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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline JULY 26, 2024 | The Indian Eye 21
Have a healthy and fulfilling sex life. Care is available for people of all
gender identities, sexual orientations, and immigration statuses:
STI prevention, testing, and care HIV prevention (PEP and PrEP), testing, and care
Mpox and other vaccinations Reproductive health LGBTQIA+ health VISIT
Information and resources NYC.GOV/SEXUALHEALTH
Low to no cost care is available at many facilities,
including all City-run sites.
missioner Laura Kavanagh. “We im- of people’s homes, these sidewalk 442 more. Notably, in 2023, 133 fires New York City. Once fully staffed,
plore every user of a device with a charging cabinets will vastly improve started from lithium-ion batteries approval decisions are anticipated
lithium-ion battery to closely review the safety of our built environment.” that were not charging, compared to to take no more than six weeks, with
this campaign and see for yourselves “Uncertified lithium-ion bat- 91 that occurred while they were. prioritized approvals for new tech-
the deadly and destructive fires the teries pose immense danger for our SIMPLIFYING SAFE E-BIKE nologies. The city will publish clear
device in your home may cause. We neighbors and communities, and CHARGER INSTALLATION guidance for building owners on how
are not kidding around, and need we’re proud to stand with our sis- to improve charging safety in their
everyone to think about their safety, ter agencies in taking bold action to o address fire safety concerns buildings. The FDNY will also up-
and the safety of their families, their keep New Yorkers safe,” said New and promote the safe use of date its website to make it easier for
neighbors, and first responders.” York City Department of Consum- Telectric micromobility devices, companies that sell lithium-ion bat-
“Thanks to the Adams adminis- er and Worker Protection Commis- DOT is proposing a rule to expedite tery storage and swapping cabinets
tration’s efforts, New York continues sioner Vilda Vera Mayuga. “Delivery approvals for property owners to in- to receive FDNY approval. To pro-
to be the safest big city in the coun- workers, like all workers, deserve stall electric micromobility device vide further guidance on lithium-ion
try, and, with the launch of the new safe equipment to perform their jobs battery swapping and charging cab- battery policies, the city will convene
Safe Charging Accelerator, we are and we thank the mayor and Com- inets on public sidewalks, which is a working group consisting of repre-
continuing to be a national leader in missioner Rodriguez for delivering currently prohibited. This rule will sentatives from tech companies, real
the field of building safety,” said New for them by establishing this first- enable property owners, or commer- estate stakeholders, and municipal
York City Department of Buildings of-its-kind program to provide safer cial tenants with the property owner’s experts focused on transportation
(DOB) Commissioner James Oddo. devices for some of our city’s hardest consent, to apply for a permit to in- and fire safety. Within 90 days of con-
“Through the Accelerator, DOB is workers.” stall a battery swapping and charging vening, that group will issue a set of
working in close coordination with Illegal and unregulated batteries cabinet in front of their business on recommendations on how to update
our partner agencies on a stream- — which power tens of thousands of the sidewalk. Each cabinet must com- city rules and processes to increase
lined approval process for property micromobility devices in New York ply with specific siting and dimension- adoption of safe charging cabinets.
owners who are looking to safely in- City — pose significant risks to res- al requirements and undergo FDNY A public hearing on the ad-
stall new sidewalk charging cabinets idents and first responders due to and DOB review and approval. ministration’s battery swapping and
outside of their buildings. The dan- their potential for explosive and To support this effort, the FDNY charging cabinets rule will be held
gers associated with poorly manufac- deadly fires. Since 2019, lithium-ion will hire additional staff to allow for online on August 21 at 10:00 AM.
tured lithium-ion batteries are clear, batteries have started 733 fires, kill- expedited safety inspections and Applications for the program will
and by taking these batteries out ing 29 New Yorkers and injuring approvals of equipment for use in open at the end of 2024.