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NATION                                                                   JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    8

                                             HARYANA ELECTIONS

                        AAP launches ‘Kejriwal ki 5

             Guarantee’ as Delhi chief minister

           remains in jail in corruptions cases

           Rouse Avenue Court on Monday took cognizance of supplementary chargesheet filed

                      against BRS leader K Kavitha by the CBI in Delhi Excise Policy case

        OUR BUREAU                                                                                            sheet to the counsel for K Kavitha
                                                                                                              and others.
        New Delhi
                                                                                                                  The matter has been listed for
            n line with the preparations for                                                                  scrutiny of  documents  on  the  next
            the state assembly elections,                                                                     date of hearing.
        IAam Aadmi Party on Saturday                                                                              The Court on July 8 reserved an
        launched “Kejriwal Ki 5 Guarantee”                                                                    order on cognizance of the charge
        for Haryana. Prominent leaders of                                                                     sheet (third supplementary charge
        the party, including Delhi Chief Min-                                                                 sheet in this case.)
        ister  Arvind  Kejriwal’s  wife,  Suni-                                                                   Advocate DP Singh had submit-
        ta Kejriwal, AAP Rajya Sabha MP                                                                       ted that cognizance of the offense
        Sanjay Singh, Punjab CM Bhagwant                                                                      has already been taken. We are
        Mann, Sandeep Pathak and Sushil                                                                       aware that a policy was made and the
        Gupta were present at the occasion.                                                                   influence of South Group was there.
            The first guarantee given by the                                                                  All key people in the group worked
        AAP is to provide free and 24-hour                                                                    under Kavitha’s command.
        electricity.                                                                                              Singh  also  read  over  the state-
           “Like in Delhi and Punjab, all old                                                                 ments of TDP MP Magunta S Red-
        domestic pending bills will be waived.                                                                dy,  who  met  Delhi  Chief  Minister
        Power cuts will be stopped, and ar-                                                                   Arvind Kejriwal on March 16, 2021.
        rangements will be made for 24-hour         Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi CM and AAP Convenor Arvind Kejriwal    His son Raghav Magunta also con-
        electricity like in Delhi and Punjab,”   with Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, AAP MPs Sanjay Singh, Sandeep Pathak and   firmed this.
        the party said.                     others during the launch of ‘Kejriwal Ki Guarantee’ for the people of Haryana ahead of the   He also submitted that there is a
            The second guarantee is that the                                                                  list of statements we are relying upon
        party, if it comes to power, will pro-             Haryana Assembly elections, on Saturday (ANI)      including Sarath Reddy, Gopi Ku-
        vide good and free healthcare for all.                                                                maran and Raghav Magunta. There
           “Like  in  Delhi  and  Punjab,  Mo-  good that people will want to enrol   ment  jobs  and  private  employment   are many people who will ultimately
        halla  Clinics  will  be  established  in   their children in government schools   for  over  12  lakh  people  have  been   speak against Kavitha.
        every village and neighbourhood of   instead of private ones. The hooli-  made,” the AAP added.           The cognizance of the offence
        cities. All government hospitals will   ganism of private schools will also be   Meanwhile, the Rouse Avenue   is already taken, this charge sheet is
        be revamped, and new government   stopped, and unjustified fee hikes by   Court  on  Monday  took  cognizance   only for limited purpose of consider-
        hospitals will be built. Every resident   private schools will be curbed,” the   of  supplementary  chargesheet  filed   ation and summoning of this accused,
        of Haryana  will  receive  free  treat-  party said.                against BRS leader K Kavitha by the   said DP Singh.
        ment, whether the illness is minor or   AAP has also promised that all   CBI in Delhi Excise Policy case. Spe-  The  Central  Bureau  of  Inves-
        major. All tests, medicines, surgeries,   mothers and sisters in the state will   cial Judge Kaveri Baweja, after tak-  tigation  (CBI)  filed  a  charge  sheet
        and treatments will be free. This will   receive Rs 1000 per month.  ing cognizance of the supplementary   against  BRS  leader  K  Kavitha  in
        save people a lot of money and pro-   Promising employment for every   charge sheet, directed the Police to   Delhi Excise Policy case on June 6.
        vide significant relief from inflation,”   youth, the AAP said that arrange-  produce the BRS leader before the   K Kavitha is in judicial custody
        the party announced.              ments will be made for employment   court through video conferencing on   in both CBI and ED cases. She was
            Speaking of the education sector,   for every unemployed youth.  July 26 at 2 PM.                 first arrested by the Enforcement Di-
        the AAP has guaranteed good, excel-  “In  just  two  years  in  Punjab,   Meanwhile, the court extended   rectorate (ED) on March 15. There-
        lent and free education.          45,000 government jobs and private   the judicial custody of Manish Siso-  after, she was arrested by the CBI on
           “Like  in  Delhi  and  Punjab,  the   employment for over three lakh peo-  dia and the other accused till July 26.  April 11. The hearing on the default
        education  mafia  will  be  eradicated.   ple have been arranged. In Delhi,   The court has directed to supply   bail plea of K Kavitha has been de-
        Government schools will be made so   arrangements  for  2.5  lakh  govern-  a copy of the supplementary charge   ferred to August 5.

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