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BIG STORY JULY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 5
Biden’s disastrous performance in a
pre-presidential debate with former “India has dealt
President Donald Trump.
“I think it is good for the Dem- with both Democrats
ocratic party because the party was and Republicans”:
completely demoralized and di-
rectionless under the leadership of Former envoy
Biden right now. So it will be good
for the party,” Sachdev said. Sandhu
He said that Kamala Harris
would be a strong opponent as she ndia’s former envoy to the
will bring the women vote, especially United States and BJP lead-
on the issue of abortion. Ier, Taranjit Singh Sandhu, has
“Harris will attract the votes of said that India’s ties with the US
black women, African-American and are robust with both countries ma-
Indian-Americans as she is half-In- ture enough to deal with any issues
dian American, half African-Ameri- related to trade.
can. Right. The black women would With United States to go for
also come out probably in good num- the presidential election in No-
bers to support her. These would be vember, Sandhu said that India
two constituencies who will support has experience with governments
her. So overall, the democratic cam- Biden has endorsed Harris for the Democratic Party nomination (File photo) led by Democrats or Republicans
paign will get a lot more traction,” and the bilateral ties will also ben-
Sachdev said. Karthick Ramakrishnan, re- shape in the days ahead, Ramakrish- efit from the personal chemistry
All politicians, as a part of the searcher at University of California, nan observed that the Indian Amer- between the leaders of the two
rhetoric, say that they will defeat the Berkeley and founder of AAPI Data, ican community will get behind Har- countries.
other politician easily. said, “This really shakes up the race ris as they view her favorably. “The good part is that we (In-
“Any politician will say that they in a big way. And I can imagine a lot “Past research indicates that dia) have dealt with both (Dem-
will defeat the other person easily. of Indian American donors and ac- when you have someone who comes ocrats and Republicans)...So, the
So Donald Trump is no exception. tivists, elected officials, you know, from your community on the ballot, personal chemistry should not be a
It is also part of rhetoric for his own Pramila Jaipal already came out to- you tend to vote, your community is problem. US and India’s relation-
party, so that they do not think that day endorsing Kamala.” more likely to vote. So I would antic- ship is robust. There will always be
now we have a stronger candidate to “I think it will indeed be a game ipate Indian American turnout to be issues - of trade, of so many other
compete against. And secondly, it’s changer,” Ramakrishnan said. among the highest that it’s been in areas, that will come and I am sure
all psychological warfare in politics. Harris, whose late mother recent elections if indeed it is Harris that today both polities and de-
That’s what Trump is indulging in.” was born in India, is the first Indi- at the top of the ticket,” Ramakrish- mocracies are very mature and the
Sachdev said that there are some an-American candidate to make a nan told ANI. relationship has moved ahead...”
things, like the assassination attempt, serious run at the presidency. Indian-Americans are a relative- Sandhu told ANI.
which seem to work in Trump’s fa- In public statements and appear- ly small proportion of voters--about Relations between India and
vour. ances, Harris doesn’t shy away from 4 million in the United States--and the US have improved substantial-
“Certain things have happened her Indian heritage. She has often they traditionally skew Democratic. ly over the last 15 years as ties have
which are going in favor of Trump. publicly said, “My mother, Shyamala, Indian-Americans are also among been elevated to a comprehensive
The assassination attempt will bring came from India to study the science the most affluent voters in the coun- global strategic partnership cov-
him some sympathy votes. But more of fighting disease.” try, making them a powerful poten- ering almost all areas driven by
than that for Trump, his own enthu- As Kamala’s candidacy takes tial donor base. shared democratic values, conver-
siastic base looks at him like a semi- gence of interests on a range of is-
God, and the base says that Trump sues, and vibrant people-to-people
has been saved because God wanted contacts.
to save him so that he can do some Regular dialogue between the
bigger things for their nation,” he Leaders and visits by the leaders of
said. both countries have been instru-
Sachdeva added, “He [Trump] mental in strengthening the multi-
will get some sympathy from the as- faceted bilateral ties.
sassination attempt, but that is not During Prime Minister Naren-
enough for him to win the election. dra Modi’s visit to US in 2023, en-
And with Kamala Harris now com- gine manufacturer GE Aerospace
ing into the fray, it will be a very, very signed a Memorandum of Under-
tight contest.” standing (MoU) with Hindustan
As some of the most powerful Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to
leaders of the Democratic establish- produce fighter jet engines for the
ment embraced Vice President Ka- indigenous Light Combat Aircraft
mala Harris on Sunday after Presi- (LCA).
dent Joe Biden’s shocking exit from As the US presidential elec-
the presidential re-election race, a tions draw near, the twists and
professor of public policy and po- turns in the political scenario of
litical science has observed that the the nation continue to make big
Indian-American community could Kamala Harris with Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the White House in June 2023 (ANI) headlines.
coalesce around Kamala Harris.