Page 20 - The Indian EYE 072624
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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 20

           Mayor Adams takes new actions to prevent deadly Lithium-

           Ion Battery Fires, Promote safe E-Bike Charging and Usage

           DOT to Propose Rules Expediting Approvals and Removing Barriers to Allow Property

               Owners to More Quickly Install Safe, Outdoor E-Battery Charging Infrastructure

              dministration to Launch $2
              Million Trade-In Program for
        AUnsafe E-Bikes, E-Mobility
        Devices, and Batteries
            FDNY  Invests  $1  Million  Into
        Education Campaign Following New
        Data  Showing  59  Percent  of  2023
        Lithium-Ion Battery Fires Occurred
        While Batteries Were Not Charging
            New York City Mayor Eric Ad-
        ams today launched the New York
        City Safe Charging Accelerator to en-
        sure safe e-bike usage and charging,
        and  to  prevent  deadly  lithium-ion
        battery fires in New York City. As a
        part of this accelerator, the New York
        City  Department  of  Transportation
        (DOT) will propose a rule to expe-
        dite approvals for property owners
        to more quickly install e-bike battery
        swapping and charging cabinets on
        public  sidewalks, removing barriers
        to their installation and making them
        accessible and usable for e-bike us-
        ers. Additionally, DOT will launch
        the  nation’s  first  municipal  trade-in
        pilot program for unsafe e-bikes and
        other powered mobility devices and
        their batteries, allowing eligible food
        delivery workers to replace their un-  fires and make use of safe lithium-ion  said  Chief  of  Staff  Camille  Joseph  III. “We should not be losing any
        safe devices with certified, high-qual-  batteries more affordable. We’re cut-  Varlack. “I am proud New York City  lives to this, and these efforts will go
        ity e-bikes and batteries. Finally, the  ting red tape so property owners can  and the mayor’s E-Micromobility In-  a long, long way toward getting us
        Fire Department of the City of New  install charging stations outside, in  teragency  Task  Force  is  leading  the  to  that  goal of  zero.  We’ve already
        York (FDNY) will launch a $1 million  front of their buildings. We’re also  way on this urgent issue.”  made progress thanks to New York-
        public education and awareness cam-  launching the nation’s first municipal   “We must deliver safety to the  ers heeding the warnings about these
        paign on the dangers of unsafe lithi-  trade-in program, so delivery workers  people who deliver everything we  devices, and we’re going to continue
        um-ion batteries, following new data  can swap their dangerous bikes and  want to our doorstep every day.  to give them the tools and support
        showing  that  59  percent  of  2023’s  batteries  for  certified,  safe  versions.  That’s why we’re making sure that  they need to stay safe.”
        lithium-ion battery fires started when  And we’re launching a new cam-  safe charging and storage equipment   “E-bikes are critical tools used by
        those batteries were not charging.  paign to let New Yorkers know that  can be on our streets, where on-de-  tens of thousands of delivery workers
        These steps build on Mayor Adams’  charging or not, uncertified batteries  mand delivery workers need it; that  to support our economy,” said DOT
        “Charge Safe, Ride Safe: New York  can be ticking time bombs. When  e-bike safety education is widespread  Commissioner  Ydanis  Rodriguez.
        City’s Electric Micromobility Action  New Yorkers face danger, this ad-  and easy to access; and delivery work-  “By providing these workers with re-
        Plan” to promote public safety as  ministration will take decisive action,  ers have the chance to swap a danger-  liable, safe equipment, we are helping
        e-bike usage continues to skyrocket.  and  that  is  what  we  have  done  and  ous bike and battery for a new one,”  protect this workforce, their neigh-
            “When used correctly, e-bikes  continue to do with respect to deadly  said Deputy Mayor for Operations  bors and loved ones, and all New
        are a convenient, low-cost transpor-  lithium-ion battery fires.”   Meera  Joshi.  “In  addition  to  these  Yorkers who rely on them each day.
        tation option that reduce congestion   “The  Adams   administration  critical  fire  safety  measures,  we  are  We  look  forward  to  engaging  with
        and emissions, and tens of thousands   knows e-micromobility is a critical  hard at work with our partners in the  delivery stakeholders and with the
        of delivery workers rely on them ev-  tool many New Yorkers use for work,  City Council to create regulatory au-  broader public as we work together
        ery day,” said Mayor Adams. “But  commuting, and pleasure, and we  thority to more broadly control who  to make our city safer for everyone.”
        too  often,  those bikes are  powered  want to ensure our residents have  uses our streets for profit and how.”  “The reality is that lithium-ion
        by  unsafe,  uncertified  batteries  that  more  access  to  new  technology and   “The fact of the matter is that  batteries can be dangerous even if
        at any minute could combust. That  guidance that allows them to charge  deaths caused by lithium-ion battery  they  are  certified,  and  even  if  they
        is why we are doing everything in our  and store their lithium-ion batteries  fires  are  preventable,”  said  Deputy  are not charging,” said FDNY Com-
        power to put a stop to these deadly  safely and prevent dangerous fires,”  Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks

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