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OPINION                                                                   JULY 22, 2022  |   The Indian Eye 12

            Far-right extremists use violence                                                                 country, for those willing to leave
        or threat of violence to advocate,                                                                    such lifestyles behind.
        among other things, ethno-White                                                                           India must keep a close watch
        supremacy and violent overthrow of                                                                    on these developments, especially if
        state authorities. They are both an-                                                                  the far-right elements come to pow-
        ti-feminist and anti-Semitic. Unlike                                                                  er. Even if they do not form govern-
        Islamist radicals, far-right extrem-                                                                  ments, individuals professing such
        ists generally do not claim responsi-                                                                 views could occupy important port-
        bility for their actions in the attacks’                                                              folios. The far-right agenda is seeped
        aftermath. They want to preserve                                                                      with protectionist, anti-globalist, and
        the secrecy associated with their                                                                     anti-immigration attitudes, which
        organizations, thereby preventing                                                                     frequently have resulted in violence
        authorities from bringing the outfits                                                                 in these countries. Such worldviews
        onto their radar.                                                                                     can negatively undermine Indian in-
            These outfits or individuals also                                                                 terests.
        prefer to operate in a decentralized                                                                      India and other Asian countries
        manner. Louis Beam, in Essays of                                                                      also must no longer depend on the
        a Klansman, advocated for White                                                                       West, led by the US, to uphold the
        supremacists to form leaderless and                                                                   liberal democratic values that have
        smaller groups, to create an ‘intelli-                                                                sustained the post-World War II era.
        gence nightmare’ for security agen-                                                                   They must seek alternative arrange-
        cies. James Mason, who advocated   perceived ineptitude of governments   was  dissolved.  The  charges  against   ments to strengthen their guard
        for the establishment of a succes-  to address worldwide socio-econom-  this company included indulging in   against far-right ideologies perme-
        sor state to Nazi Germany, called   ic and health crises.           extreme-right rock music and per-  ating these countries. India is the
        on his supporters (in his collection   What  ‘oppressed’  far-right  find   forming Nazi salutes. The trigger for   world’s largest democracy and the
        of newsletters, Siege) to selectively   problematic is the demand for equi-  the unit’s disbandment came when   most important bastion in regional
        target and eliminate people, while   table rights by supporters of ‘Jewish   one of its Sergeant Majors, who had   affairs to lead this task.
        fomenting a White supremacist in-  Marxist’ elites and the latter’s at-  served in the company for 20 years,   The beginnings of the National
        surgency against the host state.  tempts at replacing them from posi-  was found to have concealed stolen   Socialist  Party  or  the  Nazi  Party  in
            The far-right draws inspiration   tions of authority, which they believe   explosives and ammunition, along-  Germany, while initially appearing
        from martyrdom tactics propound-  rightfully belongs to them. Unsur-  side Nazi mementoes.            as benign, culminated in the hor-
        ed by ISIS, and generally, while not   prisingly, President Barack Obama’s   Governments, social media  fo-  rors of the Holocaust and World
        always, convene online on platforms   inauguration in 2008 sent a shock   rums, and civil society organizations   War II. Although governments and
        such as Telegram, Gab, Twitch, Dis-  wave across the conservative Repub-  have adopted several measures to   societies now are cognizant of such
        cord, and Facebook. They also rely   licans, several of whom, by January   counter the surge in far-right extrem-  nefarious tendencies, they still need
        on social media and on seeming-   2021, tilted towards the extreme far-  ism. Initiatives like Verlassen Sie   to strengthen their efforts to counter
        ly innocuous posts to further their   right.                        Deutschland or Exit Germany have   this menace. Former German Interi-
        agenda.                               Fictional novels and movies have   become successful. Since its incep-  or Minister, Horst Seehofer, pointed
            Far-right extremists bestow titles   inspired some deplorable, mass-ca-  tion in 2000, it has reported at least   to mounting evidence of “brutaliza-
        such as ‘saints’ on White perpetrators   sualty terrorist attacks. William Lu-  800 successful cases and a mere 3 per   tion” of German society on account
        carrying out acts  of mass violence.   ther Pierce’s The Turner Diaries   cent recidivism rate. It counsels those   of rising far-right crimes. Extremism
        They use channels like Telegram to   inspired  the  April  1995  Oklahoma   willing to leave the far-right lifestyle   is a sociological challenge and must
        praise these individuals and encour-  City Bombing, a coordinated attack   behind. It also provides practical aid   be treated as such. The far-right
        age others to follow suit. Adulation   by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nich-  to those looking to disengage from   taps into the emotions of people
        of mass  violence,  as indicated  by   ols on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal   extremist movements through mea-  and exploits their socio-econom-
        hashtags such as #pleaseletitbewhite   Building which wounded more than   sures such as police protection and a   ic grievances to further its cause. If
        on several encrypted Telegram chan-  600, including children at a daycare   new identity.             not tackled effectively, at the societal
        nels every time a shooting occurs,   centre and killed 168 people. Until   Additional steps that need to be   and governmental level, such ideolo-
        indicates the gravity of the situation.   9/11, this was the deadliest attack on   taken to contain the far-right threat   gies could lead to the collapse of the
        This occurs primarily in countries   American  soil  and  the  first  known   include the need to increase funding   liberal and rules-based domestic and
        such as the US, where easy access to   significant act of violent domestic ex-  for research into such issues. Re-  international orders.
        guns  exacerbates the threat of far-  tremism.                      search centres should be set up to
        right terrorism.                      Far-right forces have gradually   evaluate challenges through policy   Saman Ayesha Kidwai is
            Far-right extremism has emerged   infiltrated  armed  forces  and  police   and academic prisms. There is also   Research Analyst at Manohar Parri-
        as a counter-response to what White   as serving or retired personnel, par-  a need to create a mutually accessi-  kar Institute for Defense Studies and
        supremacists consider acts of attri-  ticularly in the US, Germany and the   ble database for affected countries   Analyses, New Delhi.
        tion against their culture, values, tra-  UK. In the US, Proud Boys and Oath   and their intelligence agencies to
        dition and identity. Far-right ideolo-  Keepers—far-right, armed militias   draft global strategies to counter the   Views expressed are of the author and
        gies are being rebranded to become   comprised of former and serving   far-right threat, focusing on overall   do not necessarily reflect the views of
        more relevant by mainstreaming it   service officials, stormed the Capitol   profiles, logos, attacks and threat as-  the Manohar Parrikar IDSA or of the
        worldwide. Some of the fundamen-  Hill. A grand jury charged several   sessments of various neo-Nazi and     Government of India.
        tal reasons why neo-liberal model   of them with seditious conspiracy   neo-fascist groups. It is vital to boost
        has been declining in proportion to   in June 2022. Neo-Nazi inclinations   digital literacy to counter misinfor-  This is the abridged version of the In-
        far-right’s resonance with ordinary   within the German army continue   mation and disinformation stemming   troduction of the book which appeared
        people is due to the re-assertion of   to haunt that country’s armed forc-  from  conspiracy  theories.  Finally,   first in the Comment section of the
        nationalist identities, lack of trust in   es. In July 2020, the second compa-  it is paramount to set up rehabilita-  website ( of Manohar Par-
        liberal democratic governance and   ny of the Kommando Spezialkräfte   tion programmes based on the Ger-  rikar Institute for Defense Studies and
        moderate media platforms, and the   (Special Forces Command, KSK)   man format, tailor-made to suit each   Analyses, New Delhi on July 12, 2022

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