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BIG STORY                                                                 JULY 28, 2023  |   The Indian Eye                     5

        At that meeting in Mumbai, we will
        decide  on  who  the  11  will  be,  who                                                              The meeting decided on some
        the Convenor will be, etc. These are                                                                  significant steps towards prepa-
        small things”.
            West Bengal Chief Minister Ma-                                                                    rations for the 2024 Lok Sabha
        mata  Banerjee,  while  warning  the                                                                  elections, sources said. They
        ruling party at the center said, “NDA,
        BJP, can you challenge INDIA?”                                                                        said that NDA led by the Bhara-
            The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) at-                                                                     tiya Janata Party (BJP) has
        tended the meeting with the Congress
        assuring the party of its support for                                                                 formed 10 clusters, each head-
        the BJP government’s ordinance nul-                                                                   ed by a minister or big leader,
        lifying the Supreme Court’s order to
        give the Delhi government larger con-                                                                 who has been entrusted with the
        trol over the bureaucracy in the state.                                                               responsibility of spearheading
            AAP  national  convener  Arvind
        Kejriwal, while addressing the press                                                                  the alliance’s campaign strate-
        conference  said  that  the  leaders  of                                                              gy. NDA has 38 political parties
        the like-minded parties came to Kar-
        nataka’s Bengaluru to save the coun-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacts with National Democratic Alliance (NDA) leaders   at present.
        try from “hatred”.                  ahead of their meeting, at ‘The Ashok Hotel’, in New Delhi on Tuesday. Defense Minister
            The 26 parties resolved to “safe-  Rajnath Singh, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) National President JP Nadda and others are   Sources said that following the
        guard the idea of India as enshrined                  also present (ANI Photo/Rahul Singh)            initial  meeting  held  in  the  Parlia-
        in the Constitution”.                                                                                 ment today, the Prime Minister out-
            The Samuhik Sankalp of 26 po-                                                                     lined a clear roadmap and set ambi-
        litical parties belonging to I.N.D.I.A   never  created  hurdles  to  develop-  The  NDA  leaders,  who  arrived   tious targets for the coalition in the
        alleged that the pillars of the Indian   ment schemes meant for the welfare   for  the  meeting,  also  posed  for  a   run-up  to  the  2024  elections.  The
        Constitution “are being methodically   of  the  country  and  its  people,”  PM   group photograph before going into a   primary  objective  is  to  strengthen
        and menacingly undermined”.       Modi said.                        huddle. Ahead of the meeting of the   the  NDA  and  consolidate  its  posi-
            Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal also   He stated further that nation, na-  NDA,  Prime  Minister  Modi  shared   tion across the country.
        said that the Opposition parties are   tional security and progress were the   a tweet, expressing his delight at the   Sources  said  that  10  ministers
        fighting  for  inclusive  India  which  is   priorities for the NDA.  NDA partners from across the coun-  leading the respective clusters are ex-
        written  in  the  Constitution  and  PM   “For the NDA, it is nation first,   try arriving in the national capital for   pected to play a pivotal role in mobi-
        Modi is fighting for exclusive India.  security  of  the  nation  first,  progress   the huddle.      lizing their parties and allies towards
            Meanwhile, in New Delhi, coun-  first  and  the  empowerment  of  the   PM  Modi  took  to  Twitter  to   a common goal. The alliance aims to
        tering the Opposition parties, which   people first,” PM Modi said.  post,” It is a matter of immense joy   harness  the strengths of  each  con-
        at  their  second  joint  meeting  in   The representatives from a total   that our valued NDA partners from   stituent party and work in tandem to
        Bengaluru  on  Tuesday  named  their   of 38 political parties were in atten-  across  India  will  be  attending  the   maximize electoral gains.
        fledgling alliance as I.N.D.I.A (India   dance  as  the  meeting  the  National   meeting  in  Delhi  today.  Ours  is  a   Sources  informed  that  some
        National  Developmental  Inclusive   Democratic  Alliance  (NDA)  led  by   time-tested  alliance  which  seeks  to   of  the  ministers,  who  would  be  giv-
        Alliance),  Prime  Minister  Narendra   the BJP got underway in the national   further  national  progress  and  fulfil   en  responsibility  are  Anurag  Singh
        Modi said the NDA stands for “New   capital on Tuesday evening.     regional aspirations.”            Thakur,  Pralhad  Joshi,  Nityanand
        India, Development, Aspiration”.                                                                      Rai, Dharmendra Pradhan and Sar-
            Addressing  a  meeting  of  the                                                                   banand Sonowal. As per the sources,
        BJP-led  National  Democratic  Al-                                                                    every group would have 35-40 Mem-
        liance  (NDA)  in  the  national  cap-                                                                bers  of  Parliament.  Prime  Minister
        ital  on  Tuesday  evening,  PM  Modi                                                                 Narendra Modi will hold meetings of
        said,”  NDA  means  N=New  India,                                                                     each group and the first meeting is to
        D=Development,  A=Aspiration.”                                                                        be held on July 25.
        In a veiled at Congress leader Rahul                                                                      The  sources  said  that  with  the
        Gandhi over his remark at an event in                                                                 formation of these clusters and the
        London earlier this year, questioning                                                                 allocation  of  specific  responsibili-
        why the “defenders to democracies”                                                                    ties, the NDA has taken “a proactive
        were  unmoved  over  the  prevailing                                                                  step” towards streamlining its cam-
        state  of  affairs  in  India,  PM  Modi                                                              paign efforts.
        said even when the NDA was in the                                                                         They  said  that  the  coalition  is
        Opposition, it never insulted the peo-                                                                committed to presenting a compre-
        ple’s mandate or never took help of                                                                   hensive  and  compelling  vision  for
        foreign powers to destabilize the rul-                                                                the country’s future, addressing var-
        ing governments.                                                                                      ious  challenges  and  aspirations  of
            “Even when we were in the Op-                                                                     the citizens.
        position,  we  always  preached  and                                                                      The sources said that BJP-led al-
        practiced  positive  politics.  We  un-                                                               liance has started its preparations in
        earthed  scams  of  previous  govern-                                                                 earnest to secure a renewed mandate
        ments  but  never  questioned  or  in-                                                                from the electorate in the 2024 polls.
        sulted the mandate of the people. We   Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal interacts with Shiv Sena (UBT) Uddhav Thackeray during   With the opposition too coming
        never took the help of foreign powers      the Opposition parties meet in Bengaluru (ANI Photo/ Shrikant Singh)  together, it is going to be long-drawn
        against  the  ruling  governments.  We                                                                battle till the elections next year.

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