted communities, as about 92% of total gun vi-  address gun violence a key racial equity imperative.

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