Page 24 - The Indian EYE 081823
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The Indian Eye
         NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                   AUGUST 18, 2023                                      24

                                              INTERVIEW WITH ASHISH CHAUHAN

           “Destiny has been designed for India

           to rise now with all the parameters in

                        place…the future lies ahead”

           ndia is on the most-anticipated
           and awaited way to become the
        I3rd largest economy in the world.
        One man who has been contribut-
        ing  significantly  is  Ashish  Chauhan,
        MD and CEO of National Stock Ex-
        change of India and honorary chan-
        cellor of Allahabad University. Re-
        cently, he interacted with Sunil Hali,
        promoter and publisher of the Indian
        Eye group, Worldwide Media & En-
        tertainment Group in a live session
        for Radio Zindagi Network. Chauhan
        was a guiding light who shone through
        the pandemic when every institution
        was struggling.
            The only index that was going up
        in India was the stock market index.
        In this enlightening and lively chat,
        Chauhan describes in detail his inspir-
        ing story from a village in Gujarat to
        IIT-Bombay to working for Reliance,
        the largest corporate group of India,
        and finally leading the NSE. Excerpts
        from the insightful and motivating
        interaction about hard work, knowl-
        edge and a will to make way ahead.

        Tell us about your early childhood and
        how you made way to the top institu-
        tions of India, even after coming from          Ashish Chauhan, M.D. & CEO of National Stock Exchange, India & Chancellor Allahabad Uniiversity (left)
        the vernacular medium. What were the
        challenges?                                              with Indian Consul General in New York, Randhir Jaiswal (center) and Sunil Hali
            I was born to highly-educated
        parents. My mother was a gold med-  organizers of Mood Indigo, which   doing clearing settlements.    computers, and only used for kind of
        allist in economics in the 1960s and  is the largest sports festival in India.   Within 1 year, NSE became   free batch activities like in university
        a working woman since then. My        I joined IDBI and during      larger than Bombay Stock Exchange   campuses.  They were very large and
        father was an engineer. I was born  Harshad  Mehta scandal,  it was  told   which was the oldest exchange in   the programming the way we know
        and studied in Bavla, 30 kms from  to set up a new exchange. NSE was   Asia. This was the original fintech in   now, was not that prevalent.  India
        Ahmedabad. I studied in a Gujara-  established which was the first auto-  early 90s, when few Indians had not   was then a poor country in terms of
        ti-medium school till class 12th and  mated trading exchange in the world.   even heard of computers. We were   the capital available.
        then  got  admission  to  IIT  Bombay.  Even New York Stock exchange was   actually trading nation-wide. This was   There were many sanctions
        As  the  medium  of  instruction  was  phone-based at the time. India with-  the first success in financial markets   against  India  by  the  western  block.
        English, it was very tough but I could  out much money or automation be-  with complete automation.   India was sending many satellites for
        complete the course within the speci-  came harbinger of things to come by   We fellow IITians, if you agree or   weather forecast, etc. I was not well-
        fied time of 4 years. I joined IIM Cal-  setting up this nationwide exchange   disagree, called you the fintech guru   versed with English but I worked hard
        cutta to do my MBA. To my surprise,  using satellite telecom network. I was   in India. While the computers had not   to learn it by reading through lot of
        when I gave exams for the higher  the youngest member of the team. So,   entered India, you were engineering   manuals and books to enhance my
        studies, I was also in the top few of  I had to do lot of work including in-  these solutions on how to implement   understanding. In my 4th year of IIT,
        engineering students. I thought I will  struction to satellite communications,   it here in a better way, at such a young   new computers were available to help
        do better in management because  design to buying of equipment and   age. Please tell us more about it.     in doing real-time activities.
        I started organizing events during  doing screen designs for trading algo-  The world was just trying to use
        my IIT days. I was one of the main  rithm designs for matching and finally   computers. They were mainframe   Continued on next page... >>

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