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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 18

          Indian government names former foreign secretary

                   Vinay Kwatra as the next Ambassador to US

             The nomination will be followed by procedural formalities in the US following which

         Kwatra will be taking over in Washington DC. Since January this year, the post of India’s

               Ambassador to the US had been lying vacant when Taranjit Singh Sandhu retired

        OUR BUREAU
        New Delhi/Washington, DC
             ormer Indian Foreign Secretary
             Vinay Mohan Kwatra has been
        Fnominated as the next Indian
        Ambassador to the US. India has offi-
        cially communicated this nomination
        to the US. Kwatra, a career diplomat,
        previously served in China, the US, in
        Modi’s office, and as India’s envoy to
        France  before  his  tenure  as  the  top
        bureaucrat in the foreign ministry.
            His immediate priority will be to
        engage with officials who could play
        a crucial role in India-related policy
        during the next US administration.
        India-US ties have strengthened over
        the past two decades, and Kwatra’s
        appointment aims to bring certainty
        to this important relationship as coun-
        tries prepare for a potential change in
        administration after the upcoming US
            The timing of the new US Am-
        bassador’s appointment by India is
        critical as for some time now India-US
        relations have been going through a
        churn as the US has expressed its dis-
        pleasure over India’s ties with Russia.
        Moreover, the US is pressing India to
        act against those who tried to allegedly
        kill Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh
        Pannun. An Indian Origin man, Nikh-
        il  Gupta,  was  arrested  in  the  Czech
        Republic and was deported to the US
        at the behest of US authorities.                 External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar receives a warm welcome from Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra
            The nomination will be followed
        by procedural formalities in the US   Minister S Jaishankar bid farewell to   well in his future endeavours,” EAM   tary began on July 15 as the extension
        following which Kwatra will be taking   outgoing  Foreign  Secretary  Kwatra,   Jaishankar said in a post on X. Jais-  granted to Kwatra ended on July 14.
        over in Washington DC. Since January   acknowledging his profound contri-  hankar wished the outgoing Foreign   Kwatra had been given a six-month
        this year, the post of India’s Ambassa-  butions to India’s foreign policy and   Secretary the best for his future en-  extension in March this year.
        dor to the US had been lying vacant   national security over the past de-  deavours.                      Misri, 59, has the unique honour
        when Taranjit Singh Sandhu retired.  cade. Jaishankar praised Kwatra for   Now, Vikram Misri, who was   of having served as private secretary
            External Affairs Minister S Jais-  his strategic acumen in shaping and   serving as the Deputy National Se-  to three Prime Ministers - Inder Ku-
        hankar  thanked  outgoing  Foreign   executing crucial policies  during his   curity Adviser, has been appointed   mar Gujral in 1997, Manmohan Singh
        Secretary Vinay Kwatra for his ded-  tenure.                        as India’s new Foreign Secretary. The   in 2012, and Narendra Modi in 2014.
        ication and contributions in the field   “Thank outgoing Foreign Secre-  Appointments Committee of Cabinet   Born in Srinagar, Misri was In-
        of foreign policy and national security,   tary Vinay Kwatra for his dedication   (ACC) approved the proposal made   dia’s ambassador to China and played
        as his tenure ended on last Saturday.   and  many  contributions  in  the  field   by the Ministry of External Affairs for   a  significant  part  in  discussions  be-
        EAM Jaishankar thanked Vinay Kwa-  of foreign policy and national securi-  appointing Vikram Misri as the next   tween India and China following the
        tra for helping strategize and execute   ty. Particularly in the last decade, he   Foreign  Secretary,  succeeding  Vinay   2020  Galwan  Valley  clashes  that  re-
        many key policies in the last decade.  has helped strategise and execute so   Mohan Kwatra as Foreign Secretary.  sulted from the actions of the Chinese
            On  July  14,  External  Affairs   many of our key policies. Wish him   Misri’s tenure as Foreign Secre-  military in Eastern Ladakh.

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