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NATION                                                                    JULY 28, 2023  |   The Indian Eye                     6

               Outrage in India: Four held after video of two

          Manipuri women being paraded naked goes viral

           Indian weightlifter Saikhom Mirabai Chanu requests the Prime Minister and the Home

                                          Minister to resolve the issue in her home state

        OUR BUREAU
        Imphal/New Delhi
           n a major development on Thurs-
           day,  four  people  were  arrested
        Iafter  a  horrifying  viral  video  of
        women  being  paraded  naked  sur-
        faced  from  Manipur.    Earlier,  Ma-
        nipur  Governor  Anusuiya  Uikey
        expressed  her  strong  condemnation
        of  the  viral  video  of  women  being
        paraded naked and allegedly sexually
        assaulted  and  directed  the  Director
        General of Police (DGP) to take im-
        mediate steps to book the perpetra-
        tors of this heinous crime and award
        exemplary punishment as per law.

        Amidst a nationwide outcry
        over the appalling incident in

        Manipur, Chief Minister N Biren
        Singh announced that two indi-
        viduals, including the primary
        perpetrator, have been appre-

        hended. He emphasized that
        his government would spare no               Students stage a candle-light protest against the violence in Manipur at Chanakya National Law University campus
        effort in seeking the death pen-                                        in Patna, Bihar, on Thursday (ANI)
        alty for the accused.             position parties have given notice un-  months  old  and  is  being  reported   study  properly,”  28-year-old  Saik-
                                          der Rule 193, in the Rajya Sabha, the   to be of May 4, a day after the eth-  hom Mirabai Chanu said in a tweet
            “One  was  arrested  yesterday   Opposition have given notice under   nic clashes in the northeastern state   on  July  17.  Chanu  added,  “Many
        and  recently  I  got  information  that   Rule 176 and Rule 267. The govern-  broke out.             people  have  died,  and  houses  have
        another  one  has  also  been  arrested   ment, in principle, has agreed to dis-  Prime Minister Narendra Modi   been burned amidst the ongoing cri-
        now. The interrogation is going on.   cuss the matter in Lok Sabha under   took  note  of  the  video  and  said,  “I   sis in Manipur.”
        The  state  police  have  arrested  the   Rule 193 and in Rajya Sabha under   am filled with pain and the incident   Commonwealth  Games  gold
        suspected  main  culprit  and  those   Rule 176.                    is shameful for any civil society.” “No   medalist said, “Manipur is my home-
        who involve have also been arrested   It  may  be  noted  that  Rule  193   accused will be spared, we will never   town,  currently,  I  am  in  the  USA
        and will be booked as per the law,”   in  Lok  Sabha  and  Rule  176  in  Ra-  forgive  those  who  are  behind  this,”   preparing  for  the  upcoming  World
        Singh said.                       jya Sabha refers to short discussion.   he said.                    Championship  and  Asian  Games.  I
            The violence in Manipur erupt-  Rule  267  in  Rajya  Sabha  refers  to   In a related development, Indi-  am not in Manipur but I still wonder
        ed after a rally by the All-Tribal Stu-  suspension of business of the day.  an  weightlifter  and  Commonwealth   when the dust will settle and peace is
        dents Union of Manipur (ATSUM)        Day one of the monsoon session   Games  gold  medalist  Saikhom  Mi-  restored in Manipur.”
        on May 3 in protest against the pro-  of  the  Parliament  witnessed  unruly   rabai Chanu has expressed her views   Lastly,  she  said,  “I  want  to  ap-
        posed inclusion of people belonging   scenes amid sloganeering by the oppo-  on  the  Manipur  violence  while  re-  peal to the Prime Minister and Home
        to the Meitei community in the list of   sition over Manipur violence as joint   questing the Prime Minister and the   Minister, to restore peace in the state
        Scheduled Tribes (STs).           opposition sought Prime Minister Na-  Home Minister to resolve the issue.  and bring back the prosperity back to
            Meanwhile, Opposition parties   rendra Modi’s statement on the issue.  “It has been three months since   Manipur.”
        have given notice to discuss the on-  This came amid a fresh contro-  the  violence  has  broken  out  in  the   Mirabai  Chanu  lifted  a  total  of
        going  violence  in  Manipur  in  both   versy  after  a  video  of  two  women   state of Manipur and the situation is   201 kg, winning the Gold Medal at
        Houses of the Parliament on Friday,   being  paraded  naked  in  the  State   not getting better. Many sports play-  the  CWG  2022.  She  won  the  silver
        the second day of the Monsoon Ses-  surfaced  and  was  widely  circulated.   ers are being restricted from training   medal at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in
        sion. While in the Lok Sabha the Op-  The  video  was  approximately  three   and  students  are  not  being  able  to   the Women’s 49 kg category.

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