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BIG STORY                                                                JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye                    4

                                             KAMALA HARRIS

                                          A GAME


                            The US vice president, whose late mother was born in India,

         will definitely energize the Democratic Party base and mobilize the Indian-American
                     donors and community as she replaces Joe Biden on top of the ticket

        OUR BUREAU
        Washington, DC

           n an expected decision, US Pres-
           ident Joe Biden announced on
        ISunday that he was not seeking
        re-election in the “best interest” of
        the party and the country. Biden said
        he will speak to the nation later this
        week in more detail about his deci-
        sion. “And while it has been my in-
        tention to seek reelection, I believe it
        is in the best interest of my party and
        the country for me to stand down and
        to focus solely on fulfilling my duties
        as President for the remainder of my
        term. I will speak to the Nation later
        this week in more detail about my de-
        cision,” Biden stated in a letter post-
        ed on X, just four months before the
        presidential elections in the US.
            Biden expressed gratitude to US
        Vice President Kamala Harris for
        being an “extraordinary partner” to
        him.  He  even  thanked  people  who
        worked for his re-election.
            He  said,  “For  now,  let  me  ex-
        press my deepest gratitude to all
        those who have worked so hard to
        see me reelected. I want to thank        Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, warned about the threat posed by former US President Donald Trump’s second term
        Vice President Kamala Harris for                              and stressed that it is time to support Kamala Harris (File photo)
        being an extraordinary partner in
        all this work. And let me express my   warned about the threat posed by for-  Trump term. He has promised to be   Harris as the Democratic nominee to
        heartfelt appreciation to the Amer-  mer US President Donald Trump’s   a dictator on day one, and the recent   become the next president will create
        ican  people  for  the  faith  and  trust   second term and stressed that it is   ruling by his servile Supreme Court   enthusiasm and inject energy to the
        you have placed in me. I believe to-  time to support Kamala Harris.  will only embolden him to further   Democrat  poll  campaign,  just  100
        day what I always have: that there    “We are honored to join the Pres-  shred  the  Constitution.  Now  is  the   days ahead of the election.
        is nothing America can’t do - when   ident in endorsing Vice President   time to support Kamala Harris and   Robinder  Sachdev,  Foreign  Ex-
        we do it together. We just have to re-  Harris and will do whatever we can   fight  with  everything  we’ve  got  to   pert and the founder president of
        member we are the United States of   to support her. We’ve lived through   elect her. America’s future depends   New Delhi-based The Imagindia
        America.”                         many ups and downs, but nothing has   on it,” they said.            Institute,  stated  that Harris’ nom-
            In the joint statement, Bill Clin-  made us more worried for our coun-  US President Joe Biden’s en-  ination was inevitable following
        ton  and  his  wife,  Hillary  Clinton,   try than the threat posed by a second   dorsement of Vice President Kamala   Continued on next page... >>

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