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OP-ED                                                                     JULY 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 15

                 THE ERA OF ROBOTS


                      The relationship between humans and robots is now changing,
                              as robots move out of the factories and into social life

               SADHNA SHANKER

              recent news item spoke about
              how Indian factories are rap-
        A idly adopting the use of robots
        in manufacturing. About fifteen years
        ago less than a hundred robots were
        made for industry in India, howev-
        er  now  that  figure  stands  at  nearly
        6000 annually. This is a hall mark of
        the fourth industrial revolution or                                                                         Picture courtsey :
        industry  4.0  that  is  characterized  by
        ongoing automation of traditional  devices – they have transformed into   homes. During the pandemic ‘Mitra’  researchers, automation almost al-
        manufacturing and industrial practic-  agile, mobile, autonomous machines   a robot made by a start up in Ben-  ways creates more jobs. Most of us
        es, using modern smart technology,  that can do everything from driving   galuru was used in many hospitals in  above  fifty  would  remember  book-
        robotics and the internet of things.  cars to helping create better planned   India to help in taking vital readings  ing a trunk call to another city years
            The word “robot” was coined in  cities.                         of patients and help in consultations.  ago. Telephone exchanges employed
        1920 by the Czech playwright Karel    The era of robotics has arrived,   They are also used in rehabilitation  many people. But the telecom ex-
        Capek in his play “R.U.R.” (“Ros-  driven primarily by the rapid innova-  to help patients exercise, and mea-  plosion has created far more jobs as
        sum’s Universal  Robots”). Science  tions in technology of smart phones.   sure their improvements.   connectivity and automation have
        fiction  picked  it  up,  and  for  most  The smart phone brought fast wire-  Driverless cars, drones that help  transformed communication. A Yale
        people robots conjure up images of  less communication, nano computer   in  managing  traffic  in  emergencies,  University study that looked at Jap-
        ferocious human like machines that  chips, and cheap sensors and camer-  in warehouses, agriculture and even  anese manufacturing between 1978
        are looking to conquer the Earth.  as. Apart from bringing the world in   in war – robots are everywhere. The  and 2017 found that an increase of
        However, in reality historically ro-  our palm, this technology has trans-  current conflict between Russia and  one robot unit per 1,000 workers
        bots have been inelegant mechanical  formed robotics. The leaps in ma-  Ukraine has seen the dawn of war  boosted a company’s employment by
        devices assisting in factories.   chine learning ensure that robots are   from a distance being fought virtu-  2.2%.
            The relationship between hu-  able to make better decisions about   ally by remote control, automated   How things transform in the
        mans and robots is now changing,  their surroundings.               systems,  and  artificial  intelligence.  coming era of industry 4.0 and new
        as robots move out of the factories   These advances are going to   The  Indian  government  notified  a  age  robots  is  difficult  to  predict.
        and into social life. Many of us would  change the way we live. Robots are   Drone traffic management policy in  However, employers will have to in-
        have seen clips on our phones of box  not going to work for us; they are   October 2021. Robots are used for  vest in lifelong learning, and upskill-
        like robots trundling along pave-  going to increasingly work with us.   the mundane,  dull, repetitive  and  ing of employees. On the other hand,
        ments making deliveries of food and  Apart from surgeries, robots are in-  dangerous jobs – freeing up people  we will have to learn to coexist with
        medicine during COVID. Robotic  creasingly being used to complement   for the more important jobs.    the robots that we will interact with
        surgery is being done extensively in  the work of care of the ill and the   One of the biggest fears is about  on nearly a daily basis.
        Indian hospitals.                 elderly. Cleaning, moving materi-  job loss on account of the advent of   Sadhna Shanker is a writer
            Robots are no more mechanical  als, and even entertaining in old age   robots. As is pointed out by many    based in New Delhi, India

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