Page 12 - The Indian EYE 072624
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OPINION JULY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 12
coast guards of the two countries the principles and rules set forth in
through “port calls, bilateral naval UNCLOS 1982. On 7 July 2014, the
exercises, along with capacity build- Arbitral Tribunal constituted under
ing, capability enhancement and UNCLOS, issued its award on the
training initiatives” and such other Bay of Bengal Maritime Boundary
activities. Both the countries have Arbitration between Bangladesh and
held regular bilateral exercises since India.
2019, for enhancing interoperability The Tribunal clearly delineated
and joint operational skills. The 4th the course of maritime boundary
iteration of bilateral exercise be- line between India and Bangladesh,
tween the Indian Navy and the Ban- in the territorial sea, the EEZ, and
gladesh Navy, BONGOSAGAR-23, the continental shelf, within and be-
was held in November 2023, in the yond 200 nautical miles. The Tribu-
Northern Bay of Bengal. nal awarded Bangladesh 19,467 sq.
km of the 25,602 sq. km sea area of
Bangladesh has been taking the Bay of Bengal.
keen interest in the Indo-Pacif- The verdict was accepted by
ic. In 2023, Bangladesh had an- both the countries.
nounced its 15-point Indo-Pa- t a time when there is height-
ened strategic uncertainty in
cific Outlook (IPO), recognising Athe world, India is seeking
the significance of the Indo-Pa- a more cooperative and integrated
cific region to its prosperity and future for the Indo-Pacific region.
From this perspective, Bangladesh is
development, being a “a littoral emerging as an important partner in
State of the Bay of Bengal”. the region. With a shared vision for a
sustainable and peaceful order in the
region and a commitment to a pros-
The outlook envisions a free, perous and connected sub-region,
open, peaceful, secure, and inclusive maritime cooperation has emerged
Indo-Pacific, for the shared pros- as one of the crucial areas of coop-
perity for all. It highlights areas in eration between the two countries.
which Bangladesh is willing to work Both the countries have reiterated
with regional partners like climate their commitment to enhance coop-
change, energy security, food securi- eration under existing regional and
ty, sustainable use and management sub-regional architectecture includ-
of oceans and seas etc. ing under the BIMSTEC and IORA,
India-Bangladesh maritime co- for their common interest and also
operation is important in the broad- India-Bangladesh maritime cooperation is important in the broader context of the Indo Pacific. for the larger interest of the Global
er context of the Indo Pacific. Along- Alongside the economic dynamism and strategic significance, the Indo-Pacific region is also South.
side the economic dynamism and faced with numerous emerging issues which need attention (File photo) India and Bangladesh have de-
strategic significance, the Indo-Pacif- veloped a multifaceted relationship
ic region is also faced with numerous which has clearly built a sense of
emerging issues which need atten- for climate change. Bangladesh join- security and the sustainable use of comfort between the two. There is
tion. The issue of climate change is ing the IPOI, on Disaster Risk Re- oceans. India is encouraging other political will on both sides to work
an existential challenge particularly duction and Management pillar is a countries to join the IPOI. Now the together. Blue economy, disaster
for low-lying areas like Bangladesh. welcome step. IPOI has partners coming on board risk reduction, sub-regional connec-
The region is also prone to frequent With Bangladesh and India from ASEAN including Indonesia, tivity, harnessing ocean resources in
disasters both natural and man- jointly leading this pillar of IPOI, Thailand, and Singapore, from Eu- a sustainable manner are some of
made. both countries can utilise their im- rope including UK, France, Italy, the major focus areas for furthering
Therefore, cooperative efforts, mense potential for taking the IPOI Germany and the US, Australia, maritime cooperation.
such as training and capacity build- forward for the peace, prosperity Japan and now in the immediate A robust India-Bangladesh
ing in HADR and disaster resilient and development of the entire re- neighbourhood with Bangladesh on partnership has the ability to work
infrastructure, are significant. Col- gion. Bangladesh’s co-leading on this board. together for the security of global
laboration across borders and sec- IPOI pillar finds resonance with the As a resident nation, India is commons to maintain stability and
tors through a variety of partnerships current focus of its development and a major stakeholder in the Indian support economic prosperity in a
is important. foreign policy on climate change. Ocean and the wider Indo-Pacific. cooperative manner in the larger In-
India has experience and capa- India’s IPOI is a promising India’s engagement with the regional do-Pacific region.
bilities in providing necessary assis- discourse, with its seven pillars; countries is deep, with initiatives like Dr. Pragya Pandey is a Research
tance in the events of natural disas- it endorses an open, inclusive, the ‘SAGAR’ and the IPOI. India’s Associate at Indian Council of World
ters. India has in the past, provided non-treaty-based global initiative partnerships in the region are natu- Affairs, New Delhi
assistance to countries in capacity for practical cooperation among rally collaborative for the common
building in the fields of disaster man- like-minded countries, in a mutually pursuit of progress and prosperity. This article first appeared in the View-
agement and resilience, sharing supportive and cooperative manner. India and Bangladesh peaceful- point section of the website (www.icwa.
knowledge on early warning system, IPOI will contribute immensely to ly settled their maritime boundary in) of Indian Council of World Affairs,
adaptation and mitigation practices various other initiatives for maritime dispute in 2014, in accordance with New Delhi, on July 9, 2024