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SPECIAL FEATURE JULY 22, 2022 | The Indian Eye 16
Wisdom from the life and talks of HH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
Honored Yet Humble
alidas, the classical Sanskrit author, in his PRAISING OTHERS
epic poem, Raghuvansha, describes unique
Swamishri’s humility was of tremendous depth
Kqualities of King Dilip: because not only did he never desire the accolades
“Gnãne maunam kshmã shaktau, and was not affected by them, but he was able to
tyãge shlãghãviparyayaha.” effortlessly congratulate those around him. Just as
the roots of a tree send water and nutrients to each
[“He was knowledgeable, silent, able to forgive, leaf through the trunk, branches, twigs, and leaves,
strong, charitable,above self-praise.”] while themselves tolerating the dark underground,
Swamishri tolerated untold hardships, while prais-
Instead of a simple list of virtues, Kalidas in-
forms the reader that King Dilip brought together ing and nurturing those around him.
In 1985, at the conclusion of the grand 59-day
seemingly contradictory virtues. He was knowl- bicentenary celebrations of Gunatitanand Swami,
edgeable, but without the desire to let everyone all praised Swamishri’s ability to execute such a re-
know it. He was blessed with modest silence. The markable festival. On the final day, during the con-
king was powerful, but he chose to forgive. His cluding assembly for volunteers, Swamishri said
charity and detachment were free from self-praise. to the 15,000 volunteers, “Nothing is achieved by
King Dilip exemplified virtues that seemingly could one person. This festival was a success because of
not coexist. all of you. Everyone contributed in their own way.
If Kalidas were to describe the life of Pramukh
Swami Maharaj, he would use a similar approach. We are truly blessed by God and guru. Your efforts
have made this all possible. All I did was just sit on
Pramukh Swami Maharaj was revered throughout this chair…” Swamishri praised the devotees for
the world, yet he remained ever humble. He was their selfless service and sacrifice and claimed to
praised by both princes and paupers, royalty and have done nothing himself. However, the previous
religious leaders, tribesmen and technocrats. Yet, two years leading to the bicentenary celebrations
despite such widespread praise and honor, Swa- highlights the depth of Swamishri’s humility. He
mishri remained grounded and unaffected.
had travelled and toil diligently to make the festi-
REVERED AND RENOWNED WORLDWIDE Such was the world’s exalted opinion of Swa- val a success. But he chose to forget his own efforts
Measuring the praise Pramukh Swami Maharaj mishri’s spotless character, selfless service to soci- and highlight the efforts of others.
received throughout his life would be futile. Howev- ety and spirituality. ALL THE PRAISE IS NOT ENOUGH…
er, the experiences shared by people from different There was not an aspect of Pramukh Swami
backgrounds all over the world showed how his life UNPHASED BY UNIVERSAL ACCLAIM Maharaj’s life that did not touch someone. Some
touched people of all backgrounds to the core. The Despite receiving so many accolades, Swa- were impressed by his humanitarian work, while
former Solicitor General of Canada, Bob Kaplan, mishri remained untouched by them. Just as others were moved by his spotless character. His
said, “If the world learnt from Swamishri, then it fruit-bearing branches of a tree bow due to their mandir-building or how he inspired youths to re-
can become a place free of crime, war and terror- weight, Swamishri, too, remained ever humble. nounce worldly ambitions astounded many. Others
ism, and become a more peaceful place to live.” On countless occasions throughout his life, he were left speechless when they witnessed his devo-
Jain Acharya Pujya Muni Sushilkumarji hailed shunned any acclaim that came his way and deflect-
Pramukh Swami Maharaj’s leadership, proclaim- ed it to others. After Swaminarayan Akshardham tion to God and his gurus. The mountains of praise
Swamishri received bears testament to this. Amidst
ing, “He is not only the leader of the Swamina- opened in New Delhi in 2005, many lauded Swa- this, he remained untouched by ego; in fact, he
rayan Sampradaya… not only Hindu Dharma, but mishri for building such a breathtaking monument. shunned the tributes, and was even able to shower
of all Indian society.” After all, it was a feat of unparalleled coordination praise on everyone else. His life was a pinnacle of
The head of the Ramanuj Sampradaya, Pujya and management to have completed the entire
Varad Yatiraj Jeer Swami, said, “By the presence maha-mandir in five years. Instead of accepting humility. This year, as we celebrate his centennial
year, let us also resolve to live a life of humility. Not
of such a sadhu, all of humanity is uplifted.” the praise showered upon him from everyone who only will it make us happier, but it will also make
Pujya Swami Chinmayanandji, of the Chinma- was overwhelmed by Akshardham’s beauty and
ya Mission, lauded, “Pramukh Swami Maharaj is messages, Swamishri repeatedly attributed all the those around us happier.
a God-realized sadhu. His presence rids people of achievements and glory to guru Yogiji Maharaj and Paramsetudas Swami
their materialistic desires.” other volunteers who helped in the construction. BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha