Page 8 - The Indian EYE 072823
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NATION                                                                    JULY 28, 2023  |   The Indian Eye                     8

        Terror Alert! Suspects held in several states amid

          suspicion of planned attacks by radicalized men

            NIA suspects their involvement in the distribution of sticky bombs, magnetic bombs,
                        Improvised Explosive Devices, funds, narcotic substances and arms

                                                                                                              stances  and  arms  and  ammunition.
        OUR BUREAU
                                                                                                                  This is the NIA’s second raid in
        Bengaluru/Patna/New Delhi                                                                             the case within 15 days. The agency
                                                                                                              had conducted raids at five locations
            n a major breakthrough this week,                                                                 in  South  Kashmir  on  July  11.  The
            seven  country-made  pistols,  live                                                               places  earlier  searched  by  the  NIA
        Ibullets,  walkie-talkie  sets  and                                                                   include  three  districts  of  Anantnag,
        dagger were among the arms and am-                                                                    Shopian  and  Pulwama  in  the  Kash-
        munition recovered from five terror                                                                   mir valley. It led to the seizure of sev-
        suspects who had been radicalised to                                                                  eral  digital  devices  containing  mas-
        carry out attacks and were arrested                                                                   sive incriminating data.
        by Bengaluru Police.                                                                                      Earlier  in  a  different  case,  the
            Bengaluru  Police  Commission-                                                                    NIA arrested an “expert arms train-
        er B Dayananda said on Wednesday                                                                      er”  as  one  more  prime  accused  in
        that  the  preliminary  interrogation                                                                 the Bihar case relating to the banned
        shows  that  five  accused  were  radi-                                                               Popular Front of India (PFI), taking
        calised by one of the main accused                                                                    the  total  number  of  arrests  in  the
        in  the  2008  Bengaluru  serial  blast                                                               case to 15. Yaqub Khan, 22, alias Sul-
        case. “Five accused have been arrest-                                                                 tan alias Usman, a resident of East
        ed. The preliminary interrogation in-                                                                 Champaran  district  in  Bihar,  was
        dicates that five accused, along with                                                                 arrested on charges pertaining to un-
        another  person  who  is  absconding                                                                  lawful and anti-national activities of
        and who is likely to be abroad now,                                                                   PFI cadres and members.
        they were involved in a 2017 murder                                                                       The NIA had earlier arrested 14
        case. And when they were inside the                                                                   accused  and  seized  several  incrimi-
        jail regarding this case, they came in                                                                nating articles and documents relat-
        contact  with  Nazeer,  one  of  the  of                                                              ed  to  the  case.  Four  accused  were
        the main accused in 2008 serial blast                                                                 charge-sheeted in the case on Janu-
        case,” he said.                                                                                       ary 7 this year.
           “Nazeer  seems  to  have  radical-                                                                     NIA  investigations  have  re-
        ised these individuals, especially the                                                                vealed that Yaqub Khan was an “ex-
        one who is now absconding and the                                                                     pert arms trainer of the PFI and had
        person  who  is  presently  abroad,  he                                                               conducted many training sessions in
        has activated this module and he has                                                                  furtherance of the outfit’s aggressive
        supplied  these  weapons  and  other      ISIS terrorist Faizan Ansari, who was allegedly in contact with ISIS agents    and violent agenda and activities.”
        equipment for the purpose of carry-    from across the country and abroad through the dark net is being brought before    Meanwhile  in  Uttar  Pradesh,
        ing out certain subversive activities in            the NIA court in Ranchi on Thursday (ANI)         NIA on Thursday arrested a 19-year-
        Bengaluru city,” he added.                                                                            old  student  of  Uttar  Pradesh’s
            The  officer  said  that  based  on                                                               Aligarh  Muslim  University  (AMU)
        credible  information,  the  Crime   Agency  (NIA)  on  Thursday  carried   tions being raided by the NIA sleuths   for his alleged links with ISIS, a pro-
        Branch  has  been  successful  in   out  searches  at  five  locations  in   are  residential  premises  of  hybrid   scribed  terrorist  organisation.  The
        pre-empting and preventing a possi-  Kashmir in a case pertaining to the   terrorists and OGWs linked with the   accused,  Faizan  Ansari  alias  Faiz,
        ble subversive activity in Bengaluru   criminal conspiracy for carrying out   newly-formed  offshoots  and  affili-  was  arrested  after  searches  at  his
        city.                             terrorist  and  subversive  activities   ates of several banned Kashmiri ter-  house and rented accommodation in
            Former  Karnataka  Chief  Minis-  hatched  by  the  cadres  and  Over-  rorist outfits. Premises of sympathis-  Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh as part
        ter Basavaraj Bommai said the case   ground Workers (OGWs) of various   ers and cadres of these organisations   of NIA’s crackdown against modules
        should be handed over to National   proscribed  organizations  and  their   are also being raided.    of ISIS operating in the country, said
        Investigation Agency. “There is a big   affiliates or off-shoots operating un-  All  these  cadres  and  workers   the NIA.
        conspiracy. They wanted to do serial   der various pseudo names at the be-  are  being  investigated  for  activi-  As  per  the  NIA,  Faizan  had
        bomb blasts in Bengaluru. This case   hest of their Pakistani commanders   ties relating to terror, violence and   hatched a criminal conspiracy along
        should be handed over to NIA (Na-  and handlers.                    subversion  in  Jammu  and  Kash-  with  his  associates  and  other  un-
        tional Investigation Agency).”        The  raids  were  conducted   mir.  The  NIA  suspects  their  in-  known  individuals  through  social
            The  Bengaluru  case  is  one   against  newly  floated  offshoots  of   volvement  in  the  collection  and   media platforms to support ISIS ac-
        among the several cases which hint   proscribed  Pakistan-backed  banned   distribution  of  sticky  bombs,  mag-  tivities in India and disseminate the
        at a growing terror threat across the   terrorist outfits operating in Jammu   netic  bombs,  Improvised  Explo-  outfit’s propaganda over various so-
        country. The National Investigation   and Kashmir, sources said. The loca-  sive  Devices,  funds,  narcotic  sub-  cial media platforms.

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