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NORTH AMERICAN Newsline                                                  JULY 26, 2024     |  The Indian Eye 26

                         AAPI’s first-ever World Health

                   Congress Concludes In New York

            In her keynote address, Smriti Irani, shared with the over 1,500 AAPI delegates who came
                   from across the United States about the many contributions of India to the world

        OUR BUREAU                        She thanked the AAPI members for  address, Adams lauded the contribu-  tion, and knowledge, highlighting the
                                          their great contributions and services  tions of Indian American physicians  significance  of  continuous  learning
        New York, NY
                                          to the people of the United States  across the United States, especially  and education in personal growth.
              he  first  ever  World  Health  and for their motherland India.   during the Covid pandemic. “When   The CEO Forum was moderated
              Congress  organized  by  the    The  World  Health  Congress,  you  look  at  the  1000s  of  physicians  by  Dr.  Achintya  Moulick,  Chair  of
        TAmerican Association of Phy-     which  began  on  July  18th  with  the  across the country, you walk into any  the  AAPI  World  Health  Congress.
        sicians of Indian origin (AAPI) held  cutting of the Ribbon by the Mayor  hospital, the emergency rooms, espe-  In his opening remarks, Dr. Mou-
        from  July  18-22nd,  2024  came  to  a  of New York City, Eric Adams is be-  cially during COVID, you were pres-  lick said, “The first World Congress
        close here at the Marriott Marquis on  ing attended by over 1,000 physicians  ent. You were there, and you sacri-  of AAPI signals the beginning of a
        Times Square in New York City with  and has over 80 speakers and CEOs  ficed your own health to make sure of  new chapter for the organization
        the call by the outgoing President, Dr.  from around the globe, provide the  the health of this entire country. Your  which  has  had  a  significant  impact
        Anajana Samadder to work towards  delegates with an unparalleled op-  contributions are so rare.”     on American healthcare. The goal
        the realization of the mission of AAPI.  portunity to network, learn, and ex-  Dr. Mehmet Oz delivered an in-  for me as the first convention chair
            “I want to thank the AAPI dele-  plore groundbreaking advancements  spiring talk on “Living the Good Life”  of  the  World  Congress  is  to  bring
        gates, sponsors and organizing com-  across healthcare disciplines.  sharing with delegates who had assem-  healthcare providers, entrepreneurs,
        mittee who have put together such     Some of the key speakers ad-  bled at the Broadway Ballroom his  financial bodies and policymakers to-
        a great event at the heart of New  dressed the delegates at the  Congress  insights into wellness and health opti-  gether and create a perfect gathering
        York City,” Dr. Samadder said in her  included:  Dr.  Mehmet  Oz,  Ameri-  mization that resonate deeply within  of first, second and third generation
        concluding address.  “We have had  can television personality, Physician,  and beyond the medical community.  physicians and other healthcare pro-
        an  exciting  1st  ever  World  Health  Author, and Professor Emeritus of   Sri Brahmrishi SiddhGuru Gu-  viders of Indian origin lead the way
        Congress  that  was  full  of  fun-filled,  cardiothoracic  surgery  at  Columbia  rudev, while bestowing his blessings on  for the future of global health.”
        educational and entertaining. There  University; Eric Adamas, Mayor of  the organizers and the AAPI delegates   The  CEO  had  industry  leaders
        was something for everyone, includ-  New  York  City;  Smriti  Zubin  Irani,  called the Indian American Physicians  from healthcare, pharma and IT, in-
        ing the younger generation, the teen-  an Indian politician and former ac-  “the best” in the world, because “they  cluding Dr. Oz; Edward Chan, 1315
        agers, and children, as wells to the  tress,  fashion  model,  and  television  give their best to the world.” He laud-  Capitall; Michael Kopko,, Co-found-
        AAPI members, making it a family  producer; Binaya Srikanta Pradhan,  ed them for their virtues of “learning,  er & CEO | Pearl Health; Hemanth
        event,” said Dr. Samadder.        Consul  General  of  India  in  New  earning and returning” that makes  Neeli,,  Inhospital Physicians;  Is-
            In her keynote address at the  York, Dilip Chauhan, Deputy Com-  them stand out across the globe.  han Shivanand,,  Yoga of Immortals
        gala on Sunday night, Smriti Irani,  missioner for Trade, Investment and   Pramukh Swami  Dr.  Swami  (YOI); and Dr. Samin Sharma, The
        a  former  Cabinet  Minister  of  India  Innovation, and NY Assembly wom-  Gyanvatsal, a Motivational Speaker  Mount Sinai Hospital, Director, Car-
        and a Bollywood star shared with the  an Jenifer Rajkumar.          from  Akshardham,  BAPS  Swami-   diovascular Clinical Institute. The in-
        over 1,500 AAPI delegates who came    New York City Mayor Eric Ad-  naryan Mandir presented his inspi-  spiration forum deliberated on ways
        from across the United States about  ams  inaugurated the World Health  rational talk on “Physician Burnout.”  to provide the best and most efficient
        the many contributions of India to  Congress of Physicians with the cut-  Swami Gyanvasti Dr. Gyan Vatsal fo-  healthcare delivery to patients, with
        the world, especially in the health-  ting of the Ribbon and a powerful  cused on various aspects of personal  minimum cost and how AI has and
        care filed and the numerous achieve-  and memorable inaugural address  development, spirituality, social har-  will  influence  healthcare  delivery  in
        ments of the Government of India.  on July 18th, 2024. In his inaugural  mony, giving back to society, educa-  the US and around the world.

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