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OPINION                                                                  JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 10

           India-Bangladesh Augmenting

                      Maritime Cooperation in

                                          the Indo-Pacific

                 India recognises Bangladesh “as a close and valued neighbour with rapidly growing

         capabilities…and a crucial partner under India’s “Neighbourhood First” policy, the “Act East”

                                 policy and the SAGAR doctrine and the Indo-Pacific vision”


              angladesh  will  join  the  Indo
              Pacific   Oceans   Initiative
        B(IPOI) to co-lead ‘Disaster
        Risk Reduction and Management’
        pillar of the IPOI, with India. This
        was one of the most important out-
        come of the Bangladesh’s Prime
        Minister (PM) Sheikh Hasina’s re-
        cent visit to India, from 21 to 22 June
        2024. It was the first incoming bilat-
        eral State Visit after the formation of
        the Government in India, following
        the 18th Lok Sabha elections.
            During the visit the ‘India-Ban-
        gladesh  Shared  Vision  for  Future:
        Enhancing Connectivity, Commerce
        and Collaboration for Shared Pros-
        perity, was announced. The vision
        document states that both the sides
        have a converging vision for a free,
        open, inclusive, secure, and  rules-
        based  Indo-Pacific.  It  highlighted
        the significance of India-Bangladesh
        partnership “to peace, security and
        stability in the region….and recog-
        nising the vulnerability of the region
        to adverse impacts of climate change,
        the two sides have agreed to co-lead
        the ‘Disaster Risk Reduction and    Indian Navy chief Admiral Dinesh K Tripathi calls on Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during his visit to Bangladesh, on Tuesday (ANI)
        Management’ pillar of the IPOI.”
        Among other important announce-
        ments made during the visit were the   SAGAR doctrine and the Indo-Pa-  to explore new avenues for naval co-  INS Ranvir, from the Eastern Naval
        signing of a MoU on Maritime Co-  cific vision”.                    operation”. During his crucial visit,   Command  arrived  at  Chattogram,
        operation and  Blue Economy, and      Marking the significance of mar-  Admiral Tripathi held bilateral dis-  Bangladesh as part of an operation-
        renewal of MoU for cooperation in   itime cooperation between the two   cussions with his counterpart Admi-  al deployment. With the aim to fur-
        Fisheries.                        neighbours,  recently  Chief  of  the   ral M Nazmul Hassan and also had a   ther ‘enhance interoperability and
            Cooperation  in  the  maritime   Indian Naval Staff Admiral Dinesh   meeting with the PM Sheikh Hasina.   cooperation between the two navies,
        domain therefore, has become an   K Tripathi visited Bangladesh for   During the meetings, the two sides   through a series of engagements and
        important facet of India-Bangla-  a  four-day  official  tour  from  01  to   reiterated long standing and robust   activities, INS Ranvir participated
        desh relations. India recognises   04  July  2024.  It  was  his  first  bilat-  ties between the navies of the two   in a Maritime Partnership Exercise
        Bangladesh “as a close and valued   eral visit since he assumed charge   countries.                   (MPX)/ PASSEX with ships of the
        neighbour with rapidly growing ca-  as the Chief of Navy in April 2024.   Coinciding  with  the  Navy   Bangladesh Navy”.
        pabilities…and a crucial partner un-  The Navy Chief’s visit was to “con-  Chief’s  visit  was  the  goodwill  visit   Frequent interactions have been
        der  India’s  “Neighbourhood  First”   solidate bilateral defence relations   by  INS  Ranvir  in  Chattogram.  On   taking place between the navies and
        policy, the “Act East” policy and the   between India and Bangladesh and   29  June  2024,  Indian  Naval  Ship   Continued on next page... >>

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